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Everything posted by cocheese

  1. Almost 1000 jumps and i never had the desire to teach, coach, aff,sl,packing ,rigging, or tandem. I've considered camera for tandems,but never made the committment. I'm basically lazy and not really a people person. I've worn the cam for 450 fun jumps and would like to be a 4 way team camera guy or something. I took the cam off for a month and haven't worn it in a year or so. Lost the desire (and hassle of the cam etc.) I give back to the sport by docking on tandems who didn't buy the video. (me wearing no cam). I love that. Get to see the smiles ! Hope it makes them come back. I guess i'd be happy cutting the grass and fueling planes and just helping out with maintenance and stuff.
  2. o.k. you wouldn't spend $20 on talk back. Point made . Drive on. Good luck with the difficult times. Hope you can find a way to manage and get through it. Hope everything goes well for everyone. Blue skies.
  3. If people can't afford 20 bucks for "entertainment" (talk back), then maybe they should sell their computer and go earn some cash. They're not going to make any money sitting on their ass posting pics of their kittens. If ya can't afford 20 bucks, then you shouldn't be wasting your precious time on b.s. topics. Go do something.... go learn something on the other topics. I'm sick of whiners who do nothing to solve their little whinney "problems". People who expect something for free are what's wrong with this country. Never mind. And don't reply with some lame ass excuse why you need talk back but can't afford it.
  4. Audibles.... sort of like the snooze button on your alarm clock, you hate to have to rely on it to wake up , but it's so nice to get that last moment of peace before having to go to work. bzzzzzz time to get up .. (Say bye).track.... bzzzzzz. (time to pull) BZZZZZZ!!!!!!BZZZZ !!BZZZZZZ "hey dude i said get up!" you are going to be late for that job interview !!!" For freeflying I set 1st beep at 5,500. i wave off and split at 5000. sometimes a little lower. 2nd beep is at 3,500 which i verify with my wrist mount and pull. I try to have a hand on the hackie before the 3,500 beep. then throw at the beep or before if i'm last out. If i'm the only one around, might as well pull a little higher. Last beep set for 2500 . it's screamin so i hate hearing that one. Yea i hear it sometimes when ya just have to go little lower for seperation or whatever.But it's usually because of a slow opening when i hear it. setting it lower seems like a waste of precious time. If i'm not on it by then i deserve to get screamed at. "WAKE the F@Q up ! " and pull. I am guilty of not checkin enough and i admire someone when i see them check it during the middle of the dive. It's a good sign they are altitude aware and not relying on a computer.
  5. Would that be Quincy ? Or wait, looks like a fire hit something ? Haven't been to the places that recently burned. I give up .
  6. Wow. Thanks for sharing. Glad you can still jump. Glad you lived !
  7. yes ! isn't that just $0.06 a day ? With a 10 post a day limit to chill the post whores. Hear that Nightingale ? Just teasin ya girl. You have good informative posts.
  8. O.k .ok. you must be packin a slow opener and not going too fast. And the Cobalt propably helps. I de-arch like a mofo just before pulling... just in case. Guess you know what you're doing , but i just wanted to let the newbies know, NOT to try this. You said it ripped a reserve out . want to explain ?
  9. I can't believe you pulled in a stand and a sit and that many times. I'm telling MOM !. Ha. You're probably very lucky to be alive and walking. Good way to snap a neck or a whole bunch of bones.Not to be rude but WTF were you thinking ? This thread is scaring me. Anyone else ?
  10. Yea i read her bio recently on the web, but it didn't say anything about if she still jumps etc. I found a web site that had her e-mail address (soon after writing this post). I wrote her a note and mentioned this post. Hopefully she will respond and say hi to all of us. Yea say hi to Mike Bloomfield if ya see him. He doesn't know me but may know the last name. My Name is Jeff McCarty. Guess i should have hit the books back in the day to become one of "THEM" ... The handful of people who had the ultimate freefall through space. I always said I'd even be happy just pushing a broom at NASA to be around all that cool stuff.(understatement) Thanks for the reply.
  11. Astronaut/skydiver/Vice pres. of hospital. Anybody know her and what she is up to these days .... still skydiving ? She has been a hero of mine ever since that photo of her in Parachutist where she is holding a copy of Parachutist in the space shuttle. If there was ever a skybabe that rocks. She would be # 1 on my list. I had that pic on my fridge for a few years. Anyway, she is just someone i happened to think about today. Never met her , but would love to. There is an astronaut from my town and high school... Mike Bloomfield. He spoke to the kids a few times , but i missed it. I've yet to talk to an astronaut. I could ask questions for days. Mary Ellen if you read this, let us know how you are and maybe how being in space has changed your life or any other interesting thoughts. Thank you for all you've done.
  12. Mis-routed bridle. I was making my closing loop tighter (for safety) and was in a hurry to get on the plane. I didn't know a lot about packing then, and put the rig back together. Retarded me misrouted the bridle and guess what happened at pull time ? Pilot chute in tow ! I reached back and tugged on it very hard 3 times, No go Bro. Pulled the reserve and poof .. my first reserve ride. Whew ! Grounded myself for stupidity that day. Don't misroute your bridle kids.
  13. You can learn a lot from a dummy. Maybe we can all learn what NOT to do from your mistake/experience. What is the dumbest thing you ever did as a skydiver?
  14. No fear til pull time ! No reason to be afraid til then. Then you're too busy to worry about fear. well sort of. Relax til pull time . Nothing happens til pull time. Did i mention you should just have fun til pull time ?
  15. bump ok. Ok. Amazon Rocks, Weegegirl rocks. Someone start new a thread about all these rockin skychicks. It might get pretty long because..... all SKY CHICS ROCK ! Well ya do.
  16. Thanks for your insight or whatever. Go visit a hospital and ask how they got hurt. He who dies with the most and coolest skydives and skydive friends wins. I fear dying in a car accident that isn't my fault. I still drive. Cars are the most dangerous thing around. So buy a rocking chair and sit home and live , i mean exist a long time bro. Yea take a break. Get your head together. Don't sell the gear ! You might come back and get another 3000 jumps or more before you die of some other unexpected reason. Love it or leave it. Ya know you love it. Now get on a load with a fresh state of mind.
  17. cocheese

