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Everything posted by HeatherB

  1. Sleep is for the weak! Where are the photos?? (umm...I have not slept...and I'm going loony...but whatever!)
  2. Taller ppl like the benches because they don't have to get up at 10 grand and hunch over or kneel until jump run? Is that what it is? But don't you have to get up and stow the benches anyhow? The ones that don't stow...those seem to crowd everyone too much... I just find that whole sitting cock-eyed thing pretty uncomfortable. You can't sit straight...you gotta lean. (I'm with Sunshine on that!) Wouldn't you guys miss having chicks sitting in your lap on the ride to altitude anyhow?
  3. for what it's worth, here's a vote for no benches in our otters! don't like benches! they're more uncomfortable, at least to me. and they add weight, why add unecessary weight? maybe a poll would be interesting...
  4. They should have these 4-way competitions more often! I think everyone had a blast. Thanks for the congrats too...Alicia did a great job working with us! Chicks rock.
  5. No, no catching up, bad! Don't want to be like Oren! (at least I was really close to my reserve due date this time though) My numbers: 1 retarded mal:10:0 So yeah...one reserve ride, on Friday, and a bunch of other jumps, including a sweet 16 point 6 way and some really fun and rockin' 4-way today. (scared silly sexy turtles!) A very kickass weekend....I am tired and sunburned and happy.
  6. I had a reserve ride today too! Not quite as high speed or spooky or low as TLML's though. (what does TLML stand for anyhow?) Line twists and the risers pinned my head to my chest. (that part sucked the most, couldn't look up at the freakin' canopy!) Briefly tried kicking but wasn't getting anywhwere, so chop, flail, pull reserve! Sally Hathaway saved my life. I love Sally. I must buy lots of Synchronicity shirts and a bottle! We found all my stuff and life is good. Happy 4th of July!
  7. The monkey fists I've seen have been smaller than the typical hackey. (Some were definitely much too small for my liking). If I found a monkey fist the same size as my current hackey I'd go for it... Maybe I just have a hackey of unusual size.
  8. You can do it!! There are lots of people who have problems during AFF but then they go to the tunnel and come back and kick ass on the rest of their levels. So don't get discouraged. The tunnel is awesome, you'll love it! I was there last night. We did 7-8pm but we stayed later. We couldn't resist taking the open half hour from 1:30-2am. We were tired but happy puppies
  9. Currently listening to the Chili Peppers - By the Way (the album) It's looking pretty windy and cloudy out and I'm at home (our otter was/is down anyhow). Lazy day! I think I actually needed a lazy day, so I have no complaints. Anyone else weathered out?
  10. Hi, my name is Sunny Frontier! (Sounds like a spin-off of Little House on the Prairie)
  11. I would still skydive even if there were no risk because of the challenge the sport presents. I enjoy pushing myself to become better and learning new things. I doubt I'll ever be absolutely freakin' awesome or anything but I'm easily amused. Hell, landing on my feet is enough to make my day! You're always learning something new, whether you have 1 jump, 100 jumps or thousands of jumps...I think that's my main attraction to the sport. I also enjoy the hell out of the people I hang with! The usual gang and meeting new people from all over...it's all good!
  12. 5:0:0 5 answering messages from a very drunk Jerm on Saturday night. Highly amusing
  13. So what's keeping you up there? 20 degrees? That's just wrong! Move to FL! Year-round jumping, low cost of living (I wrote loving at first, heh), dz's all over the place...it's great!
  14. oh the good ol' days... sad that i have half the jumps that you do but we started at the same time! i must catch up. somehow!
  15. lucky duck! last i saw, the packing area at z-hills has giant puddles in it. soaked carpet. no good. and tomorrow? showers and thunderstorms and low ceilings predicted. grr. bored skydiver. and slightly tipsy now!
  16. I thought you were going to recite that infamous Muff Brothers chant...darn. Are you a Muff Brother??? Recite!
  17. July 17th. I'll be 26...yikes...
  18. :11:0 Nice weekend! (unbelievably hot and sticky but oh well) RW...assorted stuff from 4-ways up to a 16-way. (congrats to Drew for his 900th and Jenn for her 600th!) And a sit jump. If you can call what I was doing a sit! I got sick of doing unintentional backflips and tried a stand. That was easier! Completely missed the count and left the plane horribly late on one RW jump. Rear float isn't supposed to leave with the divers? I'm pooped and I'm in denial about actually having to work 5 days this week.
  19. I'm creeping towards 500. I'm at 480 something... I did my first jump in September '98. Did a whopping 170 jumps in my first three years in the sport! (8 months between jumps 15 and 16, busted ankle later on in '00, that kind of crap) So I have a sucky years in sport/ jump # average. Hopefully now that I'm making more dough I can jump a lot this year though!
  20. Yay! Do you think you'll come to Z-hills? I think it's awesome that you're road-tripping for the summer!
  21. 1:7:0 1 jumpsuit-less 10-way 7 jumps total (4 Sun, 3 Mon) 0 beers owed! Landed off once, in a field with a billion cows/bulls. Thankfully, they were scared of me and all ran to one side of the field
  22. Some rigs have a kind of pocket built into the main lift web and it surrounds the velcro section of the cutaway handle (front and back), but some rigs do not have a pocket. Maybe that's where your confusion is?
  23. 1 reserve ride out of 470 or so. Back in March. (I was told my someone at the DZ, "You're only at 420 jumps? That's way too early to have a mal!" As if I should have rode it in or something? lol I did have a pilot chute/bridle wrapped around my arm once but I got it off of me. That was fun. (jump #1) Safe jumping this weekend everyone!
  24. Caption for this photo: "What could possibly go wrong??"