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Everything posted by cocheese

  1. I know of a few news people : Jackie Bang(WGN) Chicago) Lou Dobbs.. CNN Money line And some locals. George Bush Btw.... we have more fun than rock stars.
  2. Yesterday my son said to me, "My friend, Trevor, thinks you're cool because you skydive." After a few seconds he added, "if you didn't have that going for you, you'd just be considered weird." Then, I gave him the speech of how the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Ha that's funny. Reminds me of when i was a kid and picking on my dad. He was only "cool" because he flew cessnas and let me fly.
  3. cocheese


    Now Now Chrissy ....everything is going to be fine. Especially with the awesome Base trip coming soon. You can go first and show me how it's done. Sorry you missed the fun jumps Saturday and night time fun too. See ya Friday.
  4. Freefall shots from the ground ! Good work . Nice to see a few pics since it's been 7 hrs since i've seen a canopy. The winds sent us home early.
  5. cocheese


    Hi Banana ! The sooner you come back, the better. Big Fat Blue Ones to you.
  6. cocheese


    yep . I owe beer. Also got a pie 'ing coming when i least expect it they said.
  7. cocheese


    Made the 1000th this weekend. Life is good. Skydive Tecumseh in Michigan is the best.Thanks guys. Free Fly Manatee
  8. 1) Skydive chics rock 2) Aircraft owners rock 3) Dzo's rock 4) Pilots rock 5) Packers rock 6) Actually everyone involvd in the sport is just so cool. Many good people help us do what we do.
  9. Just got a lesson about how to haiku right from rockin Weegegirl Little did i know that the sylables must go five seven five bro Thanks weegegirl OLIZ Her new nick name is so cool Go to skydive school
  10. Anyone sick of these "oh i'm quiting" threads ? We all want to cutaway we all need more money we all want to jump more
  11. You don't know worthless net user . I'm still on web tv. Talk about pathetic. But hey I'm here and my shit never crashes or needs repair ... don't even have a printer. But yes Swoopin is where it's at and with no wind look the f@q out I'm screamin in. Well at least it feels like it to me. Just starting to get a few good swoops on the Samurai. Now i know why the swoop should be 50% of your skydive fun. A killer swooper named Sporto told me that years ago. 50% It's true.Swoop safe.
  12. Thinking about BASE and skydiving too Addicted as you Weekends rock best time of my life don't need a wife
  13. So at 305 votes it looks like 47 % (dominate thoughts+ more than sex voters) of us are pretty much certifiable. (insane) What i want to know is wtf is wrong wth the rest of you people who say you can turn it off or concentrate on other things easily.Kidding, just jealous. Must do a more scientific poll someday.
  14. You now have a new nick name. OLIZ Man, Olav is going to pissed. Kidding. I think it will look good on you.
  15. I think every man could use better sex. or at least more than he's getting. I don't let skydiving get in the way of my thoughts of sex. There are enough hours in the day for both , but that is about it. Sex and skydiving,... so.... at least i have a two track mind.
  16. No Sue. Even if it is a good reason to. Usually court sucks and lasts longer than the injury. The pain and stress of court does not promote a speedy recovery.Fighting this takes too much energy. Focus on fighting the injury. Bills are a big problem yes, but i would worry about trying to make each day a little more pleasant for your wife. Be positive and try to move on. I'm not saying all this to protect our sport i would say the same thing if she got injured from a golf ball or golf cart or golf course. Anyway , we still need the whole story before we make a educated decision. But in general, court is for people who would rather spend their life there.... in a big room arguing about fault and justice and every other irrelevant detail.
  17. Wrong way.... you're so doomed. I suggest you cutaway while you're young. Harness the passion and fly with it. You know you'll never be happy unless you are doing Mach 2, head down, with your hair on fire. To chop or not to chop... that is the question.
  18. Less foot tingles with the Vans than the Chuck Taylors. Vans are stiff soled and have a bit more cushion. Chucks wont come off which is good.sort of But I'd like a shoe i can take off with my feet if i need to. Sounds crazy, but just another saftey thing in case of a water landing or get stuck hanging from the plane or whatever. Vans are my choice. are you gellin ? Yes the gel inserts are always good too.
  19. Yep. But i think this a happy ending to another thread that got a little warm. Angela.... don't let this bother you. We love ya. You were just trying to make a few points and clear a few things up from your perspective.It's all good. I bet a lot of people learned something. Now can we get on a load and be safe ?
  20. Well now we all know. Ha . You're fine. Kind of proud of you for never having been too drunk or hung over. I've had 100's of hangovers . Many Sundays spent holding my head begging "God" to live. Ha. Not proud of that. This is an "equal opportunity" to tease people forum. So now it's your turn to get him. Too funny. Bet you are the best designated driver. Blue skies
  21. I have another idea. Write him a long loving letter about it all and how you feel. Send it to him.
  22. Wow . I just fell over backward and passed out. That was one of the coolest posts i've ever read. Kind of touching. Thanks for that.
  23. Tell him your friend "Jenny" is in trouble because her dad found out she skydives.... and that she needs a place to stay for a few days til he cools down. See how he reacts . Tell him how passionate she is in the sport and that she won't quit jumping but doesn't want to hurt her dad etc. He might feel sorry for her. THEN pop in the videos. Then tell him you love him and that if he wants to come out to the dz to watch, you would be delighted. My parents tried to bribe me out of the sport by offering free flight lessons til i become a licensed pilot.... if i never jump again. I had to laugh. This boy doesn't sell out... not to skydiving. That was 8 years ago. Still not a pilot.But a canopy pilot ! They still have yet to see a jump.
  24. I think you are going to be o.k. bud. Seems like your thought process is on the right track. In fact i need to sell a few things i don't really need anymore.
  25. Hey kids. Don't have sex. Remember how good that worked ? Don't drink til you're 21. Ha What will it take ? Lets ask the newbies. When are you newbies going to learn not to burn ? Well the stats say it's the people with 1000 jumps who are most likely to die. Now what ? I don't have the answer, but if you can't land your canopy in front of the pop machine without serious injury, then maybe you should keep the bigger canopy. Hold off on the camera til you have 200 jumps with many different experiences in the air. Wait for the Birdman suit til you are ready to handle a mal while wearing a straight jacket. (O.k. a loose straight jacket) No headdown til you can flat fly and sit fly like the big dogs. Remember there are two types of skydivers 1) those that have been hurt. 2) those that will get hurt. If you haven't been hurt yet, respect the advice of those that have been hurt. Take the progression slow or you'll be done real fast. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions ? " yea... anyone hungry ? "