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Everything posted by skychic68

  1. skychic68

    If you're

    Happy? Who's happy? It's that prozac isn't it? Que sera sera
  2. Cool? You mean skydiver's are supposed to look cool? Que sera sera
  3. Couldn't sell that peice o crap skycam to a fellow jumper..... Cannon's rock!!! Que sera sera
  4. Please dude, NO! I made that dreadful mistake two years ago. Thought I would see what the thing was all about and it gave me nothing but problems. The quality was poor as well. I bought a Cannong Rebel. But, if you really wanna buy one, i'll sell you mine, LOL. I couldn't do that to a fellow skydiver. Que sera sera
  5. Sure, just follow cpoxon's instructions. I just got one myself and also had a tough time deciphering the info. I really like it though. Glad I bought it. Hope you like yours. Que sera sera
  6. It's a miracle. Just to think what a little cold water and woolite can do. I did the same with my rigs over the winter. Don't you love having the joy of having a new looking rig again?
  7. Z1 looks and flies great. If I weren't so cheap, i'd buy one, but I will stick with my old helmet. Que sera sera
  8. I have heard of some folks scotchguarding their suits with no problems. I would definitely test a smallpatch on the suit before you try the whole thing. I don't think it would make it any stiffer. Try a small patch and see how it works. The cans of scotch guard do say that it works on fabrics. I was actually thinking of doing the sa,e thing. Let's both do it and compare notes
  9. Glad your Diablo is flying well for you. They must have made some nice improvements since I taded mine in. As far as the openings, instead if just rolling the hell out of the nose in one direction, try rolling half the nose toward the middle leaving the center cell free and then rolling the other half of the cells toward the middle. When the canopy opens, it should distribute the air flow evenly, making for a more on heading opening. Give it a try and let me know how it works. Que sera sera
  10. Hopefully i will like mine just as well when i get it mounted. Glad you like it Que sera sera
  11. The camera condom is a great idea. I have an older TRV that i have mounted. To protect it from banging into the plane and minimize tape flutter, I bought one of those "tummy wraps" made of noprene and velcro it down. Has worked great for me. Que sera sera
  12. Seems to be a pretty big box, don't you think? I worry about the red wire sticking out the back of the box and snagging on somehting. what style camera will you put in yours? How do you intend to mount it? Que sera sera
  13. Well, Bonehead has come out with a new D-box style. It has metal hinges and a line that you pull through the hinges to keep it together. Any opinions on the box so far? I'm not sure if I like it over the old box or not. I was thinking of buying an old box from the classifieds if this doesn't suit me. Let's hear some feedback. Que sera sera
  14. howdy, I saw your neat cutaway job in your Optik. What is the recipe for this? How well does it function? Thanks for any infor you can give me. Que sera sera
  15. There is some scary stuff out there. I'll have to download the picture of our King Air landing after a load and the nose gear colapsing. Owee for the props. No onew injured. Que sera sera
  16. I like the video idea. Get someone to shoot you during freefall. Then, take it home and show it to your family. say something like, "Gee, that looks fun, maybe I'll try it"...something to that effect. Then, break it to them that it's you in the video. Lots of fun. Que sera sera
  17. I'm sorry for your loss. It is always so hard to lose those who mean so much to us. Take some time for yourself. Remember the good stuff and keep her memory alive. Hang in there. Que sera sera
  18. Never seen this commercial. Is it during prime time? Que sera sera
  19. Hey, I like your true!! Que sera sera
  20. It's always something, isn't it. Que sera sera
  21. Any way you look at it, these reality shows have an audience. It suggests that Americans have nothing better to do with their time. What a sad state of affairs. _____Beam me up, Lord_____ Que sera sera
  22. I love Carter. He is so diplomatic and gracious. I think that if anyone could maintain talks with Hussein and try to come to a peaceful resolution with him, it would be Carter. Let's put him back in the presidency
  23. Kinda wierd huh. Usually in passing. Passing to get a drink, passing go to the puter, or of course, passing to go and, well, you know. I do enjoy Thursday night shows, however. Will and Grace is way funny Que sera sera
  24. Safety day at Skydive Pennsylvania went really well. They came in droves to hear the updates, lectures, and eat lots of pizza. A free T shirt was also on tap. Good day for all who showed up. Que sera sera