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Everything posted by skydivecat

  1. For first CRW jumps that we coach, we have a hard deck on docks of 3k. We want to give plenty of time to practice flare and get a feel for landing the Lightening. As they progress, it can be variable based on skill, comfort, type of dock, decision altitude and scenario as discussed above.
  2. Long story short, shoulder was injured and requires surgery. Anyone else been through this that wouldn't mind sharing their experiences and recommendations for recovery?
  3. Why choose? Jump at both. I do. Both have a ton to offer depending on your attitude and what you're looking for on any given weekend!
  4. Camping is always and option and so is the bunkhouse. Look forward to seeing you out here in May!
  5. I apologize for not being more clear in my reply. I did not mean to imply it had never been done or never could be done, more that it was not a usual method of student learning that is commonly offered as training anywhere I have seen/jumped. If that is something you do at your dz, then I learned something new.
  6. Heavier/larger jumpers can wear suits that will assist in slowing down their fall rate. Small/light jumpers also can wear suits that help them fall fast and wear weight belts. Congrats on your weight loss so far and definitely keep working. The more weight you are able to lose the easier it will be for you to jump with others once you get licensed. After getting licensed, get some coaching and really focus on body position for flying. If you have a wind tunnel accessible, that is a great place to do that type of training. I'm a 5'6 female with an average/athletic build and my jump buddy after getting licensed was another newbie, 240lb guy. I could stay with him no problem. The more weight you have the tougher it can be but it sounds like you're taking awesome steps to get where you want. Once you start jumping, I find I always lose weight at the dz. jumping always seems to win out over eating
  7. Competitive 4 Way flyer here... First, how about asking the solo if the mind getting off and offering to buy their next jump. It's not a tell, it's an ask. Makes a pretty big difference on how that is received. If solo says no, team gets off and remanifests. Just because we are a team doesn't mean anyone else's jump matters less. Also agree to the statement of if the 4 way team didn't have video, can't be that serious of a team. And 3 slots ($75ish) should not make or break a dzs bottom line.
  8. Asking the same question different ways does not change the answer: an instructor cannot fly down to help you on a static line jump, no matter what altitude you jump from. A student jump = personal responsibility. If you are unable to handle or accept that, you should not jump. No, you cannot do a tandem static line jump.
  9. Even if an IAD instructor jumps after you, there is no "helping" you. Skydiving is a sport centered on personal responsibility. You cannot rely on anyone else to help or do it for you, whether you choose IAD or AFF. Yes, in AFF, instructors are with you until pull time, once your parachute is deployed however, it is on YOU to react, deal with any possible malfunctions, steer and land. If you want to jump with an instructor there to help, do a tandem first. Deciding to become a student jumper needs to come with the understanding that no one is going to be able to take all the risk away or be there to help when/if shit hits the fan.
  10. Mid America Sport Parachute in Taylorville IL isn't too far. Look them up on FB, group is friendly and helpful! Fly Free in Festus looks like it will be open this weekend. Also on FB. Shoot either a message, they'll help you out!
  11. One of my 4 way teammates has a shoulder brace he wears for all tunnel and jumping. I am not helpful enough to know what it is or who makes it, but I do know that they exist...
  12. Be very comfortable landing out. Know how to identify obstacles and wind direction.
  13. As a belly flyer with a lower wingloading on a typical jump at a busy turbine dz, my entire canopy flight is spent locating the other canopies I am going to be in the air with and setting myself up for a safe landing. I find the small zippy canopies who are going to overtake me, I look for the guy with the huge canopy who insists on spiraling down but I'll end up passing once they stop diving. I look for my teammates to make sure they opened ok. I figure out who I'm on level with and will be entering/flying the pattern/landing with so we can share the air and all land safely where we are aiming. I set myself up to fly a predictable pattern while giving myself outs for someone doing something unpredictable or for myself misjudging the conditions. If I want to play, enjoy the view, or practice canopy skills, I do a dedicated canopy jump or exit last/pull high.
