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  1. 2 points
    short video of last weeks event at the pyramids organized by Skydive Egypt https://youtu.be/1RPCOFcHaIo
  2. 1 point
    I used to think skydivers were smart, cool people but this pandemic is making me realize a lot of them are actually not very intelligent and they are actually pretty uncaring towards others. Take for example my local DZs. During the peak of COVID in the last wave our state was hit hard. Harder than most. A lot of people died and the hospitals were overwhelmed. Yet all the DZs were carrying on as total business as usual. Many had absolutely no mask requirements at all and if you even so much as suggested COVID safety you were cast out as some hippy liberal tree hugger that needs to 'stop watching fake news' or some BS like that. Now that we are headed into what is already a record for the entire world and will continue getting even worse, the local DZ is planning a huge Thanksgiving and Christmas boogie with tons of beer, live music, and a 'week-long party'. In other words, literately the stupidest possible thing you could be doing right now. That bullshit is exactly what caused the mess we currently are in, but no one cares. Thus my conclusion is skydivers are not special. Many of them are uncaring all-about-me's the same as most other people. It just happens that we share a common hobby, but said share of a common hobby doesent actually make them a good or intelligent person.
  3. 1 point
    Baseball batting golves. Football receiver's gloves. Mechanic's gloves. And... Skydiving gloves. They are all similar. Thin but solid. Good coverage, without losing too much dexterity. In the "Question" forum, you asked about cold weather (I think that was you), and I suggested being able to tie your shoes with the gloves on. I've never used the football gloves, but I've used the other 3. Currently using a pair of actual "skydiving" gloves. The white ones the 4 way folks like (it's easier to see the grips if the hands are white and the suits are black). Personally, I wear gloves on every jump. I've managed to burn through the palms of a pair or two on 'slidey' landings. And tore the crap out of one on a sharp door edge (or something sharp on the plane). I'd much rather buy a new pair of gloves than deal with stitches or a good friction burn.
  4. 1 point
    For Ron, there are no better sources. It's no longer a mystery how Goebbels was able to pull it off, that's for sure. Nothings changed in the last 75 years. People are as racist, xenophobic, credulous, wicked, self serving and vindictive as ever. It's very hard to believe our species will survive ourselves.
  5. 1 point
    If you don't think Dominion counting should have been used, then it was up to YOUR GUY to change it before the election. You don't get to whine about it because you don't like the results afterward, particularly as the same machines were used to serve 70 million voters in the 2016 election that got Trump elected in the first place. And of course China is happy to get rid of Trump. Trump called Covid 'the china virus', and 'Kung-flu' to hide his own abysmal leadership in a global pandemic. But again, you're being inconsistent. When Trump won in 2016 the entire left were saying 'Putin is happy that Trump won' and 'the rest of the civilized world is horrified that Trump won' and using that as an indication of being worried. Universally the response from the right was 'we don't care what the rest of the world think. America First!' - where's that response now, Ron? Why do you suddenly care what China thinks? I'll tell you why. Because you're a sore loser. You have blinded yourself to your own double standards and are looking for ways to delegitimize an election. That's not the act of a patriot. It's the act of a traitor.
  6. 1 point
    It also occurs to me that skydiving is one the most selfish activities a person can indulge it. It is all about thrills and self fulfillment. So of course many jumpers are unwilling to give up their fun.
  7. 1 point
    The only thing different than the population as a whole that I see in skydivers is that there are few or no really stupid people because they can’t cut it. There are many sub groups that would apply to.
  8. 1 point
    Ask your instructors. +1 on football receiver's gloves. Also, baseball batting gloves. Avoid thick flaps where they fasten...possible snag hazard. Practice locating and gripping your handles, etc., with your gear on. Last pair I bought were too slippery when I tried them with my gear. A few seconds with fine grit sandpaper and they've gripped fine ever since. Try end of season clearance sales and put the savings toward an altimeter, helmet... Congratulations on passing your Level 6!
  9. 1 point
    Newsmax and OANN...what happened when the monster Fox created became too big for its cage.
  10. 1 point
    Skydivers are no smarter or cooler than anyone else. They just think they are. In the 1970s and early 1980's, they skewed young and male, because the round landings you had to go through to get to squares were too rough for most older guys. Now a lot of those guys are still jumping, or jumping again. And they tend to reflect the local political and cultural beliefs. Up here, there are plenty of liberal old guys. Wendy P.
  11. 1 point
    I use football receiver's gloves; you can get them at pretty much any sporting goods store. I have small hands, and find that the youth large fit well, but there's a wide range. They have very sticky fingers. Not too thick, but I have another pair of motorcycling gloves that fit well that are warmer. For me, having them end at the tips of my fingers, and not be too tight on the fingers, is key. The first for dexterity, the second for warmth. Some people use latex gloves under their winter gloves for additional warmth (it stops the wind from hitting the skin). I actually size up a notch, and put them over my gloves. That way I'm trapping a little bit of air in there, and it also means I'm not sweating as much in there. But generally I just don't jump if it's that cold (I'm in New England) Wendy P.
