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Everything posted by pinkfairy

  1. Drinking less in the first place works. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  2. Good advice oabout the white here, I don't really want to post pictures of mine... Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  3. You could also try Spybot search and destroy from, it removes a lot of malware, especially effective against false anti virus software that you can't get rid of. It is worth knowing that there are hundreds of false anti virus and anti spyware programs out there, that are actually often spyware themselves, so don't just search and download the first you find, use recommendations from sources that you know (a friend who knows about computers, or a computer magazine) I am of course trustworthy, but you don't know me. I use only ad-aware, SS&D and Trend (which is a paid for version). I have to say that I really like the newest release of trend, it removes a lot of problems that earlier versions didn't, and the house call is not bad either. A reformat will also cure the problem, just make sure that you have at least a network card driver so you can access the internet and download the rest of the drivers. This is not usually a problem with older PCs with a 100 Mb network card. The PC will often be faster and better after the reformat. How long it takes to put back your data from your backup depends on how much data you have. Good luck! Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  4. Yes he is! Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  5. pinkfairy

    MAC Users

    Hi! I use and like VMWare Fusion, It's fast (I've got a pretty fast mac, that might have something to do with it), and I like the unity feature. VMWare is also a well known and big maker of virtualisation software for servers, so they have the experience. BUT: The programs you mention are pretty demanding, and just running a virtual machine uses up a lot of memory and CPU, so it isn't ideal. You will probably get better performance by running the mac versions, or even run the windows ones using windows installed on your mac using boot camp that comes for free with your Intel based mac. ( you only need a windows licence and install CD). I haven't tried this, for the reasons listed above, and because I have all the Adobe Licences I need for mac. I have no reason to believe that it wouldn't work at on a virtual machine. Adobe's activation keys are pretty straightforward with no linking to the mac adress of the network card or other weird stuff. I would see if Adobe's website had anything to say about it. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  6. Can't pay for pack jobs here, too expensive. But have packed for others in my parachute club for free, and would buy more pack jobs if it was cheaper. I like my own pack jobs better than most pack jobs that I've paid for. I know how my parachute opens and know the tricks to make it open the way I want.
  7. Me too, spiral fracture of right fib, but away from the joint, so they didn't have to operate. I had a long break from jumping, because once I could walk, the norwegian winter set in. Started jumping again in the spring. I'd say you can jump again as soon as you can run. My fib is fine now, but it hurts when people sit on it in the Twin Otter Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  8. They are only after my body! Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  9. Oh, yes! Burger king is not good for my poor, poor tummy. neither is pizza. I find that it helps to just think about real food that I cook for myself, like peas and fish fingers. Not excactly super healthy either, but at least I feel better (physically) after eating it that after the fast food. And nuts and fruit if I'm on the road. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  10. Chicago, huh? A little far to come and eat cake, but the great thing about travelling westwards is that you have to deal with the jetlag later. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  11. I think you should ask the opposite question: have YOU made skydiving safer? Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  12. The top teams such as Skywalkers and Babylon are flying in the tunnel to improve their skills, so of course it helps. But just going in there and trying for yourself will not be very helpful, you should get a good coach. I'm a belly flyer, and what tunnel time does for us, is make us able to stay in one place and not float around the whole sky. We also get faster and more precise in our movements, as we get more practice. Those abilities must be useful in freeflying too, after all you are doing relative work just like us. But by all means, if you'd rather spend your money on skydiving, then do it. Some tunnels have dummy rigs that you can borrow. Some tunnels also charge extra for flying that requires extra powerful airstream, such as prolonged head down. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  13. There was just recently a rigger over here who lost his ticket. Several other riggers had opened his reserve pack jobs and not liked what they saw, but the reason why the parachute association stopped him and took a way his license was that they found a reserve pack job with his name on it where the slinks that connected the reserve risers to the reserve weren't closed properly. I don't need to explain what would have happened if someone had tried to use that reserve. Now he's not even allowed to pack a main. So no, I don't trust a rigger just because he has a riggers ticket. And if my friend who is becoming a rigger wanted to pack my reserve, I'd like to watch. Not really that much to supervise, but mainly to learn. And he wouldn't mind that at all. The rigger I'm using now would let me watch too. It's my gear, I decide who should pack it, and of course I'm interested in how it's done. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  14. Hi! He's got a point about new jumpers buying new gear that "they won't outgrow", getting something that is too small is never a good idea. The Silhouette is a great beginner's canopy, I love mine, and I got it used with 600 jumps on the fabric and 150 on the lines, which means that it is very easy to pack and still opens and flies like new. A used Silhouette with good lines is a good choice.
  15. I'd trust a new rigger if it was a jumper I knew, and I liked his/her attitudes and how he/she packed his/her main. I might ask to watch. I wouldn't let a rigger I knew nothing about pack my reserve, but I'd let him/her do other tasks with my gear, such as attaching a new main or something like that. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  16. You say yourself that you are getting better in 2 jumps, so I'm sure it will get lots better if you give it another 5. 20 jumps is a very low jump number, and most skydivers have had many "where are the others?" jumps. I had some tunnel time, and I found that when I got out in the sky, I had a tendency to backslide, so I had to straighten my legs some, maybe that will help for you too? BTW, why doesn't your coach keep up with you? Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  17. That rig is a great excuse for becoming good at 4-way. Seriously, I know people who got a Vector2, was told it wasn't safe to freefly in, and started doing 4-way, liked it, and got good at it. Or anything you like on your belly. Why would you want people to send you the answers as PM? Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  18. Of course I click on ads for windtunnels, dropzones and skydiving gear! If I'm bored, I might as well plan my next vacation, or find new ways of parting with my cash. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  19. I am! But I prefer doing sports to watching. Just like I prefer eating good food to watching food programs on TV. And you'll have to agree: soccer, wrestling and beach volleyball aren't sports. Not really. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  20. Soccer, wrestling and beach volleyball. Because neither are sports. Soccer and wrestling are pseudo religious cults in their countries of origin, and it's as much about money as about sportsmanship. And beach volleyball? It's a bit like baywatch, and excuse to show scantily clad men and women on TV. If they're including the above, they might as well include FS-4, freeflying, freestyle and canopy piloting. And acrobatic and distance paraglider. And Motor bike jumping. And cutting and reining. And Dressage on Fjord horses. Those are sports! Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  21. Both. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  22. Well, not completely. I will, at any rate. I don't think a line can snag on a boob. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  23. Then you are against ME? Even most of my skin is pink(ish)! Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  24. Broke my ankle a year ago, and the right fibula looked pretty bad on all the x-rays, big cracks in it, but it was just put in a cast and healed. All the new doctors who looked at it were like "WHY hasn't this been operated?", but all of the injury were away from the joint, so it healed all by itself. I'm glad that I have my original landing gear intact, without all those fancy, modern metal "improvements" and so should you. Heal fast!
  25. Little fluffy clouds! Small cumuli that doesn't stop us from jumping at the small cessna DZ in the middle of nowhere! Fly into them with the canopy!