    Amazon Rocks!

    I've been wanting to meet you Amazon. Think we should change your name to Amazing. Went to Lost Prairie 2 years ago. Don't think you were there. Yes you seem so loving , adventurous and full of energy. Since you don't do boogies in the "corn" states. It might be a while. Rock on Amazon.I mean Amazing.
  18. Damn I missed it. Now it's going to be be cloudy for days.
  19. If not stitched in 12 hrs. it's too late. I just went yesterday for a slice i made on Friday. They said "too late ! " They taped it a bit, tetnous shot, and a bill I can't wait to see. Amputate. That will fix it.
  20. cocheese


    Glass is an "Amphorous" solid. Whatever that means. It's still melting ... taking the shape of it's container ? The Sun is 93 million miles away. Or roughly 45 million skydives away. "Researchers" cause cancer in lab animals.
  21. The entertainment tent nudes in "The Movie " A Quincy '98 video by Tom Sanders.
  22. I saw a Suv with a lot of skydiver stickers on it as i was traveling through Georgia. Well I have to "represent " so I had a parachutist mag in the back seat. Finally caught up to him and rolled the window down , honking as I held the mag near the window.... as i almost ran into the big cement divider. He smiled and honked back. Another time I saw two kids in the back seat with their arms out the window doing the good ol fly the hand up and down in the wind trick. I just plastered the "Skydiving" Mag to the window and they smiled big and knew...... that they were going to have to try it someday. Hopefully I planted a seed in their head. Yes I'm a dork. Next post !
  23. Kick ass ! Andy and Kathy. You've come a long way ! One more good weekend and I'm there too.Yay ! Seems like just yesterday that....... but it's been years of dedication and committment. Yea whatever ! Jump like there is no tomorrow.... land like there might be one.
  24. Been to Jamacia and Barbados, but here's the kicker... had a real home with servants or whatver ya call them. Waking up to 'Breakfast is served " eating in shorts no shoes shirt etc. "Lunch is served" Drinks by the pool without even asking. Awesome dinners that took all day to cook. Damn it was like a cruise ship w/o all the b.s. Moral of story shop for places with 10 people to take care of you.....oh yea personal taxi guy took us anywhere anytime. Had everything except a personal escort babe. Never had to leave the "estate". walk right to the beach which was only 50 feet away. Sucks coming home after that. It took a while to get used to having to cook for myself. Spoiled rotten in 7days.