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Everything posted by fundgh

  1. You mean that you didn't notice all of those fabulous differences they talk about!? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  2. I found the sheet a couple days ago, but what I want is more information. I don't think that I am ready to fly the thing quite yet, but I want to know more about it. I was hoping to read a review, or some info. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  3. Thanks Chuck, that is what I did. The Big top was bucking, so I let the lines out a tad, now she flies like a beauty! I do have a deeper control range, but I think that it was too short before anyway. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  4. I saw a friend hurt herself this last weekend (knee contact with ground) that would have been prevented with even a half ass execution of a PLF. The proof is in the pudding! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  5. You from SLO!? There was a couple of us SLO Skydivers there...I thought there was only 3 or 4 of us in the entire town! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  6. Yeah, I was wondering where you were. That was deffinately not my first time at Hollister, yet you are never there! Maybe next time. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  7. Lost alti awareness, ignored the Dytter (it was set too high anyway!) and rolled over after flying on my back, only to see a big earth! I was in the saddle by 1800 ft, but it scared the shit out of me! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  8. Its the proximity to the silicone valley that keeps all you NorCal post whores going all night! Is Chopchop claiming Hollister now.... YOU SLUT! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  9. George, Shanna, the Burrs, Dana, Ronnie, Haley, Kelly, Kanin, Susan, Brent, and some others (I don't remember their names). We had a 12 way with 2 cameras for my 100th that were mostly from AAW (1 or 2 from Elsinore) and there a bunch of 8 ways, and some Hybrids, and a whole bunch of Free FLyin'. It was a blast. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  10. Any word on when they will be available for demo, observation, etc. Is Katana the official name? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  11. I had this problem, and it was easily solved by lengthening the brake lines. The canopy flies 100% better now. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  12. Hollister is the savior from that dreaded coastal fog!!! A reunion of some old Air Adventures West locals met for a weekend in Monterey, and when the weather reared its ugly head we all invaded Hollister! We kept the planes full and had a great time. I got a couple pies for my big 100, did some new things, and enjoyed some old friends. Thanks Hollister! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  13. That is what I was understanding to be the method. At this point I am getting a feel for it, and I notice that the canopy goes from the steep approach to planing out a bit after letting up on the fronts. Am I correct in thinking that ultimately that transition will smoothly flow into the flare? At this point the canopy planes out a little after the front risers are released then I return to normal flight with a a tad bit more speed. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  14. Gag reflex!! I can't hold anything in my mouth without the intention of consuming it. Even chewing on a straw can give me the reflex. I would hate to be dry heaving during my landing. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  15. As I am progressing with my canopy control techniques, I have been using a double front riser approach. I am enjoying the added speed, but it seems to bleed off before I get to the ground. At this point I am releasing the fronts at 30 ft or so. I am slowly bringing the release altitude down closer to the ground. What is the most effective altitude to release the front risers and transition to flare? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  16. So, when I am ready to go to a higher performance canopy than the Sabre, is the logical step to go to a lower wing loading on a more elliptical canopy? What would the next canopy be, after a square ZP? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  17. which brings to mind another question: If one is comfortable, and qualified on a Sabre 135 loaded at 1.5, should this person get a Stiletto 135? Or should one upsize when going to an elliptical, then go through the downsizing progression again? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  18. Are you asking for people that skydive and work in the military or for people the skydive as a military job? I have met many skydivers that are/were military. I have even met quite a few (I think they all jump at Raeford) that get to skydive as their job in the military. Wouldn't that be a nice duty?! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  19. Quit worrying about what other people think. Is their opinion or unfair behavior limiting your experience? If they say something that offends you let em know and carry on. If they really piss you off, take em out back and give em a piece of your mind. If you don't want to change your name, don't...but don't complain about people judging you by it. I used to have holes all over my face with Steel hangin from em, people didn't look at me straight, they thought I was a dumbass, did I complain no. When I got tired of defending my position and tired of people looking at me as if I was a freak, I took out the "fish hooks" and started blending in. Don't let yourself be a victim...Take the situation in to your own hands and quit worrying about what people think of you. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  20. I don't think many Taft folks knows much about computer machines! There are a couple of us that used to jump at AAW, but find other spots now. SD Santa Barbara in Lompoc has a Caravan on Sunday...just a thought. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  21. I understand the issue of having enough jumps that your comfort level in the sky during a malfunction allows you to remain level headed. But when talking about a micro-camera in a snag resistant enclosure, and filming nothing more than the results of your planned dive...What are the complexities. I read the other post that was clickied, and my question is this...What can I beware of during a skydive that will prepare me to have a camera on my head when I freefly? I am willing to wait until appropriate jump numbers, but is there any particular skill or preparedness that will make it obvious when I am ready to buy a camera? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  22. Notice how her signature line matches her avatar. THe entire color scheme matches the theme as well! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  23. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you walk in squares you won't get dizzy. Do you have a question? Do you need to talk to someone? We are here for you, and I think....wait.....I know there are some people here that have ALL the answers. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  24. I think there should be an Aggie Dave Emo....(little yellow smiley face thing) icon. It would be green, and have a cowboy hat on, and a giant chew in! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  25. I have done many low jumps from rope spans! Is a parachure required for base jumping? Or can I log all the double dutch I did when I was a kid? ...FUN FOR ALL!