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Everything posted by adamUK

  1. A PD pulse and Aerodyne pilot ZPX have low pack volumes. Worth a look.
  2. I was thinking about the ability of the mouth lock bungees to keep the bag closed at the point it decelerates immediately out of the container. Hence the photo I posted where the bungees had failed.
  3. I think it was the slider but I'd still like to think about the rubber bands. I'd be interested on your views as to what happened in the photo attached (and why!) Cheers Adam. P.S. why $127.50?
  4. I watched the PD video on youtube about bag locks which was also informative. I'd certainly avoid the slammer. Holy Sh!t: I'd thought I'd been in a car crash. I'm still not right with my back.
  5. Thanks Dave. That's interesting. Is there a minimum tension for the mouth locks? I would imagine the mouth locks have to resist the inertial mass of the bag during deployment to make sure the lines reach full stretch before releasing. Jeez. Been jumping 9 years and I still feel as though I know nowt.
  6. I remember being told that it was good practice to have at least 12lb of tension to release each stow (i.e. you should be able to pick the bag up using the lines and the stow would hold). Is this not true? What would happen if I had no tension on all the stows with the exception of the mouth locks, would the opening still be okay? I've taken a much greater interest in my packing since I had my 'Mike Tyson' slammer so all thoughts welcome! Cheers All Adam.
  7. Can't you just leave it turned off?
  8. Kentucky fried kitten.. or for spicy food lovers Kitten tikka masala.
  9. I've got a pilot 188 and it opens in about 600-800 ft loaded at 1.14. I leave the nose out. You shouldn't get off heading openings if you've packed it symmetrically and kept the risers even. I maybe get one in about every 10 jumps a 90 degree off heading opening and they are more prevalent when I'm rushing for the next load.
  10. Get this if you don't want to show your face. How much more badass can you get?
  11. You too? They've only just got contact lenses in my strength (which I now wear for jumping). My glasses were very effective contraceptives. As for fogging up in the plane ride on the way up... jeez. Took 5-6k for them to clear in freefall
  12. He's always mega busy but maybe I'll pop round midweek when things will be hopefully quieter. Cheers!
  13. Hi I've read various owners manuals for reserve repacks but are there any videos out there of it being done? Or am I going to have to persuade my rigger with beer/tequila to go through the process one afternoon at the DZ? Just trying to push my understanding a bit further. Cheers Adam.
  14. Do not underestimate the number of jumpers that get seriously injured (either physically or emotionally) at the bar during the evening. Seriously: Have you factored this into your thinking??
  15. This was in Eastern Europe. Don't think I'll be going back there. Maybe because I was the foreigner.
  16. Don't DZ have a nominated 'jump master' who is responsible for spotting (also exit order, jump separation, etc)? How can the front of plane know if the spot's right? I've been on loads where I've literally been pushed out the door by the occupants behind which was a bit worrying since the uppers were honkin' and I was trying put some air between me and the group in front. .
  17. If you're using the airkix tunnel they have dummy rigs that you can wear for practice touches. They also have 'altimeters' that for alti checks too. Worth a squint.
  18. You do know that Ryanair fly to Treviso airport and not Marco Polo airport? Treviso's about 30 miles from Venice. They've got a bit of a reputation for flying to unheard of airports miles away from the city they supposedly serve. If you fly to 'Frankfurt' you land in Hahn which is about 80 miles away! Still the flight is cheap (cheaper than a coffee in St Mark's square ) even if the nibbles are expensive and they try to ram scratchcards down your throat.
  19. Hi Pops, sorry to be hard of thinking but what's the issue with the canopy. I thought it was the PC under the nose but I can't figure it out.
  20. Right after the proposal he seems to be spending too much time on her rather than keeping straight and level. I always thought rule #1 of pilot school was 'fly the damn plane'.
  21. Side slides, alti check. Reach forwards with one hand (for docking) and move arms independently. Good luck :-)
  22. The pulse has a low pack volume so packs much smaller than, say, a sabre 2 so it's definitely worth having a chat with the manufacturer of the container.
  23. You told me once that wherever you go you always take yourself with you. Trying to understand yourself and your behaviours that are destructive is the first step. It's a bit like a meeting of the AA aka Arseholes Anonymous. I'd like to introduce myself. My name's Adam and I'm an arsehole.
  24. Strict rules, regulations? In France? Nooooo. Can't you do what the locals do and just ignore them? When someone official comes to bleat on at you just look bored and shrug your shoulders.