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Everything posted by cocheese

  1. 3 lines 5,7,5 on the syllables
  2. Bless you all my skydive friends The sky is waiting Minutes or eternity
  3. Katiebear will you be Miss February ? ( my birthday)
  4. How about a Pink Mafia calander ? Just think of the party money you could raise.
  5. Paul if they are reading this to you. We are all with you. We know you can make it.You are in good hands. I've never met you. But someday i will. I do know that the people taking care of you must be some of the coolest people on the planet.Because they are friends of a great guy. They speak very highly of you. Your name hit Parachutist in the Rising Fallers section.Nona Ruby Freefall Badge for 228 hrs of freefall. and Emerald Freefall Badge for 240 hours of freefall. Only the 4th person to go that far in the sport. That tells me you will make it. You have accomplished many great things. Yes we all want to meet you. Many thoughts prayers and vibes going your way.
  6. massage therapist at the Heff mansion. sex in space volunteer Cannibis Cup judge
  7. We are here for you. So sorry.
  8. No way Way ? Way cool. You Rock
  9. Thank you Rosa. Isn't this site great and all the people here ? Too cool. Rock on Pink Mafia !
  10. Thank you Andrea . Whew !. I can't scan. Thought they were going to beat me up. Skymama, told ya you rocked.
  11. The Mari Gras Boogie in Mississippi. I should have been there too. Damn. If you are just tuning in folks, Pg 38. of Parachutist. Pink.... It's a girl thing.
  12. Can sombody do the honors of telling us who is who in the pic ? There is enough "Extra altitude" potential there to put the plane into space.
  13. Nice recovery Mav (TopGun) Conclusion : ink, meds, and skydive dreams help heal a broken back. May the sky be yours soon.
  14. Yes all these time and money saving traits gives us more time and money to spend on women ,er ah um, i mean skydiving.
  15. I should just move to Cali. Rosa, all i hear about you is how sweet you are. I'll put you first on my list of top 5 people from i must meet. Looks like you better get a manager for your fan club.Cyberhug...urrghhaaaaammmmmmm
  16. Thankful for these little things: Hot running water/shower. coffee. lighters that work. cars that start for years. silence. compliments on skydives/landings. friends who call or write to just say hi. wagging tails on dogs. laughter. health. vision.
  17. I always thought i sucked for my numbers. Keeps me alive. Never thought i knew everything. Never was in a hurry to do something new or too early or downsize too early. Not perfect in this aspect but i respect the need to gradually move forward in the sport. I think we are all students forever. Stop Learning and ya just might stop jumping (not by choice.) Post your jump numbers and be honest people so we can stop this thread and move on. O.K. we all agree to respect each other and not think less of anyone who has fewer jumps. But we will also try to protect each other from doing something too early. And we will look at jump numbers as a guideline... not gospel.
  18. Jimi Hendrix..... Let me stand next to your fire. Move over rover. The weather people earn their money in this state.
  19. Are you in Ohio or somewhere warm. I see the sun now. Wind chill must be 25 or less
  20. South Michigan. Was going to cut grass today. Think I'll wait.
  21. Did they become skydivers ? Belly fliers ? Always leave a room by jumping out the window ?
  22. I thought Amazon started skydiving before birth. Do the math. I vote Amazon for best attitude. You're killin me babe.
  23. wow , I thought this first post covered everything to kill the thread I still do.
  24. So change your number to 400+ + + (or else I'm going to put