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Everything posted by pinkfairy

  1. Prices: Expensive! Canopies: PD Silhouette is great for beginners, I have one of those, and love it! Containers: Aerodyne Icon. Easy to pack and comfortable to wear. Altimeters: Altimaster Galaxy. simple and not too expensive, Audible altimeters: Larsen & Brusgaard: Solo. Very easy to set and use and is very small. Helmets: Factory Diver is lightweight, and an simple construction without a lot of parts that can come loose, and it's inexpensive for a full face. Gloves: I use American football gloves, they have a very good grip and are durable, but I know jumpers who use riding gloves, golf gloves or even cross country ski gloves. There is lots of good skydiving gear out there, and there is lots of great used gear to find too, ask around at your DZ, talk to your instructors, I'm sure you'll find something that you like. I just listed up things that I like. And remember: buying used gear means more money for jumping. Edited to add: I see someone here is making recommendations of AADs. Well, I can't really make a recommendation of one of those, I know few people who have any real experience with them, but the Cypres is known to fire when it's supposed to when it's turned on, so I have one. I'm sure there are other good AADs on the market too. An AAD can be a really good investment.
  2. Nice! I do that kind of stuff all the time, and it just gets better and better! Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  3. No, no! It's: "Pack fast, pull low, date your rigger's wife!" Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  4. "Jump together, safety is in numbers!" or "Without you, the whole plan would be impossible!" Are my favorites right now, feel free to use them. And there is always EFS and BSBD, the old classics. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  5. Cutaway: red Reserve: silver I'm just gonna throw mine anyway, so I don't bother with getting fancy looking handles. (That's a personal choice, don't tell me not to, it's my handles, I paid for them!) But your name one the cutaway handle is neat, that way, you'll recognize it when someone who found it brings it in. Also, people will actually remember your name, and maybe invite you to jumps, easier to shout "Mike!" than "You tall guy with the brown hair!" Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  6. Some workout clothes have strings that are used to tighten the waist, that string can snag on the hackey and cause a hard pull. Also be careful so that clothes can't cover your emergency handles, as someone already mentioned. I prefer one of my jumpsuits when freefalling, but wear "normal" clothes for hop&pops. I like the booties on my FS suit, and I like the way my Freefly suit feels in the air. And if you're a student, you should definetely listen to your instructors. But shorts are worn a lot by skydivers, also in the air. BTW black jumpsuits always look good. So even when you're sweating, you'll still look cool. Or you could come to Norway and jump, heat is no problem over here! Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  7. I think it looks like Patches. But Trouble is good too. It just pisses me off when people just leave cats out to fend for themselves. Especially here in Norway where it gets really cold in winter. Sure, some cats just get lost by themselves, but people could have gotten them microchipped and neutered and made more of an effort to find them, then we wouldn't have this problem. If people can't afford to do that, then they can't afford to have cats. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  8. pinkfairy

