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Everything posted by cocheese

  1. Wasup Andre ? Yea Not sure if your vote counts. Ha. Very funny. Good to hear from ya. So we have the otter. Who's mental now ?
  2. Wow. can i get a 3rd opinion ? And what do i tell the shrink ? Anyone out there got me figured out? Maybe i'm obsessive compulsive or just plain wack-O ?
  3. Well so far at 42 votes the results are about what i expected except the people who are NOT obsessed seems higher than i thought. Seems like the Women have their priorities in order. :)
  4. Cool thanks . That saved me $100's in shrink fees.
  5. Please take the poll. Maybe we're all in the same boat/(plane). Feeling like : I can't stop the thoughts of skydiving, am i normal ? (as a skydiver) Is it o.k to be so mentally/physically addicted to skydiving ?
  6. Music... other: The Otter turbine singing "Come fly with me" The swoopers :singing "swoosh there it is" The manifest: singing "Otter sunset load this is a five minute call" The jumpers landing: singing "Yee ha that was awesome" The Bon fire : singing "Boom ave gas rocks" Just a few of my favorites on "Sounds of Music at the DZ" just $19.95 + s/h Not available in stores.
  7. Congratulations. Happy for you. Enjoy.
  8. Bought them long ago to slow down and have more surfaces area to play with. etc.Waste of time and money.Alti ring won't fit over them either. Learn your suit/body. Then you will always be safe and good to go.Get a coach jump here and there. It was a good question. Keep learning.
  9. cocheese

    Beaver Island

    There's also Beaver Dam and Big Beaver Road. Got a small town named Hell and one named Christmas. And Chelse and Clinton are next to each other. There's more let me think.
  10. Wow .cool. Thanks Marshall , Sporto. Jonesin for a jump already. It's been 48 hrs.
  11. Second, the first jump Saturday. First otter load of the year... great headdown dive with Cocheese. Very relaxed. Very good flying by both of us. Just felt good. Great way to open the season. Yes indeed. What Weegegirl said. Should have had video damn me. Thanks Liz.
  12. cocheese

    XM radio

    Got one in Jan. Never use the regular radio anymore. Great programming. Makes me want to drive across the country with it. Keep your eyes on the road.... use presets.
  13. 0:6:1 2 on Fri in the cessna182 then : 4 on Sat. In the OTTER yay otter. Yay weegegirl for kickin it like a skygodess in the headdown in my face. She said i kissed her :), well i think she kissed me:). I just ... Anyway first head down "face" dock ( from the exit) which was too cool. Beer was bought and consumed rapily. Met AlanaB and Amanda too. Great weekend.
  14. ...( clicks heels 3 times and says) "there's no place like home". Miss Hellfish is back ! yea i did her this weekend . She gets me up quick for every mind blowing load. Love going in and out of her big back door. She always gives me an airgasm. She does the whole crew in just 10-12 mins. What a sky babe !
  15. Should be primo by the 4th of July. Now isn't that special. Bet it will taste just like a Sam Adams. Enjoy. Mary Jane tastes like bong water.
  16. Good freakin Friday Freakin jumpin today In my Freak-n-Suit Happy to be alive Happy to be healthy Happy to be jumping
  17. Good decision. Congratulations. Sweet.You're going to like it.
  18. I'm in. Air.. i need air.
  19. bj, missionary, doggy, reverse cowgirl, THEN money shot.
  20. A sad part of our sport is that whuffos don't even enjoy watching what we do on video. We make high profile athletes look like kids and we get no respect. Not that we want it, but i'm glad the masses aren't out to wreck our sport like they have so many others. Glad it's not a trendy sport. They all know it exists. They can come out to the dz anytime, but prefer to go do other "exciting to them" things. Shhh don't tell everyone our secrets to happiness....just the ones that would make a good "dz" friend. I know a few people i would not want at the dz.. just not the right kind of person we need. Blue skies
  21. You're cutting away ? Congrats either way. Work is over rated. Enjoy.
  22. I'm from Michigan, but i can meet you there in 24 hrs by car or 12 if i fly. I'm sure you are busy with private messages ... You asked for it :)
  23. I go through this everyday... i drive a white truck. It just asked if we can go to the dz Fri. Trucks like dz's too. So they can rest all weekend.