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Everything posted by Spy38W

  1. Sure thing, sorry I forgot to include it before. Claudio Knippel [email protected] -- Hook high, flare on time
  2. Wow, incredible, thanks for the effort -- Hook high, flare on time
  3. Hehe, reminds me of when I first read the requirement to do the figure 8/backloop thing, I went out on a solo to practice it, but I was trying to do a tracking type of figure 8. I couldn't figure out how I was going to get it under the time allotted...
  4. I was asked to come out to the DZ to be a pilot so the current pilot could start jumping more. Skydiving was something that I always had a semi-interest in, but as a pilot said to myself that it was kindof silly, and I could never understand how it could be entertaining after doing it a couple of times. Well, anyway, 8 days later I decided to do a tandem with the rationalization that it would allow me to understand how to do better flying if I had an understanding of things from the skydivers point of view. After landing from that tandem I paid for the FJC and the rest is history. Best way to ruin a jump pilot is to make him a skydiver..
  5. http://300-way.com/ -- Hook high, flare on time
  6. Cool, thanks much, I can't believe I didn't think to check there... Interesting... -- Hook high, flare on time
  7. Hrm, I haven't seen a Racer RSL, I've never been able to fully conceptualize the theory/method of operation. Does anybody have pictures, or can anybody take pictures of the system? -- Hook high, flare on time
  8. you got any pictures of it??? Yeah, pictures please -- Hook high, flare on time
  9. And the 1/2 Rak is also discontinued. Yup, that's what I was hoping to get for a helmet, but when I got around to ordering I found out it had been discontinued... No biggie though, I like my Rawa better anyway -- Hook high, flare on time
  10. Yup, looks like it's been discontinued (a while ago.) The 1/2 Rak was a replacement for daBOMB -- Hook high, flare on time
  11. Not to nitpick, but it references speeds to what they would be when you terminate your skydive (deploy) at a sea level dropzone (4000' MSL) Based on standard temperature and pressure. -- Hook high, flare on time
  12. Spy38W

    Tit-ee bar(NSFW)

    I'm sure he has, which is why it's not enabled here... -- Hook high, flare on time
  13. No and then -- Hook high, flare on time
  14. Doesn't look like the videos are online yet -- Hook high, flare on time
  15. Thanks for the advice. I'm not doing stills yet, when I do I will be using some sort of QR instead of the plate, I just threw it on for people to see, also thanks for the tip about mounting the QR upside down, haven't seen anybody do that yet. Will tell everyone you said hi this weekend. -- Hook high, flare on time
  16. I'm fairly sure that you can only order them from Rawa directly as they are made to order -- Hook high, flare on time
  17. No prob, they didn't come out as well as I would have liked. Cost was $300. I was pretty happy, especially considering I was thinking about getting a BH Half-Rak (+D-box), but found out they were discontinued. -- Hook high, flare on time
  18. I love my Rawa, I've been meaning to do a write up of it since the Keys Boogie, but I just haven't been able to find the time. The helmet has two internal audible holders, a VERY comfortable liner, and a comfortable chinstrap that has a protector over the excess strap. The D-boxes are sized for individual cameras. I've seen some people that run the ultra-huge battery in theirs, and one guy who has a D-box that allows the camera to be mounted upright or upside down. The D-box is hinged at the top and held closed with an allen screw at the bottom (you can open and close the box with your fingers, no tools needed), and has an opening at the back to operate the camera on/off controls and record button. There is no lens exposed when the camera is mounted in the box, so there shouldn't be a problem with riser slap knocking a lens off. Also there is a hole in the front of the box to check that the camera is on. The flat mount on top is nice, the helmet comes with a plate to mount a still camera, but also works well with a Stroboframe/Velbon/Bogen quick release system. I don't remember what colors are offered, but I *believe* they have White, Black, and Navy Blue, with the option of a splatter finish of any other color(s). The finish is a gelcoat like on boats that doesn't scratch very easily at all When I decided to order mine I got the guys email address from local people who have Rawa's (no website) and got in contact with the manufacturer. He was very nice and answered a million questions that I had. When I was ready to order I just had to send a measurement of my head (similar to measuring for a hat) and what I wanted on the helmet. When the order was finalized I was told that the helmet would take about three weeks to be manufactured and arrive, so I was very pleasantly surprised when I got it 9 days later. After I got the helmet I had a couple of questions about some extra things that were included and got very quick returns to my emails with information and pictures. Overall, Very Cool helmet, great customer service I'm sorry the pictures that are attached aren't very good quality, I took them in a hurry. If any more pictures are needed, let me know. -- Hook high, flare on time
  19. Back when Cartman's name was Kenny, and Kenny could talk..
  20. Spy38W

    Going home !!

    Yuuuup, I'll be soaking up the $15 jumps at Skydive America
  21. Do you subscribe to some sort of Anti-American Propaganda news list or something?