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Everything posted by HeatherB

  1. You're not old, you're middle-aged, remember?
  2. I didn't mean to imply that I've been looking for a team. I haven't really tried yet.
  3. Me! I hope to be on a team someday. But, Minnesota? Are you nuts?
  4. HeatherB

    weekend #'s

    1:4:0 1 canopy bought! 4 very fun, successful jumps. (even with some really wet industrial haze thrown in) 0 beer owed as far as i'm concerned, b/c it isn't my first new canopy! --bucky PS: I love outfacing shit.
  5. Funny how people think designations such as "M," "S" etc mean a "standardized size" for harnesses. A "S" MLW may mean a 14" MLW. There might be anything from an XXS Yoke/MLW/Lateral etc to an XXL yoke/MLW/Lateral etc...and each of those designations represents a certain number of inches. Make sense? They're just assigning letters. Your rig's XL yoke & S MLW combination isn't that odd a thing. It'll fit very similar to a L yoke & M MLW combination (which is very common for guys around your height/size), except the chest strap will be a tad lower. Try the rig on with canopies in it and have some knowledgeable ppl check it out. PM me if you wanna share manufacturer info. I'm no longer in the industry but I'm pretty darn sure who you're talking about.
  6. I had a bad IAD and still kept jumping. I did my second one a month later. I was scared silly.
  7. I found this last night: http://www.atkarate.com/shihan.php Blue skies forever, Bill...
  8. I looked around, but hadn't seen this posted yet. In rec.aviation.piloting there's a thread entitled "Is this nuts, or what?" (My brother, a glider pilot, emailed me about it. We have discussions about skydiving and gliding all the time). http://groups.google.com/groups?dq=&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&threadm=6aa50e7a.0404091805.2c8caba5%40posting.google.com&prev=/groups%3Fdq%3D%26num%3D25%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe%3DUTF-8%26group%3Drec.aviation.piloting%26start%3D25 Sorry, I don't know how to make a pretty link. Personally, I prefer not to jump during Sun 'n Fun - it's a zoo.
  9. Fun weekend! 3/4:7:0 3 jumps on a Pilot 132 (thanks Aerodyne!) 4 on a Spectre 135 (thanks Mike Wolfe!) 7 jumps total. Mostly 4-ways. 0 beer owed Plus lots of food consumed at my parents' house today and some funny phone/IM conversations with a very loopy Bo.
  10. You're not a dumbass, people who have said something like the following are the dumbasses! "Me? I'm not pregnant! It would have to be Immaculate Conception!" (insinuating that she hasn't had sex in a long time or is a virgin) The Immaculate Conception has nothing to do with Mary being a virgin when she had Jesus!!! It is the doctrine that Mary was born with no original sin. Nothing to do with her giving birth to Jesus without having had sex. Every time I hear someone say something like that, I want to strangle them. I'm not a devout Catholic, but it still bugs me for some reason.
  11. I can think of two: Song lyric... Correct:"Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap" My version: "Dirty deeds, thunder cheek" (A boyfriend caught me saying it that way in the car one time, a few years back) And when I was little, my mom would always say, "Your room looks like a bomb hit it!" I always thought to myself, "What is a bomhidit?" I pictured some sort of big, hairy animal....I never asked, I just thought she was wierd.
  12. OK, this is wierd. I had the same kind of eye surgery when I was 18 months old too.
  13. Ah, but part of my reason for starting the thread was my curiosity about the notion that Americans are generally less well-traveled than Europeans.
  14. I did a search, but didn't find any threads on this, so.... What countries have you traveled to and where are you from? (stopping at an airport in another country for a layover and never leaving the airport doesn't count - at least to me!) Are there any countries that you have no desire to return to? I'll post mine when my brain isn't quite so fried.
  15. I haven't gone skiing in forever! (5 years) Moving to FL probably has more to do with that than just taking up skydiving though. If I lived up north and couldn't jump in the winter, I'd probably still ski! Gotta keep myself outta trouble... I've given up: - time with family (I feel badly about not seeing my niece as often as I should, so I am going to make more effort in this area) - loads of cash in the bank That's about it. I still do "whuffo" things like seeing movies, going out to eat, etc. (granted- it's almost always with skydivers!) I just got a Busch Gardens pass for those windy days.
  16. Well, I just got a 3.78% raise and I'm upset. My role has completely changed since I started at this place a year ago, (giant corporation), yet they refuse to create a new title/position for what I'm doing, so I'm stuck with the old title and the old pay range. I could put forth a proposal for a new title and pay, but it will only draw attention to myself, and they won't create a new official position for me anyhow. I'm trying not to go postal. If I was currently doing what I was hired to do, I wouldn't complain about the % increase, but I've been doing completely different work for at least the last 6 months and this work takes a lot more effort and knowledge/creativity than what I was hired to do. Yes, they "promoted" me into this new role, but where's the dough?? I know....unemployed people, starving children in Somalia, etc., but I'm ranting anyhow! I need a sugar daddy!
  17. I won't jump even if I've only taken something like Sudafed. But I'm easily affected over-the-counter stuff as well as prescriptions. Sudafed makes me extra-loopy.
  18. 9/11: I was on my way to work at Sunrise Rigging. I was stopped at a light and heard it on the radio. In my mind, I pictured a Cessna. (9-11 especially hit home b/c I lived in NY til I was 14. I had a dream just last night about it all). Challenger: I was in elementary school, on Long Island. We were watching the broadcast on TV. I remember one of the priests coming in to talk to us afterwards and everyone crying in the schoolyard. Columbine: I was in my Logic class at college. I hadn't turned on the TV before running down to class and when I arrived everyone was talking about it. We didn't do a bit of work during that hour and a half. I don't remember where I was when I heard about the Columbia though. I remember receiving/witnessing personal bad news more clearly than most of the national/world events. Sometimes I wish I didn't remember.
  19. I don't usually look so serious. Do I?
  20. 70 or so minutes in the tunnel this weekend. HELL YEAH!!
  21. You didn't jump while in FL? I thought you jumped while at Z-hills?
  22. Well, now accuweather is saying: breezy with clouds and sun, high of 80. Grrrr...I'll be so pissed if it's windy again.