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  1. 2 points
    I stopped doing more than skimming it quite a while ago. I am glad that the participants seem to enjoy it. I will say that is has always been a point of contention whether free will exists or not. I long ago came to a personal conclusion that it is another of the things that we can never know. And that it does not matter.
  2. 2 points
    To a degree, you're right. But Trump is making baseless claims about fraud. The FBI has repeatedly said there's not fraud (FBI Director is a Trump appointee). EVERY lawsuit claiming election fraud has been dismissed. EVERY ONE. Your question about Republicans being denied access to the vote counting was proven to be false. Trump's own lawyers admitted in court that the R observers were there (which is why that suit was dismissed). This level of BLATANT lying is something the media has aided & abetted for the past 4 years. They've finally grown some balls and said (more or less): "We aren't going to be a vehicle for your lies any more". That's not 'censorship', that's responsible journalism.
  3. 2 points
    Lisa is at my house. Afterwards we went out for Sushi and it only took her five minutes to have entire place in stitches.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Close votes generally trigger recounts. As far as the mail-in ballot, well, there are states that do virtually all of their ballots by mail -- and their citizens are happy with that. Early voting used not to be a thing; now nearly every state has early voting. Each state does their own thing as far as voting is concerned (including voter suppression, now effectively without the Voting Rights Act to mess with them), and as a country that's how it's been done since the beginning. Now all of a sudden all these states-rights folks, who scream bloody murder if you mess with some state's right to have whatever law about abortion or gun control, are screaming bloody murder for the federal government to effectively take over (i.e. validate and/or recount) elections. Because they trust that a Trump Administration-selected group will come to the "right" answer, because, after all, it's inconceivable that their little bubble-generated certainty that Trump would be re-elected in a landslide is actually wrong. Wendy P.
  6. 1 point
    You’ve never had one. You’ve only had that when the media called it. Your side is arguing that isn’t valid. As usual Republicans are talking out of both sides of their mouths. Mainly because they stand for nothing. They have no backbone.
  7. 1 point
    After reading a story yesterday about a problem electric car makers have been dealing with another small snag comes to mind. Namely, the fire danger posed by lithium cells. They have been trying to reduce the small, but worrisome number of faulty cells that end up causing fires. I'm sure that quality control measures appropriate to aviation use can solve the problem. But that will definitely increase the cost of the batteries. Some of the assumptions made in this thread used certain prices of cost per kw/hour for the cells. Like everything else in aviation you can likely count on tripling the price for approved cells with release tags.
  8. 1 point
    Wait a minute... How would you know that Q was 'de-platformed' if there haven't been any posts? And, again, what happened to your 'back channel comms'? I would expect that all those 'former CIA' and "Spec-Ops" types would have had some sort of back up plan. They can't even shut up that idiot over on the Cooper thread who's gone completely bananas over some dude who sort of looks like the drawing. He's been banned about a zillion times, yet keeps on making sock puppets and posting porn. If that dude can get around a ban, why can't all those Q 'experts'?
  9. 1 point
    I'm a bit of an originalist, so I will continue to pronounce it correctly, as par-lay.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Same as it ever was Same as it ever was
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Any further news about the Easter Bunny?
  14. 1 point
    I've been in many discussions at national level meetings with skydiving, (and work as well) where I have argued a contrary view when the rest of the quorum has been unanimous, often not because I necessarily disagreed with them, but because an opposing view promotes further examination and discussion of the issue. In some cases I flipped the whole room. I found that in lots of situations, many people just follow the accepted ideas, because they don't have the critical thinking skills to fully analyse the issue, or they don't want to be seen to disagree with the powerful voices in the room. I was a little unpopular at times, not that I gave a shit about that. It was no surprise that lots of times, I was approached by people after meetings who confided they agreed with me but were afraid to speak up. Ridiculous. People who take it personally when people disagree with them, really shouldn't be in decision making positions.
  15. 1 point
    I guess I'm surprised that none of you seem very concerned about news media outlet's censorship. I don't trust any media source to decide what is true and what is a lie.
  16. 1 point
    I want the lawsuits to go all of the way through, anything less will be more divisive and give credence to Trump’s claim that the election was stolen. Give him his day in court, have his lawyers make their case and let this play out.
  17. 1 point
    All of which leads me to decide simply that god is a myth, a creation of man to serve the needs of man. I have no need of a god and no need to worship. Therefore there is no god, except as a debate topic. And one I am quickly tiring of. And of course the last straw, the very last item that makes me comfortable, is the fact that even a creator has to have a origin in any kind of logic I am capable of. Which leads me straight to the conclusion that we can never answer these questions no matter how evolved our science becomes. Peace.
  18. 1 point
    Then as far as I'm concerned not only are you not really talking about morality, you're not really talking about atheism either. You're defining your own artificially restrictive worldview in order to create the inconsistency you're then moaning about. Again, nah. Doesn't fly. And even then, I'll say again that all you have is a god of the gaps rehash. You don't know exactly how the brain creates consciousness, so you assume it can't and therefore the spiritual realm is required. No. Sorry. Didn't work for lightning, doesn't work for this. It's an old argument, it's been dealt with many times.
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