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Everything posted by SStewart

  1. I agree, we used to be cool. Now skydivers just seem like a bunch of dorks. Onward and Upward!
  2. I have never smoked crack, have you? The Pilot is the new improved version of the Hornet and by "improved" I mean harder to pack. The best thing Aerodyne did when they "improved" the Hornet was to keep the color coded tabs at the attachment points. The over all design did not change that much. I just laugh when I hear "It is a totally different canopy dude" because it is not. I made about 400 jumps on my Hornet 135 and I have made over 100 jumps on Pilot 132's, and pilot 111's. As a rigger and over all gear head I have hung them up and inspected both as well. THe new Pilot is a bit different but not that much. Both canopies are semi-eliptical 9 cells, the pilot is just the newer version. Newer is not always better. To be fair I put an oversized domed slider on my old Hornet because I wear two cameras and want to save my neck so I never experienced a hard opening but I put big sliders on all my canopies for the same reason. The Pilot is a great canopy and I would probably buy one as my next, because they open and fly just like my old Hornet, maybe a bit better. Too bad they don't pack as well. Seriously, the old joke goes like this: Q:What's the difference between a Pilot and a Hornet? A: They changed the name, made it harder to pack, and doubled the price! Ha! Onward and Upward!
  3. The Hornet is much easier to pack due to the fabric, otherwise there is not any significant difference between the two canopies. And, yes I have jumped them both. Onward and Upward!
  4. Are you bummed because they are not having it in "hillbillyland"? Ever heard of PIA? There is this modern thing called airplanes and airports. Reno is the perfect location. Gambling, hookers, skydivers, what more could you want? Onward and Upward!
  5. Check, made many jumps with a chest mount including a 4 way. Check, 4 cutaways on capewells, one on shot and a halfs and 3 on R-3's Never hand deployed a cheapo but jumped that system, I also taught that method as instructor in the FJC. Check, I was fairly bold in my teens and twentys but it seems tame by todays standards. I am glad they didn't have tiny swoop canopies when I was that age, probably would not be here now. The funny thing is the kids today think the stuff we used to do was crazy (jumping rounds, Mr. bills, accuracy CRW, water jumps, etc.) Same here, my 30 year anniversary is this March but it doesn't seem that long ago. I made almost 400 jumps in 2010, never made that many a year "back in the day" The planes were slower, the parachutes bigger and took longer to pack, and the landings were burly. Besides that I was broke and lived in a tent at the DZ. Ah yes, the good old days! Onward and Upward!
  6. Sorry, the ones I have are all too small for a 160 Onward and Upward!
  7. I do question why so much (at least by your report) of the time spent at an AFF Standardization meeting was spent discussing advanced canopy coaching, rather than reinforcing the basic canopy skills that are (or should be) taught during AFF and immediately after (by coaches who often don't have enough jumps to have developed anything more than basic canopy skills at best). In my opinion there is a problem and it is our obligation to try to address it. Stop and think about this for a while before you take action. There is a problem, but doing "something" just so we can feel good about "doing something" isn't the answer. Want to end swoop deaths? OUTLAW hook turns. It is the only way to keep people from making mistakes doing them. Limit turns to no more than 90's. Want to end canopy collisions? OUTLAW 2 canopies within 200 yards of each other. Is any of this realistic? Obviously not. But neither is thinking more canopy education is going to solve this. It might help on the margins, but it won't solve the problem. It's our nature as skydivers. +1 I would like to add: The OP speaks only about AFF training and seems to forget that many skydivers are still being trained by using static line or IAD methods. It seems like they are being left out of the conversation. But, regardless of training method the students up to A license level are not the problem. Basic canopy control (downwind, base, final) is already in place with the ISP, we don't need to fix something that is not broken. When the OP suggests that a "recognized" canopy course may be required I just have to ask recognized by who? It sounds in a round-about-way he is proposing a new "advanced canopy course instructor" rating. Who gets to decide who is qualified for such a rating? USPA? And then we would have a whole new fleet of ACCI I/E's? No thanks, we don't need that. We don't need new swoop instructor ratings. What is next? Freefly instructor ratings? Wingsuit instructor ratings? CRW instructor ratings? Accuracy instructor ratings? Mr. Bill instructor ratings? We already have the ratings we need in place. The problem is we have instructors that set a bad example and hook it in and nearly kill themselves and yet they keep their ratings. S&TA's that look the other way, and a culture that has evolved to think that stupidity is just part of the game. Ok, end rant...goodnight Onward and Upward!
  8. It looks like an easy fix, the question is do you want to pay a rigger to replace a grommet? My minimum fee to remove the old one and re-inforce the corner and then set a new one would be at least $45. Keep in mind I would have to remove it from the lines to work on it, and then hook it back up. You say the other 3 are good but they may need the same fix sometime down the road. Or you could buy a good used one for say $25 off the classifieds. What size is it? I have a couple new ones I would sell you for less than the cost to fix yours. Sometimes it is cheaper to just replace than fix. A new one from the factory won't be cheap but fixing all 4 grommets one at a time would cost more. Onward and Upward!
