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Everything posted by muff528

  1. Quote.................................... I attended a Baptist funeral a couple of years ago, it was the most uncomfortable funeral I’ve ever sat threw. The minister literally spent half an hour attempting to save soles.Quote At least he didn't threaten to chop your head off. Quote ....................................... I sooo much had to resist the urge to put my hand up, and start making my way to the isle. Once there announce “Brother, I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be in the parking lot with a cooler full of ice cold beer! There’s plenty to go round!” I would have done it too, I had the beer in the cooler, were it not out of respect for my wife’s friend (mother in the casket). Quote Reminds me of an old joke..... Never go fishing with a Baptist......he'll drink all your beer. If you must go fishing with a Baptist be sure you go with two......then they won't drink any.
  2. OK - All those people you mentioned..... They're the folks who make Zhills what it is and what it has always been. They, and all the others there (for better or worse....past, present and future), ARE Zhills. Now here's the coolest part...... now YOU get to be part of the fabric that makes up the history of Zephyrhills. So, like someone once said.... "Have Some Fun!" (OK, he said it a couple of times)
  3. Really small? (cheech voice) top Sorry about that...He just got bigger:) Here's a beer from a case bought by Pink on the last day at Phoenix/Zhills (1995). I have no idea why I kept it all this time. Probably to old to open it and drink it now..
  4. You're probably scaring the hell out of it.
  5. Here's another vote for laser. Toners can be expensive but they'll last a loooong time for a typical home user. Get built-in networking if your budget allows and you have multiple computers on your network. (Be sure to check online for any complaints about a specific model before settling on one. We got a HP network laser printer at work and it developed a problem that turned out to be a dirty mirror which was the result of poor design. PITA to disassemble the printer and clean the mirror.)
  6. ........the Goatsucker is dead.
  7. You just haven't experienced nightlife until you've experienced the Crystal.
  8. Yeah, but our rattlesnakes are bigger here in Florida and we have water moccasins to boot.
  9. You just haven't experienced nightlife until you've experienced the Crystal.
  10. Are you sure "The Right Wally" and The Wrong Wally" are 2 different pics?
  11. Ya want OLD...I was a bouncer in a bar where REO was the 'House Band'. ...they got the name 'REO Speed-wagon' from the antique fire truck parked out front. IIRC I saw them at a bar in Bloomington -- Red Lion in 73 or 74. I was living in Peoria then. Saw Foghat there too, once. (mighta been Champaign...I dunno!)
  12. I still like the old definition of old age.......when you start finding all the good music in the cheap section at the record/cd store. (Now even that is going away with the advent of itunes and other downloadable music. )
  13. What's up with that? Normally, things GO up and COME down. But, the sun and the moon COME up and GO down. That's fucked up!
  14. In the third patent, Fig.2 shows a diagram of one gore with triangular bits on the sides. If I'm looking at it corrrectly, the triangular panels are folded and sewn to make a "cell" or channel along the inside of the gore. Fig.8 shows a side view of the assembled piece. It looks like the "cells" are there more for maintaining the cross-sectional shape of the canopy than for channelling air. Kinda like a gusset. That feature is hard to see in Howard's picture in post #1 if it exists there at all. Howard says that pic was published in 1973 and there were probably a few refinements before the patent was filed. I wonder if a canopy like the triangular one in the first patent was ever built and flown.
  15. Great song! I first heard this as done by Tom Rush. I learned the song and then forgot about it years ago. I still have the album so I'll be digging it out for another listen. Thanks.
  16. Here's some interesting reading: .......and I think this is the one that describes your pic in post #1: It seems to work a little different than I imagined by looking at your picture. The patent was filed in 1979 so your picture could have been an experimental design leading towards his patent. This patent does not use the term "mult-cell" in it's title but does say "multiplicity of cells" in the text. The earlier patents do use "Multi-Cell" in the title and they look to be a bit more likely to be directly on the evolutionary path to modern ram-air designs.
  17. I think he already answered - post #14 (One of Jalbert's early contraptions...looks like it has proto-cells and flares. This could be like the "growing-legs-and-crawling-up-on-the-beach" stage of evolution of ram-air, cell-type canopies
  18. Especially after having literally no playing time this season, so McCoy could have his quest for The Heismen/learn to shave. Also, throwing 2 touchdown passes in a national championship game is not too shabby for any QB........especially against a defense like Bama's.
  19. Oh well. Everything changed right after I posted the last message. What a hit!
  20. This has turned into a game. Now I'm kinda hoping for the rookie TX QB to do pull it off although I wanted to see an SEC win.
  21. "real working landing gear"? The couple of times I tried radio-controlled airplanes, I realized that I didn't really need landing gear.
  22. Back-in-the-day we could get a day or two off from school if we helped light the smudge pots in the orange groves on cold nights. Fun! We were just making our contribution to global warming.
  23. muff528

    Mechanic types

    i've done balloons with a toilet paper fuse back in my younger and dumber days. the toilet paper can burn rather unpredictably Years ago, on board ship we had an acetylene cannon made from schedule 80 pipe 8" nominal (.500 wall) (it was there years before I got onboard). The thing was freaking awesome at night. Great way to blast scrap at sea. It's a good thing you guys don't spend your idle time "fucking around with high energy physics" like heating a bolt up with a battery.
  24. No dog in this fight but Iowa looks pretty good. First time I've seen them play.