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Everything posted by D22369

  1. both were in the same concert Best - G3 concert in seattle, the opener was awesome - wish I could recall who it was - 2nd up Stevie Vi was really cool. Worst - G3 concert in seattle - after the opener and Stevie Vi played, Satriani *the headliner* he sucked balls - his music had absolutely nothing but noise - total crap, it was horrible and we left before he finished - I'v heard better music coming from the crashing/grinding/welding and forklifts all mixed together at work. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  2. whats thier number? if ya cant beat em, join em! Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  3. my lasik was done in 2000, I am now 48 and also need reading glasses for really fine print - but its a small price to pay for being able to see farther away than my arm reach as my vision was horribly near sighted before. best money I ever spent on myself
  4. about 10 years ago we had a rickyroadracer wanna be accelerate on valley mall blvd as he headed into town, his speed was estimated at 120+ when he impacted the mini van that didn't see him coming as she made her turn. killed her and him, the only identifiable part of the bike was the rear rim/tire which was in the drivers compartment - the side of the van looked like it was opened by a can opener. I really don't care if someone takes themselves out doing stupid crap, but risking others isn't cool. putting it on the track doesn't seem to be an option for some of these idiots unfortunately Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  5. I've noticed that my spam filter isn't working as well as it used to, they are getting smarter. got one from Banner bank yesterday, guess my credit limit has been increased, COOL! but I have never had an account there....lol even if I get one from my bank I never open it - I call the bank and inquire as to what it was. hell, if I get an email from a friend with just a hyperlink I never click it - had several that got hacked and that's how they get their next victim Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  6. if yer gonna go out.... go out with a BANG I really did try to resist Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  7. the lack of a manslaughter or murder charge makes no sense to me at all. he fired on a car load of people who were not an immediate threat to his life... killing one he instigated this confrontation! I am a "gun nut" I always carry concealed and own many different weapons but I cannot fathom any reason this should have ended in a shooting - he should pay for the life he took. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  8. I need to find a mini dv player one of these days, still have the video of the jump on one of the tapes, working at Richland skysports an older gent and his long haired hippy new age son showed up to do a tandem around 01 or 02 *(I think) I start to do some ground footage and our tandem instructor was in a tizzy literally about to faint - dude he says that's Mandy Patinkin! I was .... who? you know the guy chasing the 6 fingered man in princess bride? he says - me looking at this guy.... nahhhh I replied why would a Hollywood guy be here? but then he marched over and asked him to show me his id. I have proof that Mandy can do opera! - man he was nervous and holy crap he got old Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  9. I loved that movie, gonna have to Netflix it and force my kid to watch Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  10. hats off to them as well, but credit where credit is due - not everyone can handle those animals, if you have ever seen a driver lose traction and pedal it like crazy to keep the car off the wall and intact at over 200 then you know some people do have crazy mad skillz
  11. what Andy wrote is spot on. your learning, you will make mistakes, the sensory overload fades the more you jump and it gets easier to relax. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  12. Beeeeer!! heh, join up anytime!
  13. heh, this place is not anything like any dz I have been on - if there is a dz like speakers corner I would only go to eat popcorn and watch the fistfights Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  14. hmmm, have I been demoted? I've use that term a time or two Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  15. I seldom saw anyone who really cared about others political leanings, we're stupid/silly/crazy/caring/intelligent/idiotic/suicidal people who really don't care about that crap on the dz. oh sure you get the conversations where people are talking about some stupid shit the president or congress are pushing but overall? nahhh, people are more likely to care about how fun you are to hang around and how skilled you are in the air. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  16. you are not alone, in the 12 years of being an instructor I have had ONE student that did not struggle with anything... just one in the countless numbers of students. in my experience most encounter a confidence draining problem within the first 10 jumps that causes them to think that maybe this isn't for them - and many gave in and quit these days there are tunnels, in my opinion the best thing to happen for students since AAD's - go hit one, explain to the instructors there what happened and what you want to work on *(stability - losing and regaining) - you will probably have to make a jump or two where you do what they want you to in able to get to that, but its a small price to pay to learn just how easy it is to be stable. yup- Its easy to stay or regain stability, and one day soon you will look back and wonder why you had any issue with it at all. stay with it, you can do it - years from now when you get ratings and you are working with a troubled student that is experiencing difficulties and asking the same question it will give you an insight into what they are thinking. oh, almost forgot, look at that level 4 as a do-over, not a failure - even when things didnt go well you still learned things - that jump still gave you experience and even if you cannot point to any part of the jump that you think increased your knowledge or skill.... it did, your brain stores everything, you did learn things and that will help you in the future. ever had a name you could not recall no matter how hard you tried to remember it? - to give up and suddenly it just jumped out at you? - your still working on the problem even when your not
