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Everything posted by muff528

  1. It might be a toss-up whether the B-58 or the Vulcan was the loudest.
  2. I seem to recall hearing that four years ago. OK....they DO stand a snowball's chance in hell.
  3. I seem to recall hearing that four years ago. I was hoping to see the Huskers win so TCU would've had a chance for the BCS. Florida was outplayed and Meyer didn't prepare for this game. It was simple, stick to the game plan. Dunlap's lack of presence isn't what caused this loss. It's the fact that Florida figured that Bama would play they same way as last year and didn't see the mix up coming like they should have. The Miami Herald is talkinga bout Meyer skipping over to Notre Dame next year. Anyone know anything about this??? So, it looks like Gators v. Cincy in the Sugar and TCU v. Boise State in the Fiesta Bowl.
  4. WOW! They really looked good....they should've won last night.
  5. Are you suggesting that there was some sort of sporting event last night and that I should have had some interest in it?
  6. This explains how the term "Crimson Tide" came into use and how it stuck. Alabama's mascot is an elephant, the largest land-walking animal in the world. While we're on this particular topic, I'm curious how Auburn got around to using their game cry "War Eagle!" I'll have to research it. But basically, the best college football rivalry in the nation is Alabama vs Auburn in terms of fan intensity and passion. If you move to the state of Alabama from outside, it is mandatory that you be asked who are you for, Alabama or Auburn. That's how serious a lot of these fans are. Alabama's game cry is "ROLL TIDE!" Auburn's is "WAR EAGLE!" And most of us know that Auburn has a revered tradition of having an eagle fly around Jordan-Hare Stadium before the game starts and land on the 50 yard line where its bait is waiting. Even though I'm an Alabama fan, it's awesome watching their eagles do that show. By the way, Auburn's mascot is a tiger. So "Crimson Tide" is more of a descriptive term rather than a mascot. Same with my old HS the Lakeland Dreadnaughts. A school principle in the '20s compared the team to a Dreadnought battleship rolling over opponents and the name stuck. The school history doesn't mention whether they had a mascot before then. (BTW- with their win last night they are 2 games away from State Champs. The last game, if they get there, will be vs. #1 Nationally ranked St. Thomas Aquinas HS.)
  7. I like Billy and he and I will have to jump together at the Fitzgerald boogie but this was a BURN and I must laugh. hahahahahaha That's how it was intended, but Billy's feathers don't seem to ruffle.
  8. OK, Billy. Tell me.....what exactly is a "Crimson Tide"? Is it the red tide like in the know...algae excrement? The fish killer? The bane of tourist season at Florida beaches? With a gator someone can say "what is your mascot?" and Gator fans can point to an alligator and say "that badass lizard over there is our mascot!" What do you tell people when they ask that question? Is it laundry detergent with red dye #2 in it? A couple of years ago when the Gators trounced OSU in the BCS, we asked what a Buckeye is. They showed us the inedible nut of the Aesculus glabra. It was obvious they were trying to poison us! Even Ahians eat "fake" Buckeye candy. So, when we ask what is a "Crimson Tide" what are you going to show us? (I are going to say "the team" with the red shirts is the Tide and we will be drowned. So they are their own mascots!) Does Bama have a "mascot" that dresses up like a Crimson Tide and hangs out with the cheerleaders on the sidelines?
  9. This morning a local Tampa TV news channel had a reporter in Atlanta covering the SEC pre-game. Near the end of the segment they did mention (Oh, by the way) that there was a game in Tampa this weekend.
  10. Next year, you should get current earlier so you can do 10-way speed with Van Break. Sure, I'd look forward to that .........but, do you think it'll help?
  11. I wonder if anyone remembers The Twilight Zone, A Nightmare on Elm Street? The posts in this thread sound like the villagers who are being observed in the alien experiment. (BTW- good to see you and everyone at Zhills this past weekend.)
  12. I think Texas beats Nebraska. Neb. could win but just like Billy said their O is hit/miss. If they are on it will be a great game! I still lean towards Texas. As for the SEC.... I'm going out on a limb and calling this a win for Bama. For some reason I feel like they want it more. This should be an epic game but that's my gut on it. Bama/Texas That's my biggest worry about this game..... After the FSU game the Gators were celebrating like the season was in the bag and put away.
  14. [reply....... AHAHAHHA! Thats ripe with humor..... Yes, some of his stories, in all their seriousness, did have an element of humor. Some probably weren't very funny while they were happening. Just for accuracy, he had already unloaded the sausages and was standing back up in the turret when he knocked his helmet off. He leaned down to retrieve it when the flak hit. He said a friend had brought a case of vienna sausages into the hut the night before the mission and they were the only two that ate them. He was sick when he woke up the next morning and could have skipped that mission. He decided to go because he would have had to make up that missed day with a strange crew at a later date.
  15. I owe my existence to 'em. They saved my dad's life during WW2. A flak burst destroyed the top turret of his B-17 where his head would have been. But at that moment he was below puking up half a case of vienna sausages. Personally, I don't eat them.....too squishy.
  16. A little free advertising. How you gonna get hooked up if nobody knows?......Especially if everyone thought you were straight? It would work the other direction as well......if everyone thought you were gay and you finally, after 60 years, get around to announcing you are not.
  17. Yeah, I'm hoping the Gators players don't combine their rout of FSU and the near loss by Bama to Auburn into a false sense of invincibility. Alabama's brush with Auburn may well have energized them even more than they were before. Either way this game is going to make the BCS championship game a little anticlimactic. ( us SEC fans, anyway. I'm going to stick my neck out and say that I don't think Texas is playing at the same level as Alabama or Florida even though they have been winning with some big scores.) We'll see!.......but I won't be betting any money either way.
  18. Freudian subliminality? Is this a secret message wrapped inside of a lyric wrapped inside of an echidna?
  19. I don't remember the term "fourth world" being used. My guess is that third world countries had nothing to gain from aligning with one of the superpowers. Many were so poor that they also had nothing to best not to choose sides. Also, like you said, neither of the superpowers would have an interest in pressuring a country to become an ally if there were no economic or strategic advantage to be had. I just figured that since "we" coined the terms, we proclaimed ourselves "first world." I'm sure other countries used a different numbering system.
  20. IIRC the terms were used by 1st world countries during the cold war --- 1st world: Democratic and aligned with US. 2nd world: Communist and aligned with USSR (Eastern Europe, etc.) 3rd world: Simply meant the non-aligned countries. didn't really imply any particular economic or developmental status although in reality it did encompass the "undeveloped" countries. This has become it's meaning since then.
  21. Which movie? I thought the one with Kyle MacLachlan & Sting pretty closely followed Herbert's story. Also, the imagery actually looked "familiar" after having read the books many years before seeing the flick. One problem with seeing the movie after reading the book is how much of the details are you subconsciously inserting and how confusing can such an intricately created universe be to someone who has not read the book. Same thing for the Ring trilogy. I thought those movies were very well done for the length of the movies. As for "Dune", I love the visions of the future as seen from the late 19th C through the art deco period up into the 40's. (Yeah, I know "Dune" was published in the 60's but it has that machine-age 1930's "feel")
  22. Only if the majority of the population of the world agrees to multiple genocides and a gandhi-esque submission to a handful of tyrants. Well, even that would have to boil down to a single super-tyrant.
  23. Yeah! My old powder blue Swift is the most beautiful canopy I've ever seen!