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Everything posted by dterrick

  1. dterrick


    Ditto. I don't have to tell you what 'Dave' will bring up. 'dterrick', google things, might be "Derrick". Ironically, my Dad's name is Dennis, and we're both so often called 'Derrick" it isn't funny anymore. Otherwise, there's just pages of me and my misdeeds of a past live in sportscars ... and the obscure fact that I rank as an 'upper class twit hall of famer' for you Monty Python fans. -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  2. Well, if you know anything of Bill Cole's history at all you'll understand the gag. He's done high stuff. He's done really low stuff (...from a plane). And, he comes by the nickname Chuteless for a very good reason. As for the REST of the movie, it's ...ummm...entertaining. Hey, a bad skydiving move is better than no skydiving movie at all - as a whuffo I was impressed , but now I know better (and it IS better) So there. Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  3. VERY cool I'm glad I finally got Java to work on my machine - much like getting into the pub this would otherwise been a frustrating "X box" Thanks. I'm thinking there's some scsreensaver material there Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  4. Change the language/ keyboard settings to French or something else. Most people don't know anything about these settings and most ofthe keys are the same. Buttttt, -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  5. This was harder to complete than I imagined. Some of these questions might be asked by an HR professional influenced by the abstract impresionsits.- . I'm a Miro fan, but Dali's OK too. 1. Fruit: Grape. Those who are patient and loving can create from me an intoxicating nectar that grows ever better wtih the passing time. 2. Musical Instrument: Saxpohone. Contemporary, versatile, posessing a rebellious spirit but not out of place in polite culture. 3. Deadly sin: Envy. "I could have been there and done that... if only..." 4. Weather pattern: Aproaching storm front. When I arive on the scene, things often change. I am intense and often shake up the status quo for a short time. Once passed, the grass is mostly greener but sometimes there is local flood damage. 5. National holiday: Veteran's / Rememberance day. Thos who are ignorant of the past are condemned to repeat it. 6. Sport: Golf. The goal is always in sight yet it is so easy to stray from the target if you lose concentration. No matter how deviant the path, we all get there. The key is to enjoy the journey. 7. Shoe: Docksiders. Dress them up or down. Socks or not. They're confortable, durable, and versatile. 8. Drug: Nicotine. I seem harmless but you can easily become addicted to my calming influence in stressful times. 9. Toy: Science kit. The fun is in creation, exploration, and the occasional explosion
  6. Heya Remster, My brain was thinking planes - not other lighter-than air airships. I'm guessing that ballons were pretty hi-tech back then too. I wonder how they figured out it was at 3000 ft? Can you IMAGINE trying to describe the experience of flight, never mind junping out? After all, the WHOLE WORLD would have been one giant Whuffo back then. They were just getting un-used to the concept of a flat earth
  7. 3 THOUSAND feet? in 1797? Fjords of Norway? Dude doesn't sound Scandahoovian. Who says BASE is a new sport??? Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  8. you are not a soccer mom you are not a soccer mom you are not a soccer mom
  9. 9-9,5k. It's more than regulation time for 4 way ... but just. We don't care about 8 way or freeflying time because one CAN'T be done from a C-182 and the other just generally isn't done. Canopy wise, it's all the same and maybe better because it's "socially acceptable" to do hop n pops A better question regarding currency would be coaching quality and disciplines taught... us being restricted to small ways and (generally) to belly flight. We also know how to spot for ourselfes as a rule - and there's never people 'in the back of the plane' yelling at us to get out already. We ARE the load . Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  10. Looks good to me. THANKS for posting the LZ. This gives me an idea of the challenge and I think I'm up to it. Perhaps we need to organize a dropzone.com BEER! BASE jump party next fall? Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  11. ...but with inner 'bigness' right? Good things come in small packages. By the way, 'shitty' joke
  12. don: I see we have similar jump numbers and licenses. Tell us a story. What made you want to BASE? Did you take the school there? How might I make 2004 a destination event? Is it like your first jump again, or better... or different... Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  13. I must be a wacko because the nerves disappeared after jump #2. I did IAD and on jump #1 (also student #1 from the Cessna) JM yelled 'door' and there was the wind and the noise. I though to myself "am I really going to do this... yes, I am" and just did it. Jump #2 I was still a little tentative on my climbout but everything else went fan-frickin-tasatic. Jump #3 I actually asked to borrow an altimeter and for more canopy tasks ... then took a packing lesson form a senior. I knew I was in deeeep trouble then. Maybe it's mind over matter. Maybe I'm just crazy. I dunno. *** Have you ever experienced and overcome anxiery in other areas - like school exams? You may find the key to releiving the stress in past experiences. Chat with your coach / instructor and try some techniques. If they work, you'll likely be over the anxiery in another dozen jumps - if they don't work it might take 12 jumps instead . Seriously, part of the thrill (and fright) comes from the unknown and as soon as you have a basic feeling forthe whole process you'll be over the worst of it. Keep at it. Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  14. and "Pluck Yew too' Ivan! (Google it) Dave PS: since our thread last week, no more monitor issues and that's even without reinstalling the drivers. Nice catch. Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  15. Moo! One up on ya Dave, those portable Butane stoves prevalent in other parts of the globe are far better than hotplates. As for mikes, they're great at reheating things IMHO - the key is to be able to make stuff that refrigerates and reheats well. You're absolutely right about the waste issue though. More to this whole point of Dorm food, the question might be beter phrased "what is your budget and how much time are you prepared to invest in not getting scurvy?" Beer and a well topped pizza covers the 4 food groups. I can do that with a BBQ and a 5 gallon carboy (...and still do) Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  16. I DO scream it. Well, mutter it. Gotta like arriving into Minneapolis over the trees with some knowledge of the speed/height circumstance from skydiving and mutter ... 200... 150... 100... 75... 50... swooooop... flare flare flare ... (screech)
  17. ...got any songs about hog jawls? (later in that same book...) No this has nothing to do with rigging. A rigger with a warped sense of humour - I love this!! Dare I start another thread in your honour and make it 3? Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  18. Congrats Jessigateaux! Now the real fund begins, right? Gonna pack your own reserve? Think you know what your rigger's favorite beverage is? Do you make house calls ...to Canada? 'member when Opus said..."pear pimples for hairy fishnuts"? (obscure can be fun)
  19. ...and, after a flight, if you land wrong it hurts Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  20. Don't frogs auto-levitate? I thought it was called 'hopping' Seriously, are you serious? Have they been able to magnetically levitate frogs like they do with Linear Induction Motors? Next step... transporters (a la Star Truck)? More info, requests the 'physic(s)ally' challenged ... Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  21. I like your aproach, Wendy. We have such a diverse group here on dropzone.com that we could likely solve all the world's problems - I was an orator in Jr high school. Logic and eloquence kicks ass! I went on to take Formal Logic, Psychology, and Crimonomlgy subjects as my businsess degree electives. Though some people used to tell me to 'shut up, already' they were typically the ones whom I had just shot down, logically. (see below, and also the Penguin sketch). For me, a discussion DOES involve, principally, i) the ability and intent to LISTEN and COMPREHEND the other party (ies) ii) the ability and capability to voice your opinion without prejudice iii) a comprehension of the idea that no two people see life the same way; no two hear the same words spoken the same way; no two people read the same printed words the same way. That which makes us perceive the world differently from others is a two edged sword. Were we homogenious, we'd live in Huxley's Brave New World . As is, on a religious and political level (see other threads) we seem to have Brave New Worlds. Is this good, or is this simply necessary for the advancement of civilization? Will the lack of this talent by the Powers that Be cause our demise? /will Dogs and Cats ever live in harmony?
  22. how to write haiku not in Japanese is hard look at clicky link
  23. The physics, please? You talkin about plane juice per jumper? Anyone out there invent a solar powