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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2019 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    For reaction points to be useful, we need to be able to vote up or down, as on Reddit.
  2. 2 points
    #5. Just being shitfaced drunk and riding around in the back from club to club, back seat driving all the way, telling the machine it's sucks at driving and WATCH THE FUCK OUT, GODDAMNIT!.
  3. 2 points
    That’s actually exactly right. Lines are open ended. They go somewhere. One can travel along that line, learning and growing as they go. Spheres on the other hand are enclosed, limited. And you certainly do demonstrate quite regularly that you’re unwilling to comprehend anything outside of your bubble.
  4. 2 points
    Exactly. I just saw the feature as a shortcut to saying ‘good post’. Less clutter on the threads. I’ve ‘liked’ posts that I totally disagreed with the outlook, but have thought they represented a considered opinion. Kind of like nodding your head or acknowledging someone in real life
  5. 1 point
    It's a load of crap, Ron.
  6. 1 point
    Well please hurry and put the correct manual on the website. As a rigger I can assure you my customers never supply me with the manual that came with their product. I always have to find the manual on my own.
  7. 1 point
    Is that why the new head evangelical speaks in tongues? This woman is crazy, who follows this shit? https://twitter.com/AdamParkhomenko/status/1191769474103427072?s=20
  8. 1 point
    Very apt comparison. Unfortunately, it falls apart because I have yet to see Trump be open about anything, and the only thing he's willing to do is enrich himself.
  9. 1 point
    Thick and sticky indeed.
  10. 1 point
    Primacy in learning is key. In my experience, the skydivers who get quality coaching early (there are shit coaches) are better off long term because they are taught solid foundations early on, and don't develop bad habits. Just my opinion.
  11. 1 point
    Damn dude, do you kick skydiving coaches in the balls when you see them in person too? The cheapest and fastest way to get good at any discipline is to get coaching. It feels more expensive at the start, but it's not. In the long run you'll get where you're trying to go in far fewer jumps and having spent less money. The same is true for tunnel time. Your strategy of, "wait until a coach isn't working and then try to leech some information/coaching/jumps out of them in exchange for a $5 beer" is insulting...at best. At worst...it's damn near theft. A lot of good people make a living by helping other skydivers become better. I'm sure they don't appreciate you telling people that their services aren't valuable, and that the best course of action is to try and undermine their livelihood. Coaches are valuable, and important, and worth it. Their services are valuable, and should be respected as such. Jumping with an LO is NOT the same as working one-on-one with a dedicated coach.
  12. 1 point
    Wendy, I'm sorry but that's a crock. You can't know any of what you claim to doubt or reduce to probably's or might's. You wrote: "The fact that something bad to us has to happen for those things is the divide. How one focuses one’s analysis might be a reflection of how they view the topic." That could mean anything. No one is yanking his chain. He's angry, defensive and combative. Why? That's easy, he's holding an empty bag. He knows it and he knows he cannot give a millimeter or his entire blame us game will fall to pieces. So he rears up and snarls. Based on Coreece's posts, in particular the ones way back where he was lamenting that those who were most familiar to him, who were a part of so many of his great memories, but who were now vexing him I am convinced he is doubting his faith.
  13. 1 point
    The hate that the evangelical movement in America exhibits towards those who do not fit their version of “what god wants “ is always an inspiration to me. If you are angered by that it is on you, not me.
  14. 1 point
    I'm singling them out because the Book of Revelation does, and that's what a huge amount (not all, but a huge amount) of Christian eschatology is based on. Pretty sure my point stands, though.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    I’ve been using this and really liking it
  17. 1 point
    glad to hear you are getting back to normal Jimmy. You had us worried. Love you brother. Get lots of rest and take care of yourself.
