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Everything posted by muff528

  1. Here's another, by the same guy. HW Looks Jalbert-ish at first glance.
  2. muff528

    Mechanic types

    Thanks for being no help what so ever, and that ditty does not hold true to GAS "Whatsoever" is a single word. BTW - I have had some luck using a battery and jumper cables. Clamp one cable to the bolt head and the other to the boss or nut for only a couple of seconds. Sometimes that will provide enough heat to the threaded area to get it to break loose. Keep your face away from the battery.
  3. muff528

    Mechanic types

    Up here it's "lefty loosey, righty tighty". Maybe it's the other way 'round d'nunder.
  4. Yep....we're not meant to survive and we're not not meant to survive. We just occupy an incomprehensibly small window in the past+future history of this universe and fight for our existence just like any other organism fights for it's slot. What's amazing to me is that we are, just now, experiencing the present. Imagine what the chances are that I am experiencing my personal window of existence now rather than 1000 years or 1 billion years ago or 1000000 years from now?
  5. It would be a mutual attraction, I'm sure. Besides his work in physics, let's not forget those cool fig cookies he invented, too. Yes, not many people were made to memorize Newton's 4th Law........ "one fig to a cookie".
  6. muff528

    Smart girl.

    Sooooooooo........did they mention whether it was "creamy" or "chunky"?
  7. He's prolly just bent out of shape because he's up to his ass in that cold, white stuff and all the planes up there are frozen solid to the ground. Just can't stand someone else having all the fun!
  8. Kinda like scuba divers, whose magazine is "Skin Diver", never refer to themselves as skin divers and will ridicule the scuba diving equivalent of "whuffo" for using that term. Now that I think about it, I usually refer to participants in this sport as "jumpers" who make "jumps" when speaking to fellow jumpers and "skydivers" when speaking to whuffos. also --- I like a nice cold Old Milwaukee occasionally and will not usually turn one down.
  9. That's probably WAY less painful than this:
  10. the foot chase in "La Cité de la Peur" is awesome There's always a good foot chase on "Cops".
  11. I'd tell her I'm going to sell everything to buy an old school bus and move to the drop zone, residential park.
  12. I bet if you showed up at the dz in your work ride you'd be one of the cool kids. At least I'd think it was cool.
  13. Not Bond, but the scene that comes to mind immediately is the car chase scene from "The French Connection".
  14. Yep! sounds like he took the bait and now he's spooling the reel. All that's left is for someone to flip the lever and set the hook. ........another life changed forever.
  15. I've used AVG for a few years with good results. I don't venture much into the nether-regions of the www (except dzdotcom!) so I don't really know how it holds up to a full-on assault.
  16. Kidding aside... the weather report shows a front passing through the area on Christmas day and if it moves on it should be very nice during the weekend and most of the following week. Maybe a little cool, but that makes the campfire cosy and usually keeps the skeeters at bay.
  17. You would have to know specifically which night and then you could forecast the conditions for that night reasonably accurately a couple of hours in advance.
  18. Like these here two "cowboys"?! Goat-ropin', cow-pokin', and other cowboy carousin' must provide a good workout. I see yor pardner has been workin on his pecs. ......not that I usually notice things like that.........or that there's anything wrong with noticin'.
  19. The usual......everyone you grew up with ages at an accelerated rate except you. This is a well-known phenomena that is entirely dependent on the observer and has yet to be explained by physics. Everyone experiences this to some extent. Something like relativity.......each observer "observes" the universe from a unique perspective. I recently saw some pictures of a reunion at my college. I don't remember going to school with any of those old farts.
  20. Bill, you should try to get everyone at Zhills to get all gussied up like that for a party.
  21. He was tied up outside of Alice's Restaurant! Nope!.......he was in the courtroom! ~ ".....Obie looked at the seeing eye dog, and then at the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one, and looked at the seeing eye dog. And then at twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one and began to cry, 'cause Obie came to the realization that it was a typical case of American blind justice, and there wasn't nothing he could do about it, and the judge wasn't going to look at the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us."