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Everything posted by adamUK

  1. Often pilots fly a left hand circuit as that gives them a better view of the airfield/parachute landing area (the pilot's seat being on the left of the plane). Hopefully many will keep the circuit wide enough to catch sight of most canopies and make avoiding action where appropriate.
  2. Thanks Lara, you guys at Alti 2 rock (still not here though! )
  3. Yeah, I heard that despite all this wrangling over Airbus and Boeing, there's several billion dollars worth of transatlantic trade to supply parts for both compaines. There's defininely a lot of EU made bits that appear in Boeing's fleet and vice-versa.
  4. Alan's been losing a bit of weight. Still goes damn fast though. Watched him go head down last weekend.. Jeez. It's like belly flying just ain't moving.
  5. Ahem, wings made in Wales, Engines made in England...
  6. Jeez.. we could do all the jumps we ever do at our DZ on 3 loads on that thing. Flippin long camera rail needed though (okay then, which 200 of you are floating?? )
  7. I think our friend here was, using the technical term "avin-a-larf".
  8. Dyson bagless vacuum cleaners are the thing to have (nice clear plastic 'bag' so you can see them getting all dizzy in there) for swarms of anything though I usually tend to leave bees alone... Wasps though... Grrr...
  9. Alan Thompson is steadily teaching everyone at out DZ how to sign... It's really cool, though he can't have a private conversation with someone anymore since so much of us are getting better at understanding what he's saying
  10. adamUK

    fav. quote

    From the jumpmaster of one load after sorting out the exit order and landing pattern, came out with "...and for Christ's sake, will nobody f**king die!!" Cracked us up since it was totally unexpected and he had a look of (feigned) injured concern on his face when he said it.
  11. Mmmm.. check out the surf in the background.. mmm (off to Bali in 6 weeks time).. mmm..
  12. Try and click on the C++/MFC forum.. (oddly I am adamUK on there too!) Geek out dude.
  13. Chroist! I actually think Chris *is* going to be the TI. Luckily my brother doens't go "Baa" so as long as I keep Chris from the pickled eggs and pull-up cords, he should be okay.
  14. Yes! I will probably end up landing off or something . I am looking forward to having my brother on the plane on the way up and experience what I love doing so much.
  15. This is going to be so good. It's my 100th jump this weekend and my brother is going to do a tandem (I got it for him for his Xmas present) so he and i are going to be on the same load. Plus my parents (who don't mind me jumping) and my brothers kids (who really dig that I jump) and my brother's wife (who's insisting that she's not going to watch!) are all going to be there! Any top tips for winding up one's elder sibling?? Actually I don't think he's nervous but his wife is!! Cheers!
  16. Wow, Ross, you are still alive!! How was the USA? Are we going to see you at the DZ soon??
  17. Our other 4 way team we named was 'Mud the four cars'.
  18. We were coming up with team names and we came up with "the team I slept with" during competitions over the PA the mainfest bunny would say: "would the team I slept with please come over to mainfest"
  19. I guess you are right... most of my experience has been on much smaller horizontal tunnels which aren't nearly as much fun as those big vertical fellas . I spent some time in Orlando though and had a nice look at the diffuser.. sad geeko or what? So are you saying the velocity profile across the test section is not entirely plug flow? Adam
  20. Hey! I wish you guys at bedford well. There's a real buzz about knowing that soon we will have a tunnel of our own! Adam. P.S. Those lads not putting a honeycomb on the contraction inlet? How are they going to reduce the longitudinal component of any turbulence in there? Sorry.. sad fluid dynamics geek.
  21. Lizzie, Get Dave, your boyfriend, to buy you tunnel time... Sheesh.. why have a boyfriend if he's not going to shower you in lavish gifts like tunnel time or maybe a wind tunnel of your own! See ya at the DZ our kid. Adam.
  22. Just a question: what's the issue with lengthening the closing loop slightly? (I am not talking about having a sloppy pin or anything). Say, 1/8th or 1/4" of an inch so that the pin is still snug but the container can be closed without considerable profanities. Surely the closing loop will stretch of it's own accord anyway? My closing loop was pretty darn tight when I first got it after the rigger assembled it but I just persevered and lost several layers of skin getting it shut... Do you measure the force requried to get the pin out? Are there guidelines on what this should be for a correctly snug pin?? thanks!
  23. Jumpmunki, For what it's worth, on the very first jump my brand new wings, I had a bit of PC hesitation (probably two or three seconds). It was a 5k hop and pop with a 5 second delay. It's sized for an Aerodyne 188/ smart reserve which are the canopies in there. From jump 2 onwards, everything else has been fine. The pin was very tight when I first got it but is a bit less so now since it the closing loop has stretched just a touch. I put the hesitation down to this and the fact I was sub-terminal. I tried looking in the wings manual and there's no guidance on acceptable max/min pull forces for the pin... any riggers out there wish to comment?
  24. Awww man... it's gonna rock. Cark has one It's really comfy to altitude but the run in speed's quite high.. Watch out for that horizontal staibilser!