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Everything posted by pinkfairy

  1. The beer rules are clear: If you don't take beer from beer cases, then you don't have to buy beer. The program is volontary. If you don't want to drink or don't drink for religious reasons, or i you stopped drinking because of bad experiences with alcohol, then you just don't drink, and everyone should respect that. I know several skydivers who either don't drink at all or hardly ever drink. It's normal. Stand up for your own choices.
  2. Aaaah, that rocks! My parents hate it, and will not watch video of me skydiving. But I'll get a friend to take some pictures of me in freefall that I'll print out and put in a frame and give them, so they'll see that I enjoy myself.
  3. Haha! The cocktail of adrenaline and endorphines experienced during and directly after a skydive is quite similar to that experienced when you're in love. This has been proved by japanese scientists Too bad I can't wear the tandem rig, I can hardly lift the thing, and I kinda reach the handles, but only just Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  4. I did my 250 today! Fun 3-way sitfly with a funky linked exit that actually flew quite well! I didn't do anything special for neither my 100 nor 200, coaching jumps both of them. Just do what you feel like, it's another jump. Try the naked jump, that's a real giggle. Or do a freefly coaching jump, that can be fun too. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  5. :2:0 Unless you count for longest in air holding that I've EVER been on. The commercial DC-7 plane that was below us also on holding kept circling FOREVER At 12 000'. It gets cold. But nice jumps, and the wingsuit instructor let me try on a Phoenix Fly Prodigy2, that I want to try out in the sky this season
  6. I think both my probability of death and yours is pretty close to 100%, and that was your question, wasn't it? Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  7. Scottish for me too! But I also like texan. And I like norwegian dialects, the less I understand of it the better, I used to date a guy from north western Norway, and I could only understand about 75% of what he was saying in the beginning, but it was great. I don't know why I find that so attractive. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  8. It looks like you were uncomfortable with the exit altitude, from your previoous posts. And if you don't want to get out, then you stay, simple, it's your jump ticket. I'm with everyone here who said that you should learn to get out at 3500 (From an airplane). Not because you have to, I think you'd do fine on a bailout without that, but because there's lots of fun stuff that you miss out on if you don't. Like the balloon, or if you show up at the DZ and the clouds make only that kind of jumps possible. I used to hate 3500' hop&pops too, being an AFF baby and all, but now I like them. I could do them all day.
  9. Aaaaw, that sucks, it happened to me too! Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  10. That's what I love about the chopper: nothing. Imagine being that happy about nothing. And then the air getting progressively stiffer and stiffer so that I can fly on it. Sweet! I screamed like a little girl, and I'm smiling like an idiot in front of my computer right now just from thinking about it.
  11. My new Pilot also seemed to pack larger than I expected, the rig was made for it, but was still difficult to close. After 80 jumps I have to shorten the loop, and the canopy kinda walks into the bag all by itself. It really does get smaller. Also, the triathlon is a 7 cell, the pilot is a 9 cell, so should pack larger. Downsizing because you want a smaller rig or a rig that's easier to pack is just plain silly. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  12. Could have been better, I'm not jumping because I messed up my stupid knees last weekend, but they will soon be airworthy again, and I'm finally having a quiet weekend all by myself. I'm drawing horses and doing my "garden"
  13. Hi! Welcome to the beautiful sport! In our world, the clouds are made of cotton candy and dreams about flying really do come true.
  14. That's a really nice haircut! Suits her well!
  15. +1 I like the factory diver because it fits me well, it's cheap and easy to replace the visor, and you can't forget to put on the visor before exit, because it's fixed Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  16. Used nylon parachutes Waffles And lots of the others mentioned here. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  17. Because I'm straight... Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  18. Perfect! I was gonna volonteer for the naked stuff, but we might get the chance another time! Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  19. Yep, those are dangerous! I broke my leg in a canopy course too, and I've heard of people who had cutaways on the canopy course too. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  20. It would have been safer in the plane. I thought everybody knew that. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  21. Yes, let's do it, that, and cutting off the hands of people who shoplift. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  22. ask them politely to STFU and turn the music down, and then threaten to call the police. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  23. Hahaha! NOW I know where all the wingsuit people come from, they don't recruit, they procreate! This explains the infestation we have of them at my home DZ. Lovely video, I'm looking forward to trying it myself!
  24. 23. They are more aerodynamical than most people. 67. They are REALLY good at pulling handles. 101. They like almost any colour and combination of colours. While this may not seem like obvious reasons to date someone, these are very advantageous traits that might come in handy in many situations. OH, and the fact that skydivers are good at pulling handles has been proven by scientists. And of course that lime green and royal blue canopy goes beautifully in the orange and pink container, it matches with the green, black and pink jumpsuit! Shitty weather here too, but I cleaned my flat and went out into the norwegian wilderness in the rain and saw a snake. A real one!