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Everything posted by Spy38W

  1. Crap, guess I'm going to have to get rid of that shirt that says "I have a big one" on the back...
  2. Was supposed to be a 100 originally, but it got sold before I could get it, so I had to settle for a 108 -- Hook high, flare on time
  3. Been bummed out the past week because Santa hadn't brought my Christmas present yet, finally talked to the people at the other DZ and found out it's been sitting there for a week. Oh well, got some beer, so I'm off to hook her up...
  4. The only problem is that it is practically impossible to cancel. Some friends ordered those in college and every time they called to cancel they either got a busy signal, or put on hold for hours -- Hook high, flare on time
  5. Think the closest one to Naples is Air Adventures of Clewiston, I'm not sure about the distances of the ones to the north though. Skydive Naples out of Immokalee, is still listed in the Dropzone directory, but not open anymore. -- Hook high, flare on time
  6. Sort of, you're going to need some sort of capture program also. If you just want to do simple stuff, I believe the Windows Movie Maker does a little, but I've never tried it so I can't comment on that. So far as other programs, wait for other's opinions because I'm using something that nobody else around here seems to use, and probably won't get much help with. I think most are using Pinnacle and Premiere. -- Hook high, flare on time
  7. Dropzone.com forums... -- Hook high, flare on time
  8. DV card goes in the computer (PCI slot), DV (also Firewire/i.Link/1394) cable plugs into that, and then into the camera's DV port. By the way, what kind of camera do you have, I was guessing a newer Sony DV -- Hook high, flare on time
  9. Yup, get a DV card (~$20) and a 6-pin to 4-pin DV cable -- Hook high, flare on time
  10. Hip rings only, no chest rings available... -- Hook high, flare on time
  11. I think hypnosis is great, I got a free trial session with my doctor (who is also a hypnotist) last year to help me quit biting my nails. He recorded the session and gave me the tape to listen to periodically to refresh the suggestion. I never did end up listening to the tape because I don't have a tape player. But without the repetition I did very well for a couple of months (until I got stressed out about something.) -- Hook high, flare on time
  12. 2 hours and 13 minutes... -- Hook high, flare on time
  13. Spy38W


    Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Drink, Drink, Drink, Take a Nap, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, Jump, Pack, continuing until next year...
  14. I think those stupid f*cking Truth ads cause people to start. -- Hook high, flare on time
  15. Yah, but IIRC, the data will only come out of the camera at 100 mbs -- Hook high, flare on time
  16. So, if somebody that has 20 years in the sport and thousands of jumps, you won't mention to them that their cheststrap is unfastened before they jump? Or am I misreading that? -- Hook high, flare on time
  17. Uhm, eeks, I hope that just could have been phrased better... -- Hook high, flare on time
  18. Did you know there aren't any Aggie jokes? They're all true -- Hook high, flare on time
  19. Cognac sipping pipes? I tried entering that into yahoo, and all I got was a story about Marion Barry... "The U.S. Conference of Mayors opened its midwinter meeting in Washington last week, ironically with drugs as the focus of discussion. Conspicuously absent was the conference host, Washington Mayor Marion Barry, who shortly before was captured on a grainy FBI videotape apparently sipping cognac and smoking crack cocaine from a pipe." -- Hook high, flare on time
  20. I used to be a major Sim-head in college, haven't tried the new one yet. I just can't justify paying $10/month to be able to play online. I also used to be into Phantasy Star Online, until part 2 came out -- Hook high, flare on time
  21. Spy38W

    Where's Santa?

    Hrm, looks like Santa violated the prohibited airspace over Washington... -- Hook high, flare on time
  22. I was hoping Santa (er, the FedEx guy) would bring my new canopy before today, but he didn't so it looks like I'm getting my Christmas gift to myself in a couple of days. Anyone know if they deliver on Boxing Day? -- Hook high, flare on time
  23. Keep in mind, it doesn't really have to match what you have. You can have a main that totally clashes with your container and not get a second look. Here is my priority list for color options 1.) Make/Model/Size 2.) Price 3.) My colors** **My colors might take a higher precidence if pink or purple is involved.
  24. Cool, how do you put the acid in the camera? -- Hook high, flare on time
  25. Are you cleaning the cookies WHILE the broswer is closed? -- Hook high, flare on time