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Everything posted by Spy38W

  1. Hrm, my first instinct was Mary Ann, I like the cute/shy chick thing, but then it dawned on me, Mrs. Howell for the money...
  2. You'll love the suit when you get it. Post pics!
  3. 2 Pro Tracks for Speed Skydiving http://www.speedskydiving.net -- Hook high, flare on time
  4. I thought I remembered reading on the site how everybody had to wear a Go Fast helmet or something, or am I thinking of something else (JFTC maybe?) -- Hook high, flare on time
  5. Hrm, did you pass that level? -- Hook high, flare on time
  6. Sorry to hear about your problems Jess, I was thinking that was going to be difficult when you ordered it, but I think you'll be able to get it with practice. http://precision.aerodynamics.com/psycho/psycho_pack.htm Try watching the video, then read through the instructions and look at the pictures. It might be difficult for you to get the hang of at first, but once you do it's nice. -- Hook high, flare on time
  7. I agree on both points. I found that leaving the nose hanging without stuffing it into the packjob gave me the best openings on the Cobalt. -- Hook high, flare on time
  8. 3 (bottles of Nyquil/Dayquil chugged this weekend) : 0 : 0 ...Oooh, the pretty colorzzzzzz.... -- Hook high, flare on time
  9. Really, I've been looking for a new project to pass the time... Now, if I can only find an aquarium
  10. OMG!! It had to be Jesse cause he was sitting next to me at dinner. I can only imagine the other interesting messages i left for people. Yeah, you should probably start a thread for people to post their messages from you this weekend... -- Hook high, flare on time
  11. Dunno if it's the DayQuil/NyQuil combo I've been chugging for the past few days, but the last pic looks photoshopped (or something) to me. Doesn't look like she's wearing skydiving gear... -- Hook high, flare on time
  12. This is pretty similar to the method I use, plus there are pictures to make it easier.
  13. I've seen a few of them around Pahokee and they look pretty suave so far as having unique designs, and implementing those designs in a quality way -- Hook high, flare on time
  14. I prolly won't drink this weekend...i spent way too much money on beer while in FL (as the pic shows). Pete caught me on so many firsts. There are many more pics from that grocery store adventure especially the one with the loaf of french bread..... Let me take this opportunity to point out that there are 24 beers in a case....
  15. It's usually extremely cold that time of year, so you'll probably have to bundle up by putting on a long sleeved t-shirt and maybe even *gasp* some long pants.
  16. Spy38W

    Spam Justice...

    I think my favorite part was where he said he wanted his lawyers to file a lawsuit.
  17. Spy38W

    Spam Justice...

    ...I think this brightened up my day
  18. Have you asked Chuck his opinion about you downsizing to the Stiletto? -- Hook high, flare on time
  19. Just a thought, but when I started skydiving and still had some semblance of money I would get a group from my home DZ and fly somewhere to jump, and now when I fly places for work I try to find DZ's near the place I'm flying into. It usually takes a bit of searching on my part to find out which airport the DZ is located on. I was thinking that adding a field for the airport name/identifier would be a nice addition to the DZ database. -- Hook high, flare on time
  20. or watch the war footage of the otter crash in perris with the flying helmet cam...that tends to remind people to strap there fricken helmets up to them, on there heads or to a seatbelt.... I'd be interested in seeing that. Myself, when I had a Mindwarp I put it on my cheststrap, with my camera helmet I wear it until we get to an altitude where I would feel comfortable jumping without having to worry about the added time of figuring out what to do with it. -- Hook high, flare on time