    Hiking Boots

    The most important thing is that they fit and feel good on your feet. No feet are alike, and what I hate might be perfect for you. My Merells didn't fit properly and made my heels hurt, but my cheap norwegian army boots fit like a dream, are water proof, and I can go everywhere in them. And break them in on the way to the shop and on other short trips. Notthing's worse than trying to climb the Ben Nevis in brand new boots. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  9. Landing with weights is a complete non-issue for me too, I'm about the same weight as the OP, and I actually like my huge Silhouette 150 better with a little more weight on it. With weights, slicksuit and proper technique, I can match even heavy people. Advantages of being small must be that if you jump with people like me, you'll get more freefall time. Also to the OP, don't worry about your instructors asking about your weight, it's only a technical question to help them dress you and themselves for success. Anyway, you'll be telling everyone your weight later if you get your own gear and tell people your wingload. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  10. Or you could do what other people do with old, worn out things that no longer are useful. BTW: what recycling bin does used nylon go in? Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  11. The best solution to this is if the manufacturers use a PDF creating software, such as Adobe Acrobat Proffessional 8 to create proper PDF forms, that you can easily fill in using Adobe Reader. I probably sound like an Adobe sales representative, but if I knew about other and better PDF editing solutions, I'd recommend them. I use Adobe Acrobat myself, so I know how it works. When it comes to editing PDF "forms" that don't have fields that you can edit on the computer, I'd say it's not a good solution at all. Some PDFs have text that can be copied and pasted into other documents, and with those, I'd try the PDF editing software that has been suggested here. It might hurt the layout, though. Some PDFs might be "locked" for editing, or be just a picture of the text. And with those, it's OCR if you want to edit them without a pen. NOT recommended. Again: I'd talk to the manufacturers. They wouldn't even have to buy the software or learn how to use it, they could pay someone to make a PDF form for them. Also: some businesses require signatures on documents, especially orders, and then you'd still have to use the fax or scanner. But proper PDF forms would make things easier and more readable for everyone. I hope this was of any help!
  12. Miele Dishwasher. I've owned it for 3 years now, and I'm still incredibly impressed when I look inside it. Everything is so clean!
  13. No problem with dairy products or coffee if you're used to them. Bottles of water, fruit, nuts and raw carrots are great to bring to the DZ to snack on between jumps, but see if you get time for some real food too. it's easy to forget to eat when you're focused jumping. Eating and drinking is generally a good idea, whatever activity you're doing. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  14. Only one thing? Impossible to choose: I'll say sex, skyidiving, and being able to make a living for myself. Alcohol comes pretty low on the list. That's another fun thing about being an adult, and that's not feeling embarrassed about dancing and singing at a party without being drunk. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  15. Just give them beer. Lots of beer. No, you don't have to tip your AFF instructors. People usually buy a case of beer for everyone when they get their A licence, that's usually enough. IMO, when you start jumping by yourself, as you do when you do AFF jumps, you are no longer a "paying passenger", but a real skydiver, and in a whole different class than a tandem student. You will probably pay for coaching from time to time your entire skydiving career, if you were going to tip all the time, you wouldn't have jump money left. So: pay for your AFF jumps, and buy beer when you have your A licence. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  16. I upgraded from a Sabre150 to a Silhouette 150. Before I got the Silhouette I had only flown Navigator and Sabre. The openings are good, much like the Navigator, you feel them and they don't use too much altitude, but mine have never been uncomfortable. It's also very tolerant to body position during opening, and flies straight even with multiple line twists. Once open, it is easy to fly both on toggles and on back risers, but a little heavy on the fronts. But probably that won't be a problem if you're getting this canopy, you'll probably not be interested in swooping and you can still get the front risers down if you need to get through wind. The landings are superb, it's got a lot of flare power, a lot more than the sabre, it just goes on and on. No problem at all on no wind days. All in all a really nice canopy for low wingloadings, great for inexperienced jumpers like myself. Gets you to the ground comfortably, and makes you stand up your landings. I wingload the Silhouette 150 at 0.95:1 or 1:1 with lead. It was a little faster at 1:1, but still very easy to fly. The canopy has 600 jumps, so is well "packed in", but the lineset has just 100 jumps, so if opens and flies like new.
  17. Solitary birds are very macho, and will say things such as "I'm here and I'm extremely big and formidable, just watch my incredibly beautiful plumage and how I can sing on in breath and out breath for 5 hours straight, so watch out! Gregarious birds have more complicated social lives, and I have no idea of what they are talking about, except that their uncessant chirping is how they keep up their social bonds and keep the flock together. Must be pretty similar to people just chatting about the weather and the sale on the shopping mall, and how one of them was taken by the hawk the other day, wasn't it awful, so young! I'm so happy to hear the birds sing again, most of them are gone all winter, and hearing all their songs and cries and noises is just wonderful. It means better times when I can take out my bicycle again or even skydive.
  18. And exactly there airtwardo has hit the nail on the head. The most sensible post in this thread. The "we might die anyway" argument doesn't mean that we shouldn't care, or that the rigger who signed this pack and assembly job shouldn't lose his licence. Any discussion could end with the "We could all DIE anyway" argument. I don't think it's a very good argument, especially not in this case. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  19. No no! They will be packed in one of the cells of the tandem canoppies and fall out on deployment, happens all the time! Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  20. That's a tough one, I'm afraid you'll just have to give up and drink milk instead. Preferably fat free. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  21. That's just not true. I do work with computers, and still believe that some operating systems are better designed and work better than others, and that there's big differences in quality between different brands of computer hardware. Computers are no different than other products, some work well, and others don't. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  22. You have to check with the makers of the software that you're using, but the new virtualization software VMWare Fusion and Paralells are actually pretty cool. The mac can also boot up in Wondows if you have a windows licence that you can use. I know it works pretty well, there's a user on my network that uses that, and I've heard no complaints. It even worked in beta. Over to the advantages with the mac vs Dell: Better and more solid hardware: Aluminium is a better and more solid material than plastic. Plastic things that stick out break off. And the plastic in the macbook isn't any old plastic, it's very solid polycarbonate. Same material that's used in high quality sunglasses. I know it's solid, because I've prised open a previous model of the macbook. The operating system has a great graphical user interface, it's really tidy and simple, and I keep hearing that from ex- windows users, not just "mac fanatics". It's also very stable and needs very little maintenance from your part. I have computers that I don't restart for months, and one that's hasn't been reinstalled for 3 years, but is still fast. Also, the selection of malware and viruses for mac is pretty poor, you really have to work at it to get some of that. No operating system is safe, but if you're one of the overwhelming majority of users who uses the worlds most popular operating system, it's much easier for the virus makers to get you. But: If 3D graphical games are your thing, and you absolutely have to have the latest PC games, then get a Windows box. But then you wouldn't want a laptop. Yes, I used to sell macs, but I work with Windows now. And I'm in no doubt about what's best for home users. If you're going to get a PC, get another brand than Dell, Fujitsu Siemens is lighter and more compact, or a Lenovo, they're more solidly built. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?
  23. If you're bored, you can always clean your room! I did that today, I can definetely recommend it. Smells kinda nice here now.
  24. That's not a skills problem with your rigger, that's an attitude problem. Even I can route lines correctly through the slider and put the slinks on properly. If he doesn't bother to check his apprentice's work or won't read the manual, then he should lose his licence. IMHO skills are easier to fix than attitudes. Oh, and I'd feel safer with a BASE rig than what your pictures showed. BTW there was a rigger here in Norway who lost his licence due to a similar mistake. Only he did it himself instead of letting an apprentice mess up, but I don't think that would have made a difference. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you?