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  1. I have a Mini-DV HD Video camera and I'm using a Sony wide angle lens which screws on the front. I have no problem with the video until I get into freefall and as the jump goes on it gets worst. The result is a blurded circle of mist/condensation which once under canopy slowly goes. Very anoying, please help
  2. I'm flying a Flat top Pro with a Cannon 350D. Currently using the standard 18-55mm lens from Canon. This Lens isn't wide enough for the Tandems I'm filming so request a wider lens. I Don't know what to buy? Should I go for a zoom lens, like Canon or Sigma 10-22mm lens, or should I consider a fixed lens, 15mm say. What about a Fisheye, maybe 10mm or 16mm. I know a lot of people dislike Fisheye results, but would it be suitable for my filming of Tandems. Usual distance around 1 metre from Tandem. Any help appreciated, Please Help??