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Everything posted by cocheese

  1. All of the above A good canopy pilot is someone nobody worries about. They are not on "The List" of who we think is dangerous/next one to get hurt. They help prevent people from jumping too small or fast canopies too soon. They watch others skills and offer advice. They can walk all over your canopy at 2500feet and can grab your pilot chute with their feet.Then swoop down and be almost done packing by the time you step into the hangar. Bastards ! It's not fair whaaaa.
  2. MMMMmmmmmmm tall women. When i see a tall women, something happens to me that doesn't happen with avg.size women. I think i am genetically driven to mate with tall women. I'm only 5'7". Which is avg. i think. I'd say 7 -8 ft would be my max.Ha. Then I would need to wear drywaller/construction stilts. I like small women too and could be equally in love. I've noticed women often state a height requirement in those personal ads( that i read for fun):) What's up with that ?
  3. Yes you can "spin up" a canopy by being a toggle monkey. Don't do this below or near 1000 feet or you may need new underwear. Don't do freefly moves with an old non freefly friendly rig.A premature or worse may happen. An aggressive exit may cause a tail strike. Don't try to get 3 more feet of air on exit or fly up. Don't make a move without looking.(or knowing it's all clear) Same thing in a car. Keep track of jump run direction and which way you should track. This can be difficult sometimes, or easy to overlook, but it helps keep everyone safe. Be aware of as much as possible. After safety, Have as much FUN as possible. This is the most important part. Sometimes overlooked or forgotten by even the pros. If it isn't fun anymore, take a break and remember the fun times.
  4. We're under a lot of pressure. The engineers.... one long answer, and one short answer. Yea ... what they said. So can a skydiver get the "bends" so to speak ? I think it's possible by going to altitude fast and then going fast in freefall. Not as severve as underwater, but i think i heard some symptoms can occur. Anyone know if this is true ?
  5. Michigan : 58 F and sunny winds 10-15 mph. No sweat ? Ha Wish they all could be California girls.
  6. 1) Some made only a few jumps in those many years. 2) Some are better fliers than the jumps would indicate. 3) Some want to keep ya guessing. 4) some don't want to brag or be judged by jump numbers. 5) Some don't want to be perceived as a know-it-all or don't know shit. 6) some people do stuff or don't do stuff for reasons we'll never know or understand.
  7. thanks for the info. I missed that thread. Did a search too and didn't find much recent stuff. Good to know not to clear the ears on the ride up.
  8. I smell beer. Congrats famous skydivers :) Cover = pies
  9. I'm goin back to cali to cali.... ah um... before it's too late. Leave the light on for me.
  10. AlanaBcoolahite Am I the only one that is a bit lost with these spellings? I am having a hard time reading these posts and I'm feeling ignurnt.
  11. How's your ears ? howzers? Hzzzs ? AM I YELLING ? MY EARS ARE PLUGGED.
  12. To the guy who hasn't seen a women in freefall.... You never forget your first. I remember it was like seeing an angel or something. So NOT like the ugly dudes i flew with. Anyway..... skybabes....ah yes. Women in skydving are so cool because they just plain are cool. Seriously .. what kind of women jump out of planes ? Cool women ! I could list a LOT of specific reasons, but I'll just say Thanks ladies for being skybabes. You make the dz, plane, and sky, a better place.
  13. Yes . He's a very busy guy ,but takes so much time teaching. Very cool. He's coming to my dz this summer. I'll be sure to be there. People..go to the seminar if he's at a dz or boogie near you. I regret missing one. Have heard many good things about his canopy classes and coach jumps.
  14. We need to get a jet pack demo at the WFFC. I recommended this to some jet pack guy on the web years ago. No reply. We are the jet pack's largest market. Plus it would be another cool form of flight to view. I'd pay to see it. Don Kirlin could make it happen. Somebody call Don.
  15. I check a lot of things on the rig before every jump before i even put the rig on. Then a bunch more checks on the plane.( handles , hackey, chest strap etc. Not every stitch, but i do look for wear and tear. Just ordered new steering lines. There is always something that needs to be fixed or replaced soon on a rig. That reminds me..... my closing loop is getting a little worn out. I'll replace it tonight... now if i can find a spare.
  16. You should put it on your forehead so everyone can see it. Art should be shared not hidden.
  17. My grandpa said he dropped his gum in the chicken coop..... took him 3 tries to find the right one.
  18. You're kidding, right? If my Fiance got pregnant, I would want to know. We would come to our conclusions together, as a couple. I'm guessing you're not married, atleast I don't see how such a selfish attitude could let a marriage survive! See, once again, its the extremist from both sides that make this such a hot issue. It seems to me that reasonable people tend to have intelligent conversations about this topic but the extremists tend to "yell" their opinion then get irrate when someone disagrees with them. Sad. What I'm trying to say is men should not be deciding if this is right or wrong. When you get a vagina and all the accessories then you can have your say. I's not a selfish thought at all. It's out of respect for women. Of course if i was directly involed I would do the right thing and support any decision or help make a decision. I'm just trying to say it's not our bussiness to even get into a debate about it. I love women and think they don't need men telling them what's right and wrong for their body etc. I treat people how i would like to be treated.
  19. There are a lot of places where kids are not welcome. These places are even safer and more kid friendly, but even the law says no kids. Casinos, bars, R rated movies, dangerous work areas, Adult places in general. And since you should be 18 to skydive...... well then maybe you should be 18 to be there. Most SUPERVISED kids are cool at the dz , but there are better places for them to be. Waiting to be 18 to skydive must be torture for kids too. Take them to any of the places i mentioned and look at the looks you might get. No i don't have kids.
  20. Men have no right to even discuss this topic ever. Comprendae ? Should be a women only decision, discussion, and all the laws etc.
  21. Fly free Congratulations . It just keeps getting better.
  22. Many things in this sport are absolutely priceless. High risk ? Yes High reward ? Yes Bottom Line... Livin the dream.
  23. I posted once before somewhere that this boy doesn't sell out.... not to skydiving. 77% of you are no longer my friend. But this is just hypothetical so we can be friends til someone buys your soul.
  24. Yay Trevor. Congrats. Blue ones. And many more thousands of safe jumps.