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Everything posted by pincheck

  1. no just the natural instinct off a parent who wants the best for their children. Remember that along the way our kids will still look to you for comfort and support its our job to still give them it. so Mommy your job has just begun
  2. Its funny but perhaps its the competitive edge of RW that gets in the way and where every block and move is analyzed where as freeflyers are a bit more layed back and looser in their approach to a dive. this sport is about having FUN sometimes people tend to loose sight of that. Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  3. yep he's a lefty Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  4. oooooooohhhh.......shiny........ mmmmmmmmm very nice now go play Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  5. pincheck


    For all types off flying this has it all, this is for everyone.Any information on a dive that you can think off is at your finger tips. To begin with the menu's can seem a bit tricky but this is like all new stuff "takes time to adjust". great audiable
  6. We changed from semi to full on doctors recommendations. This was due to my son who although reasonably healthy and whole, is on the small side. he was born premature at 28 weeks and spent about 3 months in special care baby unit. Due to his early birth he has always been small but his pediatrician said he may always be small but this may help him develop. to put it into context he is 6 years old just know but fits into 3-4 year old clothes but for everything he's one happy little boy, which makes me happy Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  7. Never get on the same load as a guy called Stu after he's had a curry the night before or a guy called Darren who seams to let go at 7k, you could set your alti by it especially in a small plane and Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  8. Gross point blank The long kiss goodnight Life of brian Earth girls are easy Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  9. on a personal level i would be more likely to travel to a uk tunnel based on time constraints of flying to the states due to me working shifts and i get 4 days off every 8 so it is possible to go to either during that time where as it would be a waste of time for me to spend that going to the states in that time frame That said next year i plan to be in florida for 2 weeks and spank every dz i can as well as tunnel.
  10. what a nut cracker Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  11. should have had an audible Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  12. I feel your pain i had the same problem with my new canopy to me "NO WAY IS IT GOING IN THEIR" came to mind. On top off this, it could only be pro packed and guess what i only new how to flat pack. So i had to learn how to pack it as well as get it in a stupidly small bag. The fun part was 1st time to the dz everyone wanted to try and get it in the bag Instructors,riggers, jumpers only one really experienced packer managed. the moral here is find out who can get it in the bag
  13. Why not take some low timers out for fun jumps, usually newbies are a bit shy off asking and are only too happy to be asked to jump
  14. welldone man have fun and be safe Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  15. 38 know 39 about just over a year Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  16. my wife and kids where, how can i say this "TOTALLY UNDERWHELMED" and have never watched me jump again where more interested in the beach nearby Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  17. 1:2 1 2 ways warp coach dive to pin and turn points 2 fun dives doing mirrors off each other. just couldn't stop laughing at each other Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  18. All the time ! 2 weeks drove away from the dz knowing something was wrong only when i was almost at the main road did i realize i had left all my gear sitting there keys are my specialty car/ house i always loose them. Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  19. so thats what viagra does Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  20. just finished second nightshift ready for bed, with last one to go. If you are going to treat them just remember to smile as you flash them
  21. think you are being a little paranoid lee......... or are you !!!! oumpa loumpa's maybe not trolls Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  22. NO i actually feel happier when i don't have an excessive amount of money Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun
  23. pincheck

    Ah marriage...

    Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun