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Everything posted by Remster

  1. Actually, considering what can happen after major events like this in under developed country, I wouldnt have been surprised if he didnt end up leading a coup... Remster
  2. Who are you lying to and deceiving when you skydive? Remster
  3. You say that like if it's a bad thing... Remster
  4. Personal attack! Personal attack! Ban him, Andrea! Remster
  5. Only if he's been bad, very bad. When has Sean _ever_ been good? Remster
  6. My guess is that it was Twardo who sent him the link of his gym... Remster
  7. Must... Refrain... From... Making.... Jokes.... About... Annoying.... People..... Who... Are... Banned... Remster
  8. Nonsense. If astrology is bollocks, then you'd have to say The Flying Spaghetti Monster is bollocks. You can't answer that, can you? The mere mention of doubt of His existence will bring wrath to you and your decedents. He will smite you with His noodly appendage. Remster
  9. I don't think so. It looks like a Norman Kent photo, some similar ones being included in his book "The Book". I'll have a look at it tonight when I get home, but, I think it's Tahiti (or some other Polynesian island). The beach area looks similar from what I recall. AH! I was right... Almost! It is Norman Kent's, and he does have several pictures of those color coordinated jumps in his book, I just got the locations mixed up. It's over Eleuthera island in the Bahamas. Yep, you were right. Tahiti and the Bahamas are pretty much the same except they are in different oceans and many thousands of miles apart. You were right.......almost. What's an ocean or 2 between friends? Remster
  10. Yep... V2 with rainbow stripes... Remster
  11. Cant you people read???? lol Remster
  12. Karenmeal's Uranus would know. Remster
  13. I don't think so. It looks like a Norman Kent photo, some similar ones being included in his book "The Book". I'll have a look at it tonight when I get home, but, I think it's Tahiti (or some other Polynesian island). The beach area looks similar from what I recall. AH! I was right... Almost! It is Norman Kent's, and he does have several pictures of those color coordinated jumps in his book, I just got the locations mixed up. It's over Eleuthera island in the Bahamas. What my brain probably did is link the fact that it was over a Club Med to French Polynesia.... Oh well! Edit: it's not from From Wings Came Flights shots... Those were in 87, and these Bahamas jumps were in 91 according to the book. Remster
  14. Oh wow... Uranus sounds great. Does it do fisting too? Remster
  15. Doesn't everyone keep a second log book? Pssshhh.... Don't you use a ProsexTrack? Remster
  16. Never mind. As I did more research about the ways I could think of to accomplish this, it became apparent that they are all too dangerous for casual use. But, to answer the direct question of how? I was thinking of using something like a chest freezer filled with nitrogen or perhaps a welding shielding gas to displace the oxygen. But, as I looked into it, it became apparent that atmospheres depleted of breathable oxygen are very very dangerous. I think you can do it in a relatively safe way with a large cooler (where you can fit the rig) and a flew blocks of dry ice. The dry ice will sublimate, and CO2 being heavier than air, it will displace the air and O2 out of there. Keep it closed, with some sort of small 1 way valve, and it should work. Edit: but it wont do anything for the eggs I guess.... Remster
  17. I don't think so. It looks like a Norman Kent photo, some similar ones being included in his book "The Book". I'll have a look at it tonight when I get home, but, I think it's Tahiti (or some other Polynesian island). The beach area looks similar from what I recall. Remster
  18. Proof that you are old. MTV hasnt played music in years. Remster
  19. Nice try Jerry.... Looks like your post lasted about 2 hours... Remster
  20. The ones I know and met are murderers. Remster
  21. This is exactly what this whole thing needs. Intimidation, fear, and escalation. LOL, nice spin...we are talking about Westboro, Not "this whole thing"! You see it as spin. I see it as garbage in my town. Remster
  22. This is exactly what this whole thing needs. Intimidation, fear, and escalation. Remster
  23. Maybe hitting boys in the nads less would help with that problem... Remster
  24. Where's that rolling eyes icon? Remster