
Really bad but funny bumper sticker

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"Only 23 more payments...
and she's ALL mine!"

New looking bumper sticker
on the back of a rusted out
70 something dodge van.[:/]

On a cow-orker's Mercury Lynx with a dented front bumper and hood --

"So Many Pedestrians, So Little Time!"

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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My mum is a born again christian, so when i saw this bumper sticker, I had to buy it and mail it to her:

"JESUS loves you - everyone else thinks your an asshole"

She wasn't impressed..;)

If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

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I used to have~

"Sky Divers are Good...
...To the Last Drop!"

On my jeep back in San Diego...

Actually have had people get out in heavy traffic,
and take a picture of it! :o

Saw one today...

"Stop honking!
I'm reloading!!"

on the other side he had~

"Driver carries less than
20 dollars worth of ammunition"

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Not a bumper sticker, but I was at the DZ this weekend, went into town and the waitress at the restaurant told us the best joke...
"What did 1 saggy boob say to the other saggy boob?"
"If we dont get some support soon, someone will think we're nuts!"
Hahaha... yeah

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I used to have~

"Sky Divers are Good...
...To the Last Drop!"

On my jeep back in San Diego...

Actually have had people get out in heavy traffic,
and take a picture of it! :o

My sister gave me a license plate holder that said that, back in '91 when I had done like three jumps! (I barely felt that I had the experience to justify having it on my car but I left it on for a long while.) I guess it's time to put it back on my car, but I like my "FLY" one that's on there currently, too. I guess I'll have to rotate them.

As far as stickers, on my old car, I had "Frisbee Disc changed my life," and "Protect Freedom" (an NRA election-slogan sticker).

I have a bunch of stickers that I like but I don't want to put them on the bumper of my new-ish car.

These are others I have:

"Choose Death" (looks like the old "Choose Life" stickers)
"Got Brains?"
"FUCK being politically correct!"
"If you freedom, you own a gun"
"Everyone should own a gun and know how to use it"
"Fear the government that fears your gun"
"If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"
"China has gun control"
"Where has a gun law reduced crime??"

Some I've seen and liked:

"Zero to 60 in fifteen minutes"
"You toucha this car, I breaka you face"
"I'm not speeding: I'm flying low"

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Hey there "SKI"

Did ya hear that the Polish Pope performed
a miracle?

Yup! :ph34r:

Took a guy that was both Deaf And Dumb...
and by simply poking him with a couple of fingers...

Made him Blind! :P

(Smile Jeff.....I'm one TOO!):)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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My 2 favorites:

"Yes, this is my truck. No, I won't help you move."

"I know it's hot in Hell, but is it humid?"

Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?

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On the back of a Pinto:
"Caution, may spontaneously combust."


"Keep back 500 feet in case of explosion."
(Anyone who knows about Pintos would get the irony)

The best one I ever saw:

"Busch/Quail '92. My kind of party." (In support of NRA).

I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
- Voltaire

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