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Everything posted by SStewart

  1. I think he may have landed near Orchards Washington, at his own dropzone. Onward and Upward!
  2. I had one two weeks ago that had no boxes checked. The card said it had been packed 6 times. According to the instructions I had to check off all six plus one to be in compliance. To be fair though PD and Cimsa are the only ones that have the check boxes, everyone else lets the rigger decide if it needs permeability testing or not. I believe some people are reluctant to check the boxes because they feel it may lower the value of the canopy. I am just sayin.... Onward and Upward!
  3. Me too! 1 SL in littleton Colorado March 1981 4 SL in Eagle Creek Oregon August 1981 1st freefall on jump #6 August 1981 on my 19th Birthday. Still at it 29 years later..... Onward and Upward!
  4. You would lose that bet. It was the right wing nut jobs that felt they were losing their jobs due to cut backs in timber producton. Of course at the same time the left wing loonies were also very active because they thought we were cutting too much timber. We were litterally attacked from both sides. Some days we were hailed as heros for fighting fire, other days we were spit on for not logging enough. I have seen the ugliest behavior from both extremes. I really don't care which side you are on, once you start breaking the law, kill your fellow citizens, or destroy private property then you are no longer an activist. You are simply a gutless criminal and should be treated accordingly. Onward and Upward!
  5. No I am not, the nut jobs are the ones who equate every federal employee with "the government" Timmy Mcveigh slaughtered little kids because they were in a federal building. The teabaggers need to shut the fuck up, get a life, pay their taxes and go vote if they think someone else can do a better job. They remind me of a spoiled kid in the cereal isle at the supermarket throwing a tantrum becuase they did not get the frootloops they wanted. No one has taken away their freedom and they are welcome to leave if they want to. Onward and Upward!
  6. Your question is "Do you hate the US government?" I was a firefighter for the United States Forest Service for 23 years. My wife still works for the agency and her office looks much like the one that was blown up in 1995. Back in the 80's we had ranger stations burned to the ground by extremists who did not get their way. We have both put our lives on the line in service of our country and could have easily made more money in the private sector. Anyone that answers yes to your question simply does not have a clue what we do, They hate paying taxes but if there is a fire running full speed at their house they want us there. To some we are the enemy but we are also your next door neighbor and maybe your mailman. Oh yeah, and we pay taxes too! I don't hate the US government, We ARE the US government. Onward and Upward!
  7. I can burn a dvd for you. Send me a private message with your mailing address. I haven't been to LP in a few years and probably won't make it this year. Onward and Upward!
  8. I have the 1993 boogie video on VHS. Onward and Upward!
  9. I am kinda busy right now but check back in a couple months. Scratch that, I will be too busy then also. Onward and Upward!
  10. All of our student rigs have kill line pilot chutes, boc deployed. During the FJC each student is trained how they operate and the importance of making sure they are cocked when they are packed. During packing training this is also stressed and checking the pilot chute is an integral part of every gear check from the very first solo jump. When I first started training students back in the 80"s the student jumpers gear was vastly different than what the experienced jumpers were using and as they advanced there was always a transitional training period. I personally went from round mains and chest mounted reserves to round mains and back mounted reserves to square mains and round reserves and eventually two square parachutes. The handles were always changing positions, we went from capewells to 3 rings, bellybands to legstrap mounted pilot chutes, and eventually bottom of container mounted pilot chutes. I did not jump a rig with a kill line pilot chute until I had almost 2000 jumps. so I had to re-learn how to pack my PC. Even with that experience level I still had to do something different than what I was used to and it was yet another transition. So why the history lesson? Well, we found over the years that many people had problems transitioning from one set of gear to another especially novices. In many instances this proved fatal. Jumpers trained on SOS systems that went to a two handle system would pull the wrong handle due to muscle memory or just simply reverting back to their initial training. I can see the same thing happening to a student that is trained on a non-collapseable pilot chute and then jumping a rig that has one and not knowing the difference or simply forgetting to cock it because they are used to it always being cocked. I firmly believe each student should be trained on the same system they will use as they advance in the sport. Keep it simple, keep it safe. No need to throw changes in gear to an already challenging environment. Onward and Upward!
  11. I voted no, none of my 3 rigs have RSL's so there is nothing to disconnect. Onward and Upward!
  12. I had a photo published, (see if you can find it.) Actually, that makes 3 photos and two articles in the last four months. Whoo-hoo! Onward and Upward!
