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Everything posted by skydivecat

  1. I'm a nine goat worthy gal. I don't know if that is a good thing or bad thing!
  2. Yup, adults tend to withhold some venom, babies are inexperienced so when they bite, they usually unload ALL their venom. To the OP, if you are serious, put that lil guy down and let him head on his way before he kills you.
  3. Def appears to be venomous (shape of head is the clue there, my college herpetology course was a long time ago though). I agree with young rattler. I would be careful... just my $.02
  4. Flu shot What would cause a general illness Got a job Screw Squeak and his tim tams! Drunk in Asia again Hernia Repair
  5. If you are in Central Florida, you could try going to one of the local DZs and asking for help. Skydive Sebastian, Zephyrhills, and Deland are all "central" Florida, have great reputations and I'm sure would help you out.
  6. WE did, others seem to think he is kidding. Seriously, you are putting the cart before the horse OHCHUTE. Take a FJC, listen to your instructors, ask them all of these questions. You cannot learn skydiving off the internet. This forum is a great tool and resource and question generator, but not the end all be all of skydiving information.
  7. Thank you airtwardo! wolfriverjoe, i would love to find some hemp/choker ones. nothing with a lot of beads, a few with her colors ok, just simple but jewelryish (i don't think this is a word, but you get my point...
  8. Anybody have any good places/people that they recommend for buying these from? I have been wanting to purchase one for my SIS, but haven't found the right one yet and no one up my way seems to make them... I will be traveling to the farm and sebastian this winter, and I am sure I can find some stuff there, but if anyone has anyone/anyplace they recommend, I would love to check some out! ~sorry for the mini-hijack, but it seemed on topic!!!
  9. I LOVE going back and watching all the videos from when I just started. Its only been a year, but WOW! One of our video guys found my tandem video the other day and he can't stop cracking up about it. He said whenever he is having a bad day, he just rewatches my tandem because it makes him laugh that hard. I was the tandem going "i'm not scared!" but my face says I am TERRIFIED (and I had awesome leg position)! Going through and watching them in order shows how much I progressed on each jump though too. I hated the door as an AFF student, and in all of those videos, you can see the fear/stress in my face. I was always so stone faced and "focused" on the plane and during my jumps. My AFFI from my level 7 said that was the first jump he ever saw me smile on and my instructor from check dive said he would fail me if I didn't smile the entire jump
  10. THAT WAS YOU!?!?!?!?! PERVERT!
  11. I have a clear recollection of it now as I have watched the video so many times. VERY entertaining. My fav part is when my reserve side jump master finally gets my spinning under control and looks across at my main side jump master who is just rejoining us as I ditched him out the door, and mouthing "WHOA!" at the camera!!! At the time, I knew my exit sucked, I knew I lost my main side instructor (I did double check I still had my reserve side before continuing my dive flow), i knew he rejoined and that i did lock on and pull. Thank god for radio because I was so overwhelmed, talking to me helped me refocus and land. Totally hooked though, and I passed level one so I at least did something right!
  12. i met hcsvader at summerfest this year, and with the way he seems to get around, i'm only one degree away from most of you... don't let him buy you a shot of tequila, he makes you finish the bottle with him!
  13. +1 That is a yummy yummy man! it makes my day when i get an email notification that this thread has a new submission!
  14. Hello! I jump out of Tecumseh and we do offer IAD (instructor assisted deployment) training and AFF (accelerated freefall). I do not believe we are offering any more First Jump Courses this season as our last weekend is Nov. 3/4. As a student you need to jump every 30 days to stay current and this late in the season, and with the weather we have been having, you would probably be lucky to make one jump before we close until April. If you wanted to come check us out and see what it is all about, we are open Wed, Fri, Sat, and Sun, weather permitting of course. Any questions specific to Tecumseh, feel free to pm me!
  15. By far you had one of the best togas... when you left it on!
  16. I def agree, and he looks awesome wearing a tent for a toga!!!! I don't know if sober rob could pull off that look
  17. Yeah, but you can't toss family or friends on the grill with a little bit of salt and some lemon. Can you??? Well, you CAN, might not be advisable though...
  18. At 18 when I left for college. My mom had drug/alcohol problems so I had really been supporting myself since 16. Stayed to finish at my school because I had good grades/sports. Managed to earn a full ride for academics and soccer.
  19. So did you bazooka the cow????
  20. On my home DZ, MOST people that chop still land at the DZ. Some of the experienced/d licenses/instructors will land off with their gear, but most people I have seen (granted, i am still very much a noob) opt to land safely then go searching. Also, I don't know about anywhere else, but if someone chops at least two cars usually take off after the main/freebag of the jumper who had the mal. If jumpers on the ground are heads up about it (and of course willing to help a fellow jumper), as soon as the chop is noticed we try to get people chasing the gear so it doesn't become lost. 9 times out of 10 we are able to be sitting waiting for it as it lands (I know in this case darkness was an issue). My dz does have a rental agreement signed by all jumpers off of AFF stating that they are responsible for all gear they use in the case of damage or a chop. So anybody from self supervised student status to licensed jumpers that rent/borrows any equipment is responsible for its return. It is different from a lot of places (not that I have been many), but the expectation is at least there in writing. The issue with the guilting, I agree with previous posters advice to just sit down and ask them about it. If you have never had any other bad experiences with them, sit down, air your feeling, and listen to what they have to say. No reason to burn a bridge over a misunderstanding, and if they really are that dickish, then there is nothing stopping you from walking away and finding a new home dz.
  21. Can we please not start ANOTHER thread about this?
  22. I'm with you. I think of all the stupid/funny/crazy things I see and do at the dropzone every weekend, and it makes it hard to relate to the "normal" people back at work. To each their own I guess, but I do feel that some people have no idea what they are missing out on.
  23. They could just be biding their time, enjoying making you wonder... There are some crazy people on here, I mean these people skydive for gods sake! Who knows what they are really capable of!?!? I don't think you are out of the woods yet.
  24. AWESOME advice on the google maps! I do this too before I traveled. There were a few DZs in the area I was headed to and I wanted an idea of outs and how congested it was. It helped me to make the right DZ choice for my skill level. Also mentioned above which I hadn't thought about was just sitting quietly for a bit and watching without introducing myself as a jumper. I always watch a few loads before I jump somewhere new, but seeing how things operated before being identified as a visiting jumper can be enlightening as to how they typically do things. A fellow jumper visited another DZ near home that he doesn't typically jump at. He was passing by and wanted to check it out. There were a lot of clouds that day, so he sat and watched a few loads. He was amazed that they were flying at all and asked how high they were jumping from. Staff told him 13000ft. Ceiling didn't look that high to him, so he questioned it and was assured that it was 13000ft alright. Next load he counted exit to opening on the tandems, 20 seconds max. He went inside again and asked, expressing that the freefall time was significantly shorter that what they had billed. They then explained that due to the clouds, they were actually only getting 10000ft, but as a first time jumper, he wouldn't notice the difference at all. At this point he identifed himself as a sport jumper and inquired about prices and getting on a load (no intention of jumping). Suddenly they were only getting 8000ft and they didn't know if they were going to fly much longer due to the weather. Def good to sit and listen with open eyes sometimes! Great advice everyone! Thank you!