  9. Congrats Chuck! I will reach the same milestone in two months. March 31st 1981 was my first jump. Onward and Upward!
  10. MSPC does live water jumps every year up in Maytown PA into the susquhanna river not to far north of you. They use old f-111 gear with round reserves and no gadgets. I used to have my own water rig with a swift main and a swift reserve (see my avatar) In the old days we would jump rounds, t-10s or what not. I still think a real live water jump should be mandatory for the license like it used to be. Onward and Upward!
  11. Spot I really do applaud your efforts to make wing suit jumps more safe but you have opened up a new can of worms. No one has landed a wing suit in trees yet. (that I am aware of) But, it will happen. Skydivers are famous for doing things for the first time. Some dork will land in powerlines wearing a wing suit so that will be something we will have to talk about. Do you really think water is the only hazard that jumping a wing suit would be, could be an issue? How many skydivers have drowned wearing a wing suit? How many have been electrocuted? How many have been killed by a tree? Just sayin Onward and Upward!
  12. Water is a hazard Trees are a hazard Power lines are hazard I would think you should have a plan for all hazards? Onward and Upward!
  13. How about wing suits in trees? Wing suits in powerlines? Now there is a scenario...... Just sayin Onward and Upward!
  14. What a bullshit list. In the summer I get paid to jump out of airplanes and in the winter I get paid to ski. I have the best jobs in the world and neither of my jobs are even on the list. City folk. Onward and Upward!
  15. I picked "other" Because it is cold and the DZ is closed. I have a great winter job and get paid to ski here in Utah and that is awesome. I will go back to work at the DZ in March or April depending on weather. It is nice to have a break and do something different so you don't get burned out. Onward and Upward!
  16. I had 3 Still no tandem saves but I guess it is just a matter of time. Onward and Upward!
  17. I read all that business about the Mayan calendar ending in 2012. Kinda scary! But then, just for the hell of it, I checked my own calendar and realized the damn thing ended on Dec 31, 2010!! WTF!! Just in time I rushed down to Staples and got a new one and I'm good for another year. Whew!
  18. You speak of the bible the same way a 5 year old speaks about Superman. In your eyes it is real and that is all that counts. It does not matter if it is true or not. The difference is the child grows up and realizes that Superman is not real. Onward and Upward!
  19. +1 I have read the bible too but it has been awhile. I don't think the stories were very "nice" at all. Most of them are horrible. Certainly not the sort of thing you should read to young children unless you seek to give them nightmares. Ancient scriptures reflect the times they were written, very dark and troubled times. There are some good messages included but most of it is an example of the superstitious beliefs of the day. The book of revelation is nothing more than the rantings of a madman. Crazy stuff for sure. The bible is no more real than the Silmarillion, it is just a story. The latter was better written and with more imagination. God doesn't write books, people write books. Onward and Upward!
  20. Jesus was a hippie Onward and Upward!
  21. Oh really? Let's look at a quick comparison. Bush: republican Obama: democrat? Bush: increased government spending Obama: increased government spending Bush: tax cuts for the rich Obama: more tax cuts for the rich Bush: big government Obama: more big government Bush: Huge corporate bailouts Obama: more corporate bailouts Bush: invaded Afghanistan Obama: escalated the war in Afghanistan Just to name a few. He sure does seem like a republican to me unless you want to argue that Bush was not really a republican. I really don't understand why the republicans don't like him, maybe it is just an act. With the exception of the watered down republican version of the health care bill he pretty much let them have everything they want. I really don't see much difference between the two. Obama for the most part has just been a continuation of the Bush administration. Bush ran the economy into the ground and now Obama is going to finish the job. Jon Stewart nailed it when he said "the republicans are assholes and the democrats are pussies. Some choice Onward and Upward!
  22. or 4) He is secretly a republican Onward and Upward!
  23. Do you favor that we repeal mandatory car insurance as well? Seriously, why do I have to pay for car insurance? It is none of the governments business. If I get pulled over and I don't have car insurance I will face a penalty. If I go to the hospital with no insurance I face no penalty and I will get treatment and go about my business. Un-insured motorists cost us all and there are laws against it. People with no health insurance cost us all and there are no laws against it. So what is up with that? Onward and Upward!
  24. Really? So.... being poor now sucks less than it did 100 years ago. Now that IS progress! It still sucks, but just not as hard! At least now we have electricity! Honestly, if I was a millionaire I would not care if my taxes went up. Because I would still be a fucking millionaire! Onward and Upward!
  25. I think it is pretty easy to understand. For the last 10 years we decreased revenue and increased spending. It is time to pay the bill. We were told the tax cuts would stimulate the economy, if that were true then the economy would be booming now. It is like going to a restaurant and ordering everything on the menu and then refusing to pay the bill. (Sorry, I need to keep this money for myself.) Except at the restaurant it is considered theft. When the government does it that is letting the people keep their money. Oh sure eat all you want, you don't have to pay for it. Onward and Upward!