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Everything posted by KevinMcGuire

  1. If you can't find one, let me know I have made several for my self for just this reason. If your interested, I could make it for you exactly to your specifications. Kevin
  2. Usually the DZ owner will squeeze every Penney out of a Tandem canopy's life until the The lines look like Yarn and you can shoot straws through the material. Good point. Then again, Try this... Usually the BASE jumper will squeeze every jump out of his or her BASE canopy untill the lines look like yarn and you can shoot straws through the material..... then they sell it to some one else At least thats how it used to be
  3. Well um actually, If you look to the skydiving world, you will notice that older tandem canopys with "fuzzy" dacron lines tend to suffer from tension knots far more than when they have been relined. I can speak to this personally as I have had to repack many reserves after the mains got tension knots. When I relined the canopys the problem typically went away. Just food for thought
  4. Since when do you hang out with "perfect gentlemen"?
  5. KevinMcGuire

    Fox or Flik

    Every jump I have made on BR canopys in the past 8 years (650+) has been made using the multi.
  6. It would seem that PK's topic change has worked.
  7. KevinMcGuire

    Fox or Flik

    I have 500+ jumps on Fox's and 350ish on fliks. Hands down, the flick is the better canopy. I'm a big guy and the Flik lands me very nicely. Much better than the Fox ever did. I have noticed zero difference when it comes to heading control. Hope that helps P.S. I am not a sponsored jumper. I'm a paying shmoe just like you.
  8. =================================== I'l second that . What ever that was
  9. Hummm. Looks like your on your own with that one
  10. Bill, do your home work. Heres a hint, you may need to look back furthur than 9-11 or Chechnya. Try the 80's. That's when I learned about it. I entered into this conversation so that I might help shed some light on why Stevens was denied entry into the U.S. I feel I have done that and now I will leave this thread to others interested in debateing the larger issues of who the real bad guys in the world are. Good luck
  11. You condemn Cat Stevens for allegedly giving money to a terrorist organization. Do you also condemn the tens of thousands of Americans who gave money to the terrorist IRA. The question is pretty simple, really. Are you a hypocrite or not? ______________________________________________ There you go again. Trying to deflect this to some other clouded political issue. The IRA, contras blaa blaa blaa. O.K heres you answer. If the money given by americans or by anyone else to the IRA or any other group that used it to kill innocent civilians or to attack as cowards then yes I condemn them for it. Cowardice is just that cowardice. Back to the issue. We are talking about why cat stevens was denied entry. Are you next going to suggest that those who died deserved what they got because of americas foreign polices? If so then you must also believe that Osama had a right to do what he did. Cat stevens did not drive the truck that night, but then again Osama did not fly the planes into those buildings either. Hum... maybe Osams not that bad after all. I mean really, what proof do we have that he was behind 9-11? And besides we probably deserved it any way. Right? Tell that to the survivors of the 9-11 attacks. Tell that to the families of those who died in Lebanon
  12. [reply) Sucked if you were going out drinking or something -- no ID!! Kind of a funny thing to say don't you think. You need your drivers license, presumably so you can be in compliance of the law, when you plan on getting drunk and driving.
  13. I suppose I should amend my statement where I said it is a fact that Cat was responsible for the attack in Lebanon. My information came directly to me from a close friend/marine who was lucky enough not to be killed in the attack. He was sleeping on the other side of the building at the time of the attack. He was however, unfortunate enough to be forced to climb through the rubble on his hands and knees only to find the dimembered and burnt body parts of his friends. My friend was very clear regarding who was behind the attack but hey who knows? Maybe it was all just some big misunderstanding. Perhaps we should just chalk it up to the miss spent youth of an ex-patriot who chose to follow his calling
  14. [ I've given money to my local diocese back in NY. A priest was convicted of child molestation there not too long ago. I don't subscribe to that way of thinking. ______________________________________________ If Arch diocese way of thinking was to openly favor pedofilia then yes, your a scum bag deserving of a bullet. But that is not the case now is it I refuse to let this issue be over simplifyed or deflected from the fact that Cat Sevens financed an attack against americans. He is nothing more than an traitor. Cat Stevens "peace train" was a truck loaded with explosives driven by cowards who lacked the courage to face their enemy face to face. They opted instead to attack them while they slept. I wonder what the families of those who died in their sleep would think about you and others who fight for the cause of the man who is responsible for their deaths. Can we asume that over time you will soften your stance regarding Osama? The only diference I see between Cat and Osama is a matter of scale. Osama scored thousands instead of the dozens Cat scored I have no problem with some one who follows a calling but when it threatens my friends or my way of life...well, then that's a different story
  15. My mistake, I thought this was a discussion about Cat Stevens
  16. If I gave money to the KKK then I think it would be safe to assume that I subscribe to their way of thinking? If not then why would I do such a thing? Some one who gives money or assitance to an orginization that is likely to attack our citizens and our country should be viewed as an enemy and at the very least, denied entry into this counrty. If that policy had been in place before 9-11, would 9-11 have happened? My thought is that yes it still would have happened but on a different date. I say fuck Cat Stevens. He's lucky that deportation is the worst he suffered.
  17. Surely some Cops may need to protect their identity in order to contiue their under cover work. Wouldn't you agree?
  18. [and likes working with different kinds of booties. . No self respecting rigger I know "likes" working on booties. Booties are usually nasty smelling huge waists of time resulting in the person doing the repair never getting paid what his or her time is actually worth. Every one wants the 5$ repair when to do a really good job will usually take an hour or more. $5 bucks an hour...shit! I'd do better then that working at McDonalds
  19. It was reported (not sure if it was proved) that Cat stevens used his relative wealth earned as a musician, to fund a suicide truck bomb attack against a US marine barracks in lebanon killing many soldiers as they slep in their beds circa 1984. I have no doubt that is why he is on the watch list. Frankly, I'm surprised the authoritys did not apprehend him.
  20. First, Earth orbit, then further
  21. One possibility is that at deployment time, the flap of the D-bag blows open due to the relative wind and then flops around above the canopy while it is sniveling. It is possible that the grommet on the flap is smacking up against the ring of the Pilot chute attachment point AKA PCA. The ring I'm referring to is often found to be incorporated into the PAC and is there to help prevent the bag from sliding up the bridle. Another very good possibility is that the rapid link used inside the D-bag for the kill line could also be the causing this type of damage in exactly the same way Replacing the grommets is not expensive. $5 or $10 bucks max
  22. Simple answer. find a new DZ. I my self am well... let just say "not slender". I have never heard of an experienced skydiver being charged extra just because they were large. If they don't want your business then don't give it to them. remember that the DZ IS a business and if people stop showing up to throw money through the manifest window then the owner gets to go back to flipping burgers. Also, remember that your there to have fun. Not take shit about your size from some one your supporting financially. Just my two cents. Kevin
  23. If I can offer any help just let me know. Come on down. Lets rub our heads together.