  13. Ummm, actually the reserves I jumped in the '80s were made in the 60's and 70's My PDR was made in 96 My other two reserves were made in this decade. Racer fans are so defensive! Ha! Onward and Upward!
  14. Cool! Technology from the 80's I bet that ripcord still has two pins! Onward and Upward!
  15. I think it went something like this: ED: You're Fired. LB: You can't fire me, I have been on the take for decades. ED: sorry, but we just raised the dues on all members and I don't even know what you do or how much we pay you. LB: doesn't matter, if you fire me I will sue you. That will cost the membership more than if you just let me keep my phoney-baloney job. ED: But you don't even come to work, and you live 3000 miles away from the office. LB: so what, I have been doing this for years, why make this an issue now? ED: Ok you are right, you can have your job back and here is $1000 bucks for your lawyer. LB: That is more like it, and here is my travel bill for last month. See you at the summer meeting. Onward and Upward!
  16. Things like that is why I voted for you & a bunch of other people who did not get elected to the BOD. IMO ( and I am only one USPA member ), their salaries should be public knowledge ( 'public' being the membership ). I spent 30 yrs working for the federal gov't. and anyone could get my salary by merely making a phone call. It is OUR money. JerryBaumchen PS) And I agree, I think Ed Scott can now be considered a 'short-timer.' I know I'd be looking elsewhere. Hi Jerry, I was a federal firefighter for 23 years and anyone can go on line and see exactly what my job description was and how much I was paid. But, for some reason USPA thinks that paid employees who earn their salaries from our dues can keep their compensation secret from the membership. Un-friggin believeable! Onward and Upward!
  17. Thanks for the response Craig; Pretty vauge response as to what he does but you say he is underpaid. Really? And what exactly is that? If you work in the private sector (let's say your a dentist) Then it really is not my business what you make. But if you work for the government and your salary is paid with my taxes or you work for an association and your salary is paid with my dues then I have every right to know what you get paid. In essence you are my employee and I have every right to know what you make. I would at least expect you to show up for work at the office on a regular basis. Bull, see above. During the last election we were told by several candidates that this secret squirrel crap was going to end and that USPA would be above board and open with it's membership. So far those promises have not been kept. (I know you were seated on the board the same way I was so I am not directing this towards you) As a board member I knew exactly what we were paying the new executive director because I was involved in the selection process but I was not allowed to know what someone working underneath the ED was paid. Why not? What are they hiding? More bull, I know what the President of the US makes, but I am not allowed to know what an employee who gets paid from my dues makes? Again, why not? Are they afraid someone might do the job better for less money? As I said before maybe he is underpaid or maybe he is overpaid, I have no way of knowing due to the secrecy that USPA continues to hide behind. Just going by what Jan said above. she stated he was fired and re-hired and now he wants the membership to pay for his attourney. If this is in fact the case then the ED was overruled which is a blatant disregard for his documented authority. You can call it a "conspiracy" if you want. Other BOD have used this tactic in the past to try to discredit anyone who raises an eyebrow and wants answers to simple questions. I just want to know why he was fired. I don't need every detail maybe job performance, budget cuts, whatever. There has to be a reason. What does the director of comp and "special projects" do? Was the position going to be re-filled or eliminated? Why he was abruptly re-hired and why he expects the membership to pay for his lawyer. He works for us, we have a right to know. Onward and Upward!
  18. Hi Jan, When I was on the board I tried to find out what LB's job was and how much we were paying him. Several prominent people in my region had asked me to look into it but I never did get any answers. I was essentialy told it was none of my business. One fellow long-time board member actually told me it was "confidential" and even said "no one asks you how much money you make do they? I was absolutely amazed at the attitude. This guy works for us and as his employer we are not even allowed to know how much we are paying him? Maybe it is not that much, or maybe it is a ridiculous amount, no one knows. He isn't even required to show up for work. He lives in Utah and the last time I checked the USPA HQ office is in Virginia. All the other staff shows up for work, we know what they do and how much they are paid but LB has this mystery job that pays him an undisclosed amount of money out of the memberships coffers. I am guessing this was some sweetheart deal set up by Ottley years ago and somehow he was able to hang onto it unnoticed by the rest of us. His title is director of competition and "special projects" I think we all understand what competiton is but what exactly is a special project and how much does it cost us? At the meetings he acted like he was secretly in charge of the association and was either obstructing or telling us all how we should vote or what we were allowed to do. LB is also listed as an S&TA at large for the mountain region which seems like a conflict of interest for a paid staff member. To the best of my knowledge he doesn't jump anymore or show up at any DZ in the region but you must be a resident to hold that title. How can you work on the staff in fredericksberg and live 3000 miles away? I think Ed did the right thing and it should have been done long ago. And now we have to hire him back and pay his legal fees? Un-friggin believable! I would encourage all USPA members to contact their regional and national directors and ask these questions: 1. What exactly does Larry bagley do and how much do we pay him? 2. Why was he fired, and why are we giving him his mystery job back? 3. How much do we pay him for travel and expenses each year? Does the membership pay for his travel from his home state to USPA HQ? 4. Why is the ED's authority to hire and fire staff positions being undermined? We have the right to know what our dues are being used for especially in light of the recent increase Onward and Upward!
