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  • Home DZ
    Skydive Paris
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    Freefall Photography

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  1. When I used to jump at Ft. Cambell, Ky and the ceiling was low we would do "StackOuts". Hop n Pops from 3,500 ft. It was fun.
  2. I agree with your point and premise Chuck. As to Bill saying that it's not for non-skydivers I disagree. We're not "Masons."
  3. My six year old daughter says: "Love cuts the cheese off badness." I think it's a version of a proverb: "A kind answer turns away wrath."
  4. Awesome OP JHooknSwoop! Used to think 'bout becoming a rigger until I saw how involving that it is. Still would like to one day... Hats of to all of the riggers here. My riggers have never let me down and even saved my life once.
  5. That new Deepseed suit really caught my eye. Check it out and see what you think about it....
  6. They say the thing that kills sex life is called Wedding Cake.
  7. Pastor Jones' goal should be to win people to his faith. How does this help his cause?
  8. When I was an activer jumper I felt like Maxtracking (post breakoff) was one of my stronger skills. I have afterburners on my jumpsuit and I feel like they really gave me alot more speed and possibly lift, of course I would keep my chin tucked for awhile then locate the other 3 jumpers I was with. Near my last jumps I was having some heading control issues which may have been caused by a lazy foot so I concentrated on pointing my toes more and findig a point on the horizon to focus on also. It always seemed that after opening that I was very far from the others both horizontally and somewhat vertically.
  9. Hey D, at least you didn't have a bunch of snot leave your nose during freefall, land and have someone notice a bunch of brown stuff on your goggles.
  10. Got a question for you Normiss: When Islamic fundamentalists carry out their dastardly deeds and the rest of the community does not speak out against it, doesn't that make them tacitly complicit or at least approving of those deeds?