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Everything posted by skydivecat

  1. Do they fly a right only or left only pattern? Do they fly both? ~if they fly both, what do you do if you and another jumper enters the pattern at the same time from the opposite ways? HP vs. normal landing area vs. tandems Holding/play areas Jump run direction vs where the holding/play area is ~don't fly the canopy up jump run to get to the play area! (I may have done this on my first visit somewhere...) As always know which way/direction to track on breakoff Spotting (different aircraft/speed/pilot/area), ask for help! Make sure you see the airport Make sure you know some landmarks that can help you find the airport if you get confused Landing direction: do they call it in the gate? is it follow first man down? can you adjust if the wind changes while you are up? do you stick with called direction no matter what? I am in no ways an expert, still a noob myself. These are just a few of the things that I could think of off the top of my head that I have had to learn!
  2. Mine is a WAY in advance warning, but I'm excited, as this is how I'm spending my holidays (and my rig will be paid off by next month!) Christmas at the Farm (12/22-12/26) New Years at Sebastian (12/26-1/1 or 1/2 depending on the hangover...) Figured I needed to check out the Invasion this year and meet some of my friends. Don't worry, I will have my case of beer in tow for my FIRST time down there! Looking forward to it and meeting and hopefully jumping with a bunch of you. I am still a lowly little belly flyer with a hundred and some odd jumps, so be kind!
  3. I've had this happen where I have been on both sides of this situation. I'm not saying it can never pan out, but in both of the experiences I had I learned that: A. People RARELY change much, if at all. B. There is a reason they left my life the first time and if it was a good reason then, it still should be now, no matter how many butterflies they cause me. If the feeling is mutual for both of you, proceed with caution. I wish you luck, it was NOT a good idea for me either time though! Edited to add: And laugh, always laugh! Its way more fun walking around giggling at all the stupid shit then letting it get to you, especially when no one else knows what the hell you are smirking about
  4. Thanks to all three of your for the feedback! Lots of good things to think about and consider. Dave, I appreciate you outlining all the difficulties in trying to restow a brake while under canopy, as well as other pointers as to what to watch out for and what could have helped had altitude allowed. The thought to try and restow a brake had not ever crossed my mind until reading Strats post, and even if time had allowed, I doubt I would have tried it. My reply was simply addressing a few of the points that he had brought up. Oblex, you are 100% right with the target fixation, I just hadn't thought about it that way. That is the only thing I wish I had really done differently, being more aware of everything outside the stuck toggle. All in all though, it felt good to know under pressure that I reacted quickly, decisively, and that beer did taste good!
  5. Trying to react to fixing the problem before thinking about the effect of releasing the other toggle would have lol. I was so focused on trying to see/fix the left side, I didn't even consider that I needed to keep applying brakes to my right to keep myself flying straight and level. One of the things that we talked about that I could/should have handled differently. If I had kept braking or restowed the right side, I may have had more time to look at/try to fix the problem and not had to cut. As I started spiraling, I was thinking, "nice job dummy, you needed that not to start spinning". By allowing the spin to start though, and the loss of altitude that occured, it put me at my decision alti. Had I been higher, I immediatley would have grabbed my right toggle to stop and reassessed. Good case of think about the reaction before you take action...
  6. Hi All! Just wanted to share a recent experience. I am a newer jumper, in the sport just a year now. Besides the bonfire, I don't really post all that much. Mostly just lurk, read, think, and ask my instructors their opinions. This past sunday, I had my first chop and it was very similar to this. I read this thread most of the way through as it was happening, thought about the different options (landing on rears, wrapping my right brake to compensate, ect.) and also asked opinions from the guys at my home dz. So there I was, open a little lower than normal for me (was in a five way and had to track further for clear air space, someone was closer than I like), but under a good canopy between 2500-2000ft. When I went to unstow my brakes to do my controlability check, right one pops, left one won't budge. Yank on it a few times, reach up to see if I can figure out what is stuck (which causes me to start spiralling as I am not braking on my right anymore), and at this point I immediatley decided to chop. I was at my decision altitude, I wasn't comfortable I could safely land the canopy I had, this situation was something I had considered from reading this thread, no hesistation, chopped, under reserve by 1500-1200ft. Landed uneventfully on the dz, free bag 40 yards away, main recovered, even found the handle that i threw
  7. Very entertained Keep reading for the haikus No more whoa is me!
  8. Can you give me a hand stuffing this in there? My dbag is really tight and it keeps slipping out!
  9. I feel the same way! I swear, I can play connect the dots sometimes with them. My favs are the ones on the back of my arms that I don't see until i get home and look in the mirror after dz camping all weekend! RSB's is the perfect name for them!
  10. I've decided i'm bored and its time for a change so i started a nationwide job search. I feel like i have been in a rut here with a lot of things, plus i havent been very happy with work, so its time to open my horizons and start over somewhere new. Or, i just need lotsa money or a sugar daddy so i can travel and skydive all the time!
  11. Very nice! After the monday i just had, it was so nice to come home to this 'package'! How you doing?
  12. psipike? had army avatar, looks like a military body, completely random guess...
  13. I have no idea on the man rack, as i don't know any of the dz.commers in person, yet, and a lot of people don't have pics as their avatars. i would really like to make his acquaintance though VERY Nice submission!
  14. See!? They are just greedy! They got nip, now its NOT enough nip in the pic, and they need MORE pics with nip. And men say women complain too much!?
  15. Now you guys are just getting greedy! first, it was you were on strike until the name that rack thread got more submissions. the ladies rallied and submitted some very nice racks for your enjoyment, but NOW its not enough and you want MORE!? Typical men!
  16. Or maybe he just needs to let it be. There have been multiple comments on various threads, plus whatever personal contact he has sent them. trying to air this out in front if so many other people probably isn't helping his cause. i dont know any of the people involved, or anything about the situation other than what has been posted in threads i have been reading, but it comes across (to me) as a 'poor me, im trying to aplogize and they won't let me.' A sincere apology isnt about making the person that offers it feel better. if you have offered a sincere apology via email/in person whatever, then drop it now. if they choose to reply or give you a second chance, then that is their choice, but just because you have offered an apology doesnt mean they have to. just my $.02
  17. You have been slacking quite a bit ski ! I just figured you had moved on to some other new innocent dz.commer! and thanks for having my back ladies!
  18. Skydive Tecumseh is just south of there, awesome dz. open wed-sun, we have been flying either the kodiak, an otter, or caravan depending on what plane is needed where. huge landing area, awesome peeps. pm me if you have any specific questions!
  19. On my left ankle. first and only so far... will probably get another one this winter, been kicking ideas around for awhile now