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Everything posted by cocheese

  1. Butt slide it through some cacti.
  2. and a wake up.... 53 days. We have no idea how long that is to you. Keep up the good spirits. You're gonna make it. Thanks again for doing the patriotic deed.
  3. Never been there but i think quite highly of your country. Seems to be the most perfect country I can think of. "they really have their shit together" as we say here. It would be my first and longest stop if ever visiting Europe. Speaking of paragliding sort of..... back in 1987 or 88 i ordered a video of the "Pago Jet" one of the first powered parachutes. I think it was made in Steinhaussen. Never got a pago jet , but i still want one. Do you remember this company ? Pago jet Caltec Vertriebs AG
  4. Next jump dedicated to you all. Thanks for keeping the "free" in freefall. Freedom Rocks and so do you for protecting it. Be safe out there, you have some jumps to make when ya get back.
  5. Skydive Tecumseh, Mich = rate it an 8 or 9 on the after hours activities. Bon fire lit with ave gas,stupid human tricks, dinners sometimes and 20 trailers to party in. Many stay the night. Love "The Dailys " video in a trailer of what went down that day. Good times. Good people. cheers !
  6. Does your drop zone party down or not when the sun goes down ? Have a bon fire ? Group dinners etc. ? Seems like some do and some don't. Is this a factor to your dz decision ?
  7. Ever notice how jump pilots have a skydiver alti on the dashboard ? The take anywhere alti that always works. And can be used for his skydives. Or yours. ha " Son, can ya fly me to the dz and let me out at about 5000 ft. ? "
  8. Am I good or what ? So do i win a PM pic of you in the suit ? Hope it fits like a glove. Not going to try to guess the colors. Ha Now about that extra altitude....
  9. This is a long shot, but I'm guessing you got the "Hot Bod" suit by Bev suits.
  10. The hobby-lobby one weighs 2 lbs. ? Damn . I guess i'll stick to swoopin the parking lot with the Mini Speed Wing. Best foamie around. 100's of flights (and crashes) for $40. + gear. Wish we could have "combat time" on those weather holds. Need more jumpers to buy a foamie for combat. Even those hand launch ones would be fun.
  11. I'm goin . i'm jumping. Sign me up for that base course biotch. I'm (sort of) ready to cross over to the BASE side. Try not to laugh .I'm serious . O.k. now you can laugh. 321 see ya ....yikes !
  12. They are heavy...So it takes a big beefy plane to take them up. We had one at a club I fly at that almost always burned in...Until I bent the pins that keeps the pack closed. Now he lives. So i can take extra weight up on my foam wings ( Zagi type planes) How hard is the release mech to invent ? Need another servo or could i just barrel roll til he bails ? Is this thing thing just another pain in the butt and wallet ?
  13. Awe I think she likes me. Now we HAVE to go to Biscuit World next Bridge Day. Wrongway...Weegegirl needs a spankin
  14. Oh... Oops! My excuse is that I am braindead today. Now I get it. wups i dorked too. " now arriving gate 23...gate25....gate29...gate33 gate43"
  15. Sounds like fun on a cloudy day at the dz. I'm into flying electric r/c planes, and have considered this thing. need time and money.
  16. Do you do drugs Danny ? yes Then what's the problem ?
  17. Ass rockets. Yes we know someone famous for this. Mike L. from Mich. Duct taped 2...50 round batteries of screaming missles to his bare ass and stood up on a table near the bon fire. His aim started to get good after 20 shots. We were on the ground taking cover and paralyzed from laughter. Funniest thing i ever saw.
  18. Drank too much Sat. Bon fire monkey had fun head hurt on Sun. not fun
  19. Then I guess I need to stop by and say hi one of these days. Rock on, Lynn and all the Marshall jumpers. Cool place to jump.
  20. Thanks Dave. Glad to know she still jumps. Wonder if she would consider doing a kiss pass for charity for deprived skydiver astronaut wannabes ? Ha... I better step away from the keyboard.
  21. 1) Money is no object....when it comes to do or die. You know this. 2) I would land something that i can fly straight if i can easily manipulate it to do do that. But that's your call. 3) Saber 2 .... may be a bit early for that but I'm old school. A lesson on why it's good to only have one new thing at a time. 4) Good job Kris.
  22. Nightingale is right. No count. It wasn't a failure . I failed level 3.. 2wice. Then wondered if i should persue the sport. Glad i continued. Almost all of us had to "repeat a dive" or 3....or more. Heck we still screw up exits and landings here and there. Go make 50 jumps and get back with us :) Learn as much as you can about this sport for best results.
  23. Btw... Michele and i just talked and everthing is fine. Sorry everyone. Just trying to be funny and break the ice i made earlier.
  24. promotes an "I'm better than you, you lazy kitten poster you" attitude. Yea i had a bad attitude but it wasn't that hiliarious. That's serious comedy. Where's my credit card again. Sign me up for that life time membership.