  19. Chutingstar is on my favorites list. I buy and sell new and used gear all the time in my part time rigging business and I like the fact that Mike takes payoal. I can't think of any other dealer that will accept paypal. (if I am wrong please let me know) I have only done a few transactions but the response was immediate and the shipping was instant. Exactly what I want doing business online. Two thumbs up! Onward and Upward!
  20. Wow! A few things from an old SL instructor since the '80s 1. The exit sucked. Not sure what caused the hang-up but there was something (from what looked like a student dolphin container) that was healthy enough to tow a student. Not a good climb-out and commands to get a good exit. I did many poised exit students in the early days but we later went to all-the-way-out hanging exits just to get them away from the wheel strut. Static lines in front of the wheel strut is bad ju-ju 2. Very poor handling of the static line. I can't really tell from the vid but this may have contributed to the hang-up. Maybe something was mis-routed and should have been caught with a gear check. 3. No hook knife? I honestly started laughing when I saw the dude looking in the glove box and yelling at the pilot. When you are JM for dope ropes you have to have at least one on your body and ready to go. I would have one on my right leg (door side) and one on my chest strap. The one in the plane was bonus. A jack the ripper will go through a static line with tension quite easily. Other than that I think it all went quite well. (lol) If no other dents were in the plane I may have followed the student out and followed him down to make sure he was OK. Most likely the spot was off. No apparent damage to the plane and it looked like he had a good canopy. Shit happens. And, there is no way you can put this on the student. He may have been trained what to do and did not perform as trained. Lets face it these guys are half checked out to begin with. Pulling the ripcord may have not been the right move but when you are hanging from an airplane and it is your first jump it might seem like a good idea. He got a certificate, a logbook, maybe a bumper sticker, and he might be a regular skydiver someday. It's all good! And Nick..... Your fantasy was called " The Right Wally" and after Wally slid down the static line with his knife and carabiner the student woke up and Wally cut him away. Then Wally deployed his own canopy while holding on to the cut static line and magically deployed the students main. That segment titled "The Basic Instructor" has got to be my all time favorite! Student #1 got shot, #2 jumped immediately (to keep from getting shot) and #3 was a static line in tow. Funny shit man! Onward and Upward!
  21. I try to stay away from these absurd religious debates but this is just too much. Apparently you do not understand that earthquakes are a natural occurance and have been happening on this planet for billions of years. Earthquakes happen every day somewhere. There may be one happening right now but not reported because it causes no damage or is so deep in the earths surface that it is not felt by humans. Minor earthquakes occur constantly and major ones like the one in Haiti occur less frequently (on average earthquakes with a magnitude of 7 or higher only occur 10 to 15 times per year) Earthquakes are no more a sign of the "end times" than say a thunderstorm, a wave on the ocean, or an avalanche. These things just happen and there is always an objective, credible explaination for each occurance. If earthquakes are a sign of the end times then I would submit they are not a reliable indicator since they have been happening since the begining of time. The earthquake in Haiti was caused by a shift in the tectonic plates in the earths surface, not because some supernatural being decided to punish the Haitian people or signal the rest of us that the end times are aproaching. It is all in your mind. Onward and Upward!
  22. Actually, we do know where the wind comes from and where it goes. To state the obvious wind is caused by differences in air pressure. If it comes from the south it blows to the north. It is quite simple really. As a skydiver I would think you would have a basic understanding of wind. Onward and Upward!
  23. Right on Pat! If you don't make it down this way I will see you in Star for my annual appearance. Congrats! Onward and Upward!