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Everything posted by cocheese

  1. High maintenance. Just cruise.....
  2. Darling McSwervy, sorry about your dive buddy. But here is some advice that nobody gave you. Absorb the blueness of the sea from all around the ship. Spend as much time outside as you can. Do the bridge tour. Hit as many midnight buffets as you can. Leave all your valubles at home. If i had a passport,... we would get in trouble.
  3. Sweetie, I tell people with money that there is no reason not to have the best gear money can buy. And the best training as well. Please invest in time at a dz even if it means travel etc. Would you want your instructors to learn everything from the internet instead of real experience before they send you out the door? Start planning a jump vacation today. Time tics fast. Lots of love.
  4. Spend more time at the dz than this website. You have way too many posts for an unlicensed jumper. Don't even waste time replying to me.
  5. So bad, he vacations in Detroit. Remind me not to piss you off.
  6. Take two handfuls of junk from your junk drawer and put it in your panties. Now run up stairs and tell me if you're worried.
  7. I have the Skyfi3 which records anything on XM. Pretty cool.
  8. I tried sky twerking the other day.
  9. Working at the dz.] Still a bum, but a sky bum.
  10. We never know when we will see our sky friends again, no matter how many jumps they have.
  11. Paying my bills is an adventure.~ Tracy Morgan.
  12. cocheese


    No skydiving scenes? Fuck it then.
  13. Ok that beats my heli story when 2 real helicopters gave me head when I was flying my r/c heli. I have no video so it didn't happen. Anyway, that plane in the video was the PTS Mustang by Hangar 9. That kid will be flying helicopters some day soon.
  14. Not if he doesn't even remember sending me some Tim Tams.
  15. I found something better. Great with coffee too.
  16. How do you guys like this one?
  17. A Florida voter can probably get more than that.
  18. Wanna buy mine? I'll vote for whomever you want for a jump ticket.