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  1. thx guys for the replies, been away to phuket. pity no shydiving clubs there. some of yous have got my confidence back. as an arborist may i say see yous at the top!
  2. hi just after some opinions. i started an aff 2 years ago and failed my second jump. i failed cause i got sensory overload when i noticed the view then i completely got mixed up with what i had to do. i dont think it helped only learning the jump then going straight up especially when one of the jump masters was very intimidating. I missed skydiving so i have started the aff again at another club, i breezed the first two jumps but failed my third. they said that i arched so well that it caused me to drop quicker than anyone else they had jumped with. the jump masters had done 6000 and 4000 jumps. so they had to catch up and my stiffness in my arch apparently gave me little strength left in my arms to turn, i thought that you cant arch hard enough and i was worried about rolling over but they said there was no chance of that. it is embarrassing when you fail and you are not sure if you should continue as they seem very negative to you when you fail a jump. should i continue as i love it. the briefing master said next time he wont wear a jump suit with me so he can keep up and i need to learn to relax to have control in the jump and not arch so hard taking into (account you are always told arch hard). thx would love some responses!