  14. It depends.... What's your experience level? What's your altitude? What canopy types? Are sizes similar? Are they playing nice? Landing area options? How/why did the 2 out happen? And most important, are they entangled in any way and are you SURE enough of that to risk it when you have enough material flying over your head to land safely? These are all the questions I would ask myself before deciding anything. What a student/newer jumper should do varies drastically from what an experienced crw dawg or jumper would feel comfortable doing. I was taught that if they are playing nice to not touch a thing (besides disconnecting RSL), don't unstow brakes, anything. Only steer with lite outside rear input to avoid obstacles (for side by side, for biplane the dominant/more overhead canopy) or a dangerous landing situation, if it downplanes, cutaway main. Don't flare, PLF. I'm inclined to lean that direction but have heard arguments for and against... it's a situation I have thought a lot about and hope to never be in.
  15. I had my safety net instructor too, just be cautious or relying on him/her too much as your crutch to get you out there. First and for most you have to trust and rely on YOURSELF. It sounds like you are learning and progressing so don't stall that journey. Every instructor has a unique perspective and way of teaching things. Don't sell yourself short on taking advantage of those experiences. That being said, nothing wrong with when the nerves are high or you have a specific question/stressor/issue in knowing that you always have your #1 go to. Find a balance and keep pushing, you got this! It's worth it, keep reminding yourself that and get through that door.
  16. I hated the door through AFF, I was uncomfortable, the whole exit sequence, I sucked at it. Then level 7 AFF, they just let me bomb out the door like superman, it changed everything. I still had a lot of anxiety and nerves before exit up to about 50 jumps. The second I left the plane though, it all came back to me why I was doing it and what I loved. I had to push through and literally just throw myself out each time. Even now I sometimes get doubt or fear, especially after a few week layoff or an incident occuring. I always force myself to go one more time. If the fear or doubt isn't gone after that, then I can be done. So far, every time I hit the air I remember why I'm there. Good luck!
  17. CRW Dawgs do. Got my bf the Scala rider headsets for our first christmas. Post in Canopy Relative Work forum.
  18. If you decide to buy a new rig made to your measurements, it can eliminate the problem. My rig was made for me and the RSBS (random skydiving bruises) have pretty much gone away. If you do buy used gear, finding something made for someone close to your size/measurements is the best way to go. As a female jumper, I haven't heard any brand is really better than another, just personal preference. If you can, try on a few rigs and see what features you like best. I'm an average sized girl with an athletic build, 5'6 150bs, so I can't offer too much specifics as I'm basically the size of a lot of guys lol.
  19. Skydive Chicago- volleyball, pond, fishing, swimming, tiki, Skylounge, eat up, trailer park, disc golf course
  20. I just got my brand new axon 150 and I LOVE it. My first 400ish jumps were on a pilot, next 250ish on a sabre 2. Axon combined some of my favorite things about each. It has the zip and glide my pilot used to have with the flare power that I loved about the sabre 2. I'm a very happy camper!
  21. My team is the same group of people and we commit per season. I moved cross country so i am with a new to me group this year. We compete in the local National Skydiving League meets and will be participating in intermediate at Nationals.
  22. Primary: 4 way FS (500 jumps)- I love the challenge of it. Mental, physical, team aspect, all of it. I like the purpose of each jump. The drive to get better, the competitiveness, always pushing and trying to improve. Focusing on training makes everything else go away. And when it clicks, and your killing it, and starting to check your alti at the end of the dive because it feels like you've turned way too many pages, awesome feeling. Secondary: CRW (30ish jumps)- First, the people. Yes, they are crazy, but the Dawgs are the best collective group I've ever met. CRW scares me every jump. It has made me a safer and better canopy pilot. I'm more aware, I'm comfortable close to others, I'm prepared on how to handle a wrap or entanglement properly, and I know my parachute better. It takes a lot of skill and control. As terrified as I am, hitting my slot in a 20+ way and floating around as a part of this beautiful, colorful, living, breathing, formation is incredible. Did I mention it still terrifies me every jump? There is enough beauty and positiveness though that I find myself still coming back for more. I plan to fly and try everything eventually. Great thing about this sport is no lack of options. Big way is out, I've decided I don't like being with that many people. Never wil swoop either.
  23. If you are going to do a lot of tracking dives, be choosy who you go with. A bunch of 100 jump wonders going tracking together rarely leads anywhere but a zoo dive at best, if you are lucky. Get with a tracking organizer, keep the groups small. I've seen too many injuries resulting from these type of dives and had a friend saved by his AAD last year after being collided with and knocked out on one. He is still recovering.