  12. 1 point
    Skydivers are just people, and nothing special. In fact, the demographics skew skydivers to be old, white, male (84%), ex-military and conservative, and sexism and racism has been a problem in my DZ. The sport is inching towards slightly more diversity, but there's a long way to go.
  13. 1 point
    I've been happily using generic worker gloves (the maxiflex types, close-fitting) instead of skydiving-specific gloves. They provide a ton of grip, plenty of dexterity for pulling handles and zippers and whatnot, are cheap (but only last me about a season), have no velcro that could snag on stuff. For wintertime, I typically wear silk gloves underneath them. They help, but I haven't found any simple way to keep really warm hands in winter.
  14. 1 point
    Excellent, Congratularion Veterans
  15. 1 point
    The good things in 2020 are few and far between, so here's one of them.
  16. 1 point
    am i missing something, having a computer problem, or did you just upload the audio of a jump? never heard of that before.
  17. 1 point
    I'll submit they have Electile Disfunction.
  18. 1 point
    Dude, Trump was president for four years. He's stocked the government with his own people, many of whom are criminals. He calls in favors. He bribes people with money and power. He appoints his own children to lucrative government positions. He promised people things and then gave up on them as soon as he was in office. He golfs more than he works, then brags about how hard working he is. He uses the power of his political office to shirk responsibility (and culpability) for his crimes. He funnels tax dollars into his own businesses. He's the ultimate Washington insider.
  19. 1 point
    What do you expect the President to do? I ask this honestly, because I expect a statesperson, who will have general policies and directions they want to go, and a cabinet who are knowledgeable in their fields -- and all of these people advised by advisers who aren't necessarily as good interpersonally, but who are all experts in their fields. I expect the President to have a political compass of some sort -- and that can be a huge guideline. E.g. "no 'socialism,'" or "free trade," or "health care," etc. But one who just throws bombs won't get much done. And I really, reallly, want intellectual honesty and consistency from as many of the congresscritters as possible. Which is why things like all the statements around the Garland nomination vs. the Coney Barrett nomination stick in my craw, because they had such self-serving "whatever it takes" approaches to getting done what they wanted. Likewise the "I'll be the hardest-working president ever, no golf for me" statements, and just about all the stuff that is absolutely within Trump's control that didn't happen. The wall was one thing (it was hyperbolic, and wrongly proposed, but it was at least a stab in a direction), he did need budget for that, and it wasn't entirely in his control. So I find Trump to be wholly unacceptable, in large part because he's a bomb-thrower, with no real concept of what's going to happen when he's done. That's fine for some positions, but not the President of the last (well, not for long) superpower. Wendy P.
  20. 1 point
    October 20th of 2020 was a very important milestone and birthday for a dear family friend of mine, who has wished for his 70th birthday to go skydive and as of yesterday, thanks to the incredible people here at Skydive Spaceland, not only did his wish come true - I achieved a dream that I had long forgotten about. The years are what you make of them, as the saying goes but especially in a hard year it can be easy to forget that celebrations are out there, good experencies and genuine people are out there that are energetic and want to share life with you too. The positivity here blows my mind still and I've waited since the jump to make sure I can review without this being an adrenaline-rushed review. Having said that, I'm still greatly impacted by the amount of professionalism, the absolute joy that came from everyone there and also - how everyone who was there yesterday was treated individually and was able to ask and share candidly so that however their own wishes and dreams for skydiving came about, that their needs were met in style. I cannot praise this place enough and the people who help not only educate past the general information, but really leave encouragement and an impact on you. Turning moments like these into a bliss that is indescribable. I realize this isn't listing specifics but everyone followed health codes for this year and were an absolute joy to be around. I left there feeling empowered for my personal experience and cannot wait to be in the air again. I'm certain my friend wants this to be a tradition and if anyone is reading this, is nervous or experienced, whatever your reasons are I really hope you will consider going here if you wish to skydive. Their ability to educate as well as encourage everyone was - well - still is really - quite inspiring! Two individuals who were so nervous beforehand came up to my friend and I afterwards and there was just this simply but pure joy and confidence radiating from them especially. I apologize for a long review but experiences that are worth your while, and the people who make them incredible, I feel it is important to share those experiences. Especially on the off chance someone is considering skydiving and found this location and page. I recommend Skydive Spaceland Dallas not only for location and experience and what you walk away with but I recommend them if you also want to meet some incredible people on your own adventure and journey.
  21. 1 point
    it looks sketchy and dangerous as hell. i love it. can't wait to hear about the results.
  22. 1 point
    I need to make openings for engine mounts. You can see some details here – https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2906758286118203&set=a.678091862318201 https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2697855983675102&set=pcb.2697856870341680 https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=3098818256912204&set=pcb.3098833303577366 I will ask advice from our riggers, but cannot ask them to do the job. They don’t have materials and experience to modify wingsuits.
  23. 1 point
    Conspiracy theorists are a subset.
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