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Everything posted by adamUK

  1. Nah man, that's: I'm just off to... spank the monkey polish the lighthouse bash the bishop teach the one eyed sailor to dance a jig engage in hand-to-gland combat see Mrs Palmer and her five daughters. get aquainted with Pamela Handerson have a knuckle shuffle. have one off the wrist. I heard a funny one the other day... "A w*nk seance": that eerie feeling that you are being watched upon in disgust by your dead relatives whilst masturbating...
  2. My fave for blokes going for a pee. "Just off to shake hands with the unemployed"
  3. Sometimes there's a trace of the stuff if it's not distilled properly - the first cut of distillation is to take the methanol off then collect the ethanol/distillate (ask an Irishman if you whiff something funny going on in his shed at the bottom of the garden - he'll tell you ).
  4. Mate of mine brought some back and we drank it like a year later - we are still alive. The 'going blind' bit is due to any methanol not distilled first off. Or masturbating too much.
  5. There is to be no talking to the person next door in the stall, especially at work since I might be sleeping...
  6. The local university club have a £1 fine for farting in any jumpship at any altitude. It goes towards the beer fund which, has theraputic properties from fart induced nasal trauma. Adam.
  7. Awww... what a sweetheart he is. I am glad he is doing well. Good vibes to you and the little fella.
  8. 0:5:0 Had my pre-second visit to Cark, Did my pre-second jump from a PAC750 (very nice
  9. Hi, I spent just over 2 months going from Mumbai to Dhaka in Bangladesh (via Sri Lanka) I would defintely recommend Sri Lanka, it's great fun and the people are really friendly. Vegetatian food is much safer than meat dishes (I had 6 days when I didn't know which end to stick down the bog after some dodgy chicken), and since the food is so good wihout meat, I would recommend it. If you are travelling alone then it might be good to hook up with another travelling partner (there are many backpackers around india). Single women do get hassled though it's nowhere as bad as Indonesia. Don't take too many things, like clothes. A tailor can knock together anything you like really quickly and a fraction of the cost that is available at home - in fact I met someone who took all his favourite clothes to india and got a guy to copy them all! Try to get some small denomination notes when you get there for tips - 100 rupees is a lot of money out there. Also, since you will be untanned and western, you will be paying 2-3 times the local cost so be prepeared to haggle. And enjoy... don't be in a hurry because no one else is - just slip into the indian way of doing things. The sights, sounds and smells are sometimes overpowering but that's all part of the experience. Take care and let us all know how it went. Adam.
  10. The way mobile phones are going these days, Nokia will have one that vibrates, has polyphonic ringtone, camera, GPS, dytter, video camera. AAD, is capable of turning a decent number of points in a 4 way if you let it loose in freefall and is can make calls as well Adam.
  11. Hehehehee I like that one!!
  12. Not the user logout sigline. Aggiedave, really. I never knew about this mischievous streak of yours. P.S. the reason that I am all so happy today is I got a whopping 132 seconds of freefall in 2 jumps. Man... December was so lame. You know what it's like - bloke can't get it so gets frustrated then gets it and has a big silly grin on face for the rest of the day.
  13. Aggiedave, I have been meaning to ask you this for ages but what is that white thing on your head in your avatar???
  14. Heh, Actually you have started me thinking... I think I will get hold of a plastic bowl and start experimenting. If it looks a total lash up then that's no bother... If I get some good results i might give the lid a go!
  15. The problem is that I have the artistic talent of a cluster of colour-blind hedgehogs in a bag (that's a quote from Blackadder, sorry)
  16. Thanks AggieDave, The problem is that the lid is BLUE! It's a minter so it will spray up nicely. Know what you mean though, you would never ever chip a standard lid covered in stickers but as soon as you get a custom job done, you drop it, it rolls down the street and get's run over by a truck... Adam
  17. Heard from a JM once in the plane giving some last minute info "...and for god's sake nobody die!!!"
  18. I remember when my AFFI stuck his tongue out at me (to get me to do something) and I stuck my tongue out at him back!
  19. Just wondering, does anybody have any stuff colour matched to their container??? Not that it would surprise me.
  20. The "Team Laser Explosion" just cracks me up.
  21. Here's mine... the orange is more like a red though... the colours just don't quite match!! bah. Still love it though (but then it's like having a kid - it could have three heads but you would still love it!!)
  22. Obviously I don't have much experience but that sort of 'air' is not the sort of thing that keeps titanium ouf of your body in skydiving IMHO.