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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I wear seat belts and don't think they guarantee that I'll survive a collision. I have a reserve parachute and don't think it will guarantee that I'll survive my skydive. It's part of risk management. Again, what she says is on her, not on the vaccine. According to the numbers, it leads to better results than a lack of vaccine. Just as cars kill some people, but we haven't gotten rid of them. Just as some people get electrocuted, but we still use electricity. I'll bet you use cars, and I'll bet you use electricity. I'll bet that you use natural gas sometimes, even though people can die from that, too. Saying that something has to be perfect to be an improvement over the status quo (especially if you're the one defining "perfect," with changing parameters) is anti-progress, and intellectually dishonest. Wendy P.
  2. 3 points
    like the old prggo commercial used to say..."put your nose against the jar, it's in there", meaning rtfm, or article in this case. i linked to the article, and the link in the text shows a link tot he actual study so you can read the whole thing yourself. i have no idea if the publication is reputable. it's a discussion forum for a reason, discuss it. i can't read it for you, but i can give you every opportunity to read it yourself and draw your own conclusions.
  3. 3 points
    Did you bother to look up her complete quote, before it was modified to make it look like she was lying? Are you aware that you’re spreading lies from far right fringe sites and just don’t care, or are you being duped by their bs?
  4. 2 points
    from the article - "A new series of nine experimental studies indicates that “discordant knowing”, certainty about something one perceives as opposed by the majority of others, predicts greater fanaticism. The studies showed that experimental manipulation of participants’ views, i.e. putting them in a situation where they are set to see their views as being in opposition to the majority, increased behavioral indicators of fanaticism, such as aggression, determined ignorance and wanting to join extreme groups in service of one’s view. The study was published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Dogmatic beliefs, fanaticism and similar phenomena have been attracting interest of social psychologists for a long time. Tendencies of some people to maintain their beliefs in opposition to the views of the majority of people in their environment has been linked to these phenomena. Some studies proposed that people adopt such isolating behavior in an effort to satiate desires for certainty, control and uniqueness. One concept proposed to explain this is “discordant knowing”. It consists of “felt knowledge” – being sure about an opinion or viewpoint – and “opposition” – perceiving one’s claim as being generally opposed by other people. While previous studies have focused very much on “felt knowledge”, a concept associated with dogmatism, rigidity, overclaiming and similar traits, psychological processes linked to holding minority viewpoints have not attracted much research attention." certainly explains a lot if true.
  5. 2 points
    If you're the smartest one in the forum; aren't you in the wrong forum?
  6. 2 points
    Germany tried this in England in WW2. Didn't work then. The US tried this during the Vietnam war. Didn't work then. The US tried this during the Afghanistan war. Didn't work then. If your name is Slim and you never studied history. Doesn't comprehend now.
  7. 2 points
    Perhaps. But its heads and tails above a Wharton degree.
  8. 2 points
    Oh hush. Don't you know if the vax doesn't completely stop ALL cases, then it's utterly useless? Completely pointless? A total con by "Big Pharma" to make money and get us to 'comply'? We really need a 'sarcasm' font.
  9. 2 points
    Things not learned by Slim during his vacation: - How to spell the word 'Look' - That rumble.com is a far-right clickbait site that nobody with critical thinking skills will ever take seriously
  10. 2 points
    What, like lying about COVID vaccines, or about your children, or paying for your girlfriend's abortion? Wendy P.
  11. 1 point
    Certainly looks like you haven't taken your pills.
  12. 1 point
    I know, Its awesome! Insane to think back to when I first got my driver's license about 15 years ago and had to pay $4.65 a gallon for a tank the would only last 4-7 days in my mid 90s jeep. I never would have guessed over a decade later I'd be saving so much.
  13. 1 point
    no, but i read the article. did you do a <favorite search engine> search for it to see if the publication was reputable or are you just being purposefully obtuse? i know, but i want to hear your excuse. if you want me to do the work for you, you're barking up the wrong tree. enjoy your answers.
  14. 1 point
    It is relevant.. it is the likely source for Himmelsbach's Cooper claim.. either an intentional or unintentional conflation..
  15. 1 point
    Is she in the hospital? Is she dead? If not the vaccine is working as it was designed.
  16. 1 point
    I thought you supported him because he would vote the way Trump wants. Not because of any 'toughness'. He's demonstrated that he isn't really 'all there'. There are some signs that he may be suffering from CTE. https://moguldom.com/410353/questions-raised-about-whether-herschel-walker-has-cte-after-comments-on-mass-murder-at-texas-school/ Funny how the people who hear Joe Biden use speech techniques that are used to cope with a stutter and claim 'dementia' hear this and can't see any problems.
  17. 1 point
    He's been forgiven.
  18. 1 point
    Gonna be stupid, you gotta be tough.
  19. 1 point
    Isn't he the one pretending to be a policeman? Can see why he'd appeal to people like Ron who pretend to be christian.
  20. 1 point
    Tough in what way? Are you referring to the toughness it will take to blindly vote however he is told to vote due to complete lack of understand of any major issues? Or maybe you are referring to the toughness it takes to deny the existence of your own children?
  21. 1 point
    I'm not a big Musk fan, but it is clear that he is a complicated man with a mix of motivations. Some noble and some crass.
  22. 1 point
    I think just putting a pin in it temporarily takes the thought of it off the table. After six months or even a couple years, new skydivers are better prepared to make decisions about their journey. For example, when I was 18, during my skydiving FJC at a little FL DZ in ‘93, my instructor mentioned he jumps off an antenna not that far from the drop zone. I was floored and instantly wanted to do whatever it was he was doing. I asked, “When can I do that?” He responded, “I’ll take you when you have 1,000 skydives.” I got focused on other skydiving goals because it seemed like it would take FOREVER to get to 1,000. I got to 1,000 and beyond before he went in at a different antenna in ‘98 (BFL 43). Who knows what different path I would have taken had he not been looking out for me.
  23. 1 point
    Though there are many examples of flying sustained over 3.0 glide, its in 100% of the cases residual energy from a dive and/or tailwind, or (BASE) having the right conditions with high lift and/or a tailwind. Ive done a few flights where the glide got pushed up to a comfortable 4.5, but if you where to take the winds/thermals out, that would still only end up around 3.0 sustained.
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