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Everything posted by HeatherB

  1. Well, Terri Schiavo's feeding tube has been put back in place, after almost a week without it: http://news.tbo.com/news/MGA2H2BV2MD.html What a mess.
  2. hehehehe... I've done the same kind of thing. I've been back at Citibank for 7 months now (time flies), but the other week I answered the phone "Sunrise Rigging, this is Heather." The person said, "I think I have the wrong number" and only then did I realize what I'd just said. Of course, he had no clue who Sunrise Rigging is, so my mistake was a little less apparent than yours! Old habits die hard! So, repeat "Lisa from The Drop Shop" 1000 times and do some push-ups too!
  3. I'm faxing over my Michigan order form tomorrow! I finally made up my mind about colors. My Tony Suit has lasted 500 jumps. And I've landed on my ass A LOT with that suit! Can't complain at all. Soon enough I'll see if my Michigan can stand up to a beating too!
  4. I've already given him crap about jumping an out of trim Stiletto. I think he's had enough! Well...you know...he kept saying he wanted to have a cutaway and get it over with! I told him I used to say that too, and then I promptly had one...and then another one 60 jumps later. Be careful what you wish for! But I can see your point, Faber. The mentality of "That repair can wait for a few more jumps... That hole in my canopy isn't too big yet, my spandex BOC pouch isn't *too* worn out, I'll get those riser inserts put in next weekend etc etc etc." can lead to really kicking yourself (or worse) after an easily preventable mal or problem. I gave Bo crap but I am very glad he is one piece! --Heather
  5. We need a published "family tree" of the manufacturers. Incestuous little group they are! Mike co-designed the Javelin then went off to make the Dolphin, maybe that's where the confusion is. And of course Henri Pohjolainen co-designed the Javelin, then went off to make the Wings. And those Thomas boys, well, they're just nutty.
  6. Yahoo! I am very happy for both of you! Will you be out this weekend? I'll PM you my number.
  7. I can stop whenever I want....really... Is there a patch for this??
  8. 15:4:0 15 minutes of tunnel time 4 jumps on Saturday (3 5-ways and an 8-way, all very amusing) 0 cases owed! One wierd thing: During an exit, I managed to open a friend's full-face helmet with my foot. I didn't know it had happened til we got on the ground. Booked more tunnel for this Friday!
  9. A whopping 15! Did my first 15 jumps between Sept '98 and May '99, all in Hazleton, PA. Moved to FL at the end of May, started back up in Jan '00, at Z-hills, once I had a steady income and realized there was a big DZ nearby. Quite the difference between Hazleton and Z-hills! You don't get much different! I was scared of the Otters when I got to Z-hills. Big planes, eep!! I was a hesitant student, to put it lightly. IAD's gone wrong will do that to ya though!
  10. very very bad clownburner. go sit in the corner!
  11. I'd like to make it Sebastian at some point during that weekend! Sebastian is beautiful, and Lisa rocks
  12. 15:4:0 15 minutes at the crack house (aka the tunnel) 4 fun small jumps (4 and 5 ways, all pretty nice!) 0 beer owed Bonuses: More tunnel time booked and I had good landings today.
  13. Feeling better, Airmail? I think I'm getting one too. I hope to be jumping tomorrow (only got 2 in today) but if it goes into my head I'll have to settle for just tunnel time. And dear god, the Jaeger and OJ snafu? Aiieee...that had to taste bad. But when you've already had a few I guess you don't notice it as much! There was no puking though, which is impressive!
  14. Damn, boy! I had "insta-canopy" once and it truly sucked ass and I hadn't even broken any lines or anything! So I can only imagine..... Hopefully you have someone around who can play nurse and pamper you? Take it easy and try to get some nice drugs from the doc on Monday! *hugs* --Heather
  15. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida has some decent individual medical plans if you are worried about not having any coverage. I had that for about 6 months at one point. It was $60 a month, with a deductible of course ($1500 I think) but it was better than nothing.... Maybe once you have a little more money you could try for one of those plans.
  16. I can't believe that show is still on! I'm looking forward to the eventual demise of the reality tv game show fad. Seems like it will be around for a while though. Big Brother is 10 times worse than Survivor though. Ugh. Laying around the house watching other people lay around the house. What fun!
  17. The "she" mentioned in the original post is me.
  18. Throwing my 2 cents in...I agree with Ron on this one, I'll explain. A little conversation I had with an experienced jumper, a friend of mine, a while back (we had the same # of jumps, around 350): me: so when your 4 year check is due, will you just jump your rig without your cypres? guy: yeah, of course. i don't mind jumping without a cypres. but...i probably wouldn't do any bigger rw stuff or do freefly jumps with several ppl in the air with me. ("bigger" rw meaning around 10 ppl or more, this person is a friend of mine, so i know what he meant) me: sooo....you will do certain jumps with a cypres that you wouldn't do without a cypres? guy: well...no...i mean....umm....you know, i'd just want to be extra careful. Anyhow. So, to me if you will "scale back" the types of jumps you do when you do not have a cypres in your rig, it means that you are dependent on your Cypres. You are willing to take extra risks when you do have that cypres on your back. Anyone disagree with that? By the way, my 4 year check is due in January.
  19. You were no trouble at all! Sometimes I miss talking to skydivers all day long, but it's also nice to be outside the industry. I can afford to be a tunnel whore now. You gotta have priorities! Oh, random thought - rush orders - sure, take advantage of them if they're offered and you want your gear faster...But personally I don't think they should be offered to the customer unless they don't affect the delivery times of "normal" orders.
  20. I am really good at not standing up landings that I could have easily stood up!