  18. 1 point
    Hello To ALL..... Just checked in here, to find this thread.....Thanks to Each of your for your posts and good wishes......The worst Is now Over. I was discharged on Oct 20th.. " They turnt me Loose " " said I was Well " …. And I AM.... I had gone to Skydive The Falls on Saturday September 14th and after a bit of a wind hold it calmed down and they started sending up loads. I enjoyed a Nice 2 way from 12 grand with a long time buddy....The view of Niagara Falls during the climb to altitude was Fantastic . While Packing my rig afterwards, I found it to Be, a bit of an effort.. and I had to stop 3 times and sit to rest...… Hmmmm. Got home that night and was just feeling wrung out... No real pain, no numbness, but I felt lousy..It was around 10 or 11 pm and Nancy had already gone to sleep. I saw NO value in waking her and having her SIT in an E R waiting room, wondering and Waiting,,,, so I wrote her a note , left it where she could Easily Find it. and said " I am going to the hospital " Got there in a few minutes because it is only a couple of miles away. It was NOT busy and they took me in quickly. They did an EKG on me. and the next thing I knew they were calling for an anesthesiologist AND a surgeon !! Yikes !!!! Well they did a big time bypass on me , had me on a heart pump and a respirator throughout... I was out of it for a few days... and feel terrible about putting my FAmily through those first few days, post Op... I got great care from the doctors and nurses and a few in particular were top shelf, in their encouragement and insistance that I "get UP and get Moving"... I was walking around and improving each day, by about 2 weeks post op and little by little they removed the trach... and the drainage apparatus and the nasal feeding tube and got me back onto swallowing and a bit of a sense of normalcy... I have been Home now for 10 days or so, and I am pain free and no longer need the walker I had been using. Kind of glad we are coming into the end of the year as I am on a hiatus from work and will be doing Physical therapy and building up my appetite the next few weeks. I lost 22 pounds and was Under 170, for the first time since high school..... Anyway things are improving. I am proud that I Did NOT ignore my sense of malaise and instead sought medical care...... I was told I was getting close to a cardiac arrest..... Follow your instincts my Friends No One is bulletproof and certain issues CAN sneak Up on us... I feel blessed that in addition to Great Friends and Family, I also have a Guardian Angel or Two... sitting on my shoulders... Thanks skymama,,, for initiating this thread. I am glad that I checked in here,,, to Find it.... skydive often, skydive safely, skydive with friends . jimmytavino uspa # 9452 A3914 D12122
  19. 1 point
    Nice list - I like Mario's website too. Great info. I have all the following consolidated in a Word Document. But it's a little to big (157 > 120) to post here. Not all these were easy to get to on the site. A - Communicating 1 Briefing Structure A - Communicating 2 Debriefing Structure A - Communicating 3 FF Communication Eye Contact B - Technique 1 Exits B - Technique 2 Basics Exits B - Technique 3 Random Work B - Technique 4 Showing it to the Judges C - Personal/Mental 1 Visualizing C - Personal/Mental 2 Performing Your Best C - Personal/Mental 3 Remembering Non-repeaters C - Personal/Mental 4 Stretching For Peak Performance D - Team Building 1 Forming a Team D - Team Building 2 Understanding your Slot D - Team Building 3 Team Dynamics D - Team Building 4 Goals D - Team Building 5 Keeping Records Here's A2 in total: Debriefing Structure Posted Saturday, February 23, 2002 By Jack Jefferies In the interest of creating a positive training environment and promoting the optimum state of mind for learning, we have developed a debriefing structure, which puts the majority of responsibility in the hands of each player. Coach’s / Facilitator’s responsibilities: · Restate team and individual goals; · State positive things; · Ensure group stays on plan; · Following each individual turn, confirming their thoughts and pointing out things that may have been missed. Players’ responsibilities: · Listen to each other; · State positive things (about anyone); · State things that need improvement (about themselves); · Make plan on how to improve; · Make smart goals. Working this system will steepen your team’s learning curve. Listening to each other mistakes and fixes, allows you to learn from each other, a much less painful way to learn. Complimenting each other performance, builds self-esteem giving confidence to push further. Reinforcing correct performance helps commit it to memory, increasing the chances of repeating it. Stating your own errors, avoids the pitfalls in finger pointing. Having first said it to yourself leaves no room for abusive accusations from your teammates. It will also create a deeper sense of ownership for the mistake, increasing your responsibility to get it corrected. Setting goals for improvement from jump to jump, will keep you clear and focused on what you are working on. The system will help you come to realize that it is OK to make mistakes, a much easier headspace to learn in. ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants
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