  17. Howard be thy name.*** I loved that joke, got to play it on my 10 yr old son, his mom is religious - I am not he was talking about how jesus loves everyone, I said he probably tolerates the asshats but its doubtfull he loves them, then he went on to say how god loves everyone, I asked.... which god? to which he kinda blanked out for a second trying to figure out wtf I was talking about, he said GOD dad, there is only one! oh yeah? ... ok Sherlock, whats his name? ummm, God? NOPE!! its howard !! his mother was not amused... Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  18. crispy crèmes its just a dognut, when a new shop opened in Portland the news were all over the fistfights in the waiting lines... I've had better from safeway Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  19. heh, that's awesome! I did similar when I was running first jump courses, standing behind the first student I would have him visualize the exit as it wasn't quite doable to do the real motions in the hanging harness and after giving the go command while he was arching and counting I would choke the pilot chute behind the hackey and make it an impossible pull - many students made too many attempts and a few even managed to extract it even with me trying to hold it. but the best was the 2nd student up into the harness, without fail they would have a smirk or smile on their face as they just knew what was coming... same as before on the visualizing etc... but instead I stuffed the hackey and pretended to hold it... many of them also made too many attempts to find a missing handle - one exceptionally dexterous individual actually managed to dig it out in about 4 seconds and toss... 3rd student was never as cocky as the 2nd as they realized by now that they did not have a preview of what was to come and I usually gave them a clean shot at the handle but would toss in broken lines, lineover, blown up canopy or canopy freaking out when the brakes were pulled or whatever struck my fancy at that moment. I have had students get pissed because "I was messing with them"
  20. I questioned that as well. I have several of my chops on video (no RSL) and averaged about 1 second to roll over and punch my reserve after whacking spinning mals. As for the time between the decision to chop and actually doing it, I'm not sure how they arrived at any particular number beyond what jumpers might have told the author. Other than a noob, if a jumper without an RSL takes 6 to 8 seconds to regain stability after cutting away he/she should rethink their hobby of choice. I have three high speed mals, none took over 3 seconds to assess - chop - pull reserve, the last one I had was on my FX and I was filming a freefly dive and we were able to study the mal and see just how stable I was and to actually time my reactions. my slow speed mals - also three - I probably took about as long to assess the situation as the author has in his article since I did have time and altitude to do so - however only on one did I not follow the cutaway with an immediate reserve pull. I cant imagine taking 12 seconds from recognizing a high speed mal - chop - activating my reserve, that's crazy slow - at that rate I would be in the ground. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  21. ***shredded it by holding onto a borrowed pullout too long in 81. I did the same thing except it was my own rig somewhere around 300 jumps or so. Shortly after that I changed to a throwout when I purchased my first elliptical canopy and went to a smaller rig with a higher up the back reach I found the throwout in a spandex pouch to be less strain to pull. another decade or so I can see using a rol deployed pc. Roy getting old sucks They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  22. your best bet is probably Ralph Hatley in eagle creek Oregon - he has a metric butt ton of parachutes both square and round. 1-800-callralph - I believe its still his number *(been some time since I talked to him other than emails) Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  23. ***Well there is always the risk that she might try and manipulate her boyfriend by lying about it by telling him(boyfriend) something like that friend tried to make a move on her and then when she rejected him he got pissed off and is now trying to get in between them and telling him(boyfriend) lies about her having cheated him and so on and so forth. Quote this happened to me in/around 1986 or so, I was fresh out of the Marine Corps and moved back to my home city. My roommate proposed to his gf and not a week later I found her in our apartment with another guy... I gave her a day to tell him... later that night I ended up in a brawl with my "friend" for trying to sleep with his fiancé - the conniving little bitch turned the tables on me and came out smelling like a rose. I vote for just tell him straight up. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  24. Would be nice if everyone would get on board and at the very least tolerate others race/religion great to see something nice happening once in a while Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  25. I thought Obama was a muslim and therefore working with her? *** shhhhh, its a secret! They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.