
How many jumpsuits or skydiving outfits do you have?

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In over 1000 jumps in 3 years, I've only owned 2 suits. Both Michigan freefly pants. The first pair I jumped until they blew apart (literally, I was tracking away from a freefly, and the right leg blew clean off in freefall, but they had 500 jumps, and numerous tears so I'm not complaining), then I got my new pair which I still have (probability over 500 jumps on them as well). I even got my AFF rating in my Michigan freefly pants, and a baggy long sleeve shirt.
Maybe one day, I'll own a real suit ;) but the pants are great for now


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7 full suits and various bits and pieces.

For that sloo suit, you can supliment your suit with slip on arm pieces, or a I might know of a company that will make a "jacket" that you can wear over your suit, complete with grippers and the lot....
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I've got:
3 Pitts ranging in fallrates.
1 Tony camera suite.
1 fast Dive-rite usually worn with 12 lb. of lead.
So I can belly fly with the freeflyers
2 Tandem suites.
I enjoy doing a lot of my AFF instruction jumps in jeans and tee shirt.


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Had 3 suits now I have two suits and a pair of patch pants (that I've never worn :S).

First suit picked up off the rack from the Frigid Air four-way team... :)
Second was picked up in Florida when I showed up TDY and didn't bring any gear... :S Had it shortened in the arms to get rid of the bagginess!

Third was custom ordered from Michigan... :)
First was then sent to Miss Mary Rose because I was a little too short for it! :)
Patch pants ordered last time I was in Florida and I never got to wear them. Can't wait to see 'em! :)

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So far, I have 24 jumps and 3 jumpsuits! :$ They are all super-"fast" as I weigh (at most) 100 lbs. 2 are used RW jumpsuits. One RW suit has booties, and the other has tracking "vents" on the legs (older design). Then, the last suit is a 2-piece freefly from Firefly that is the 1st 2-piece of Sherry's newest design. It's a custom-made suit as I sketched out on my computer what I wanted. Picky, huh? :$ I will probably end up with many more suits. My excuse...I design clothes for a living.

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I might need to get another suit :S

Cool! I could use another suit, too! :D

As for the original question, I have (not own) three jumpsuits. 2 belly flying ones that look similar (one is fast, the other one is smelly) and I have Eric's old ff suit (I just ordered one of my own, though! :)
I think I'm done getting jumpsuits/canopies/rigs for awhile now.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Yes, it's for the ladies. ;) I went by today for a fitting as I am her smallest client (5 ft. tall & petite)! I heard that it looks amazing, but I couldn't see it on me as there were no mirrors. I will have it by Friday. (She is moving next week, so Friday is her last day working out here.) My guy had his new one-piece ready, and it looks HOT! Sherry has done a beautiful job, again, as always! :)

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how do you gauge relative smelliness during the dirt dive..i mean if the guy i'm docking on REALLY reeks should i run a few laps around the landing area before boarding to make sure our "scent" is more relative?;)

OT post: I have variations of 3. A nice fast RW suit (that doesnt get used anywhere near enough) my Tigger striped FF pants combined with whatever shirt suits that day, and a pair of purple&grey DaKine FF pants, that i dont wear much since they have a nice long rip in the ass from digging out of a low surf..

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My "fast" RW suit is my JFTC suit. ZP nylon front, spandex arms, no booties. I've got a set of pink slip on arms to add a bit of drag. This suit with the slip ons was okay on the JFTC jumps but I'd have been happier if I had gotten other than the ZP nylon for the front.
Why would someone chose no booties for 100+ big ways? I know that I really appreciated my booties on the Texas 120ways last year!

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For anyone who's just getting into the sport reading this, just because some of us (like Conway and I) feel more comfortable flying wth booties in RW doesn't mean it's for everyone. Skybytch is probably a sky godess without booties.;) Flying style and body shape have something to do with it. People try it and find out what works for them. Sometimes the instructor may make a suggestion.

I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

Harry, FB #4143

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