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Everything posted by adamUK

  1. Jump from 4000ft into a pile of boxes 3950ft high? That'd work
  2. Click on Enter youtube URL (e.g. ) into text box Click on 'Convert Video' Click on download. HTH Adam.
  3. Ugh.. Slowly! The house is full of holes either by rainwater or me. I'll send you pix when done!
  4. Broke my skull when a friend of mine threw a stick we were using as a goalpost at my head. Fin cut on my leg surfing. Broke my thumb when I fell on a dry ski slope and accidentally stuck it in one of those hexagonal brush things. Busted knuckle falling through the ceiling doing DIY in the house.
  5. I like Invictus by William Ernest Henley. It describes one man's struggle against adversity (his own disability) and how becoming 'captain of my soul' he comes to terms with it. Powerful stuff: Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.
  6. They switched my rota so I would be working Saturday, not Sunday and the day has been lovely and warm and all my friends have been jumping their spuds off. To top it all off the weather forecast is pants tomorrow.
  7. Duh! Boeing's planes might rock the house but the pilots should get a little more training... Turn left at the mainland, not right!!!
  8. Man, I did London to HK in about 14 hours on a 747. I'm not getting on a plane that flies that slowly...
  9. Dude, The Bible is the word of man.. If you want to know the word of God then study Physics. (okay, this is the soapbox after all) Seriously, given that the KJV was effectively written by committee and there's other accounts of Christ's life that have been omitted (even the Vatican admits this) then my personal take is that the KJV can't be authoritative. I don't believe, (like Muslims do of the Koran when recited in Arabic), that the KJV is the word of God spoken through man. Does it matter to one's faith? To me, no.
  10. I rememeber one when snowboarding got put in the Winter Olympics and one of the competitors tested positive for cannabis (being such a performance enhancing drug)... jeez.. a snowboarder testing positive for dope is like a darts player testing positive for lager....
  11. Chris the Ninja Pirate would win: see Okay.. weebl & bob is just too surreal for some, I know.... Sorry.
  12. adamUK

    Motorola RAZR

    Yep... I don't know which is the exact model thatI have but the phone directory thing does drive me nuts. Perhaps your software is more up-to-date than mine? How do you find the predictive text? Adam
  13. adamUK


    More: Scientists used to believe that a diamond was the world's hardest substance. But then they met Chuck Norris, who gave them a roundhouse kick to the face so hard, and with so much heat and pressure that the scientists turned into artificial Chuck Norris. On the 7th day, God rested.... Chuck Norris took over. Biologically, Chuck Norris is his own step-father. When his martial arts prowess fails to resolve a situation, Chuck Norris plays dead. When playing dead doesn't work, he plays zombie. It is common knowledge that there are three sides to the force: the light side, the dark side, and Chuck Norris. When Chuck Norris does pushups, he's not pushing himself up, he's pushing the world down. Chuck Norris once tried to sue Burger King after they refused to put razor wire in his Whopper, Jr., insisting that that actually is "his" way. The North Korean nuclear program is just a diversion for its attempts to clone an army of Chuck Norrises. Fortunately, the only North Korean to have approached Chuck Norris to get his DNA got a round house kick to the face and became North Korea's first satellite in space.
  14. adamUK

    Motorola RAZR

    I have one and I don't like it.. sure it is slim and cool looking but... The user interface is pants, for example, you can't select a number of messages to delete, you either have to delete them one at a time or all of them (not useful if you want to keep one or two). If you are wanting to look up a name in your phone book, you can't just type in a name, when you type in the first letter it takes you to that letter in the phone book but when you type in the second, it takes to that letter... e.g. if you were looking for "Phil", you type in P and it takes you to the beginning of entries beginning with P in the phone book, if you then type in 'H' it takes you to the entries with the first letter of H... a real bummer if you seem to have (like me) a lot of mates who's first name begins with the letter D! The predictive text is way way poorer than Nokia's offering - takes me twice as long to text and it drives me nuts. The digital camera quality is poor. Mine also turns itself off randomly and I know of a few other owners who have had similar tech. faults. The reception is okay though and for such a small phone I get reasonable battery life. Hope this helps Adam,
  15. I will beat Dan Osman up any wall in my car... [Sadly, Dan died a few years ago doing an outrageous rope jump. Some of these (on the Masters of Stone series) have to be seen to be believed!!!.. RIP fella]
  16. >Blankenchuter Bwahhaaahaahahahaa.. Jeez. I never laughed so hard before.
  17. Yeah... that's a new world record for speed skydiving..
  18. In the housing planning dept... you can categorise objectors with the following list: NIMBY - not in my back yard BANANA - build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything CAVE - Citizens against virtually everything NOTE - not over there either. NOPE - not on planet earth Acronyms are supposed to make works from the initails of a phrase.. otherwise, strictly speaking, they are initialisms. sorry to be anal...
  19. Yeah... that reminds me.. with skydiving we trust the gear and there's no way I am trusting that RP0 I wedged into that last crack. And winter climbing is worse!
  20. What about falling whilst climbing offwidth chimneys? It's like going 50' through a cheese grater! That's why I don't climb them fellas. Mmm... some of the most satisfying days I have had climbing - I don't do so much these days - I got the fear!!
  21. When I was in New Zealand (home of the skydiving, climbing, surfing, snowboarding, skating and all other X-treme sports, aparrently the most deadly sport was ROCK FISHING! What happens is a kiwi fella cilmbs down a cliff with a case of beer, fishing rod and some bait. Then a wave comes along, washes him off and he's too pished to get out alive. Bonkers.. Fishing is the new extreme sport. Ad.
  22. The only discipline I stick to is the one to have as much fun as possible! Why does it matter if you choose to do a bit of everything? As long as you are enjoying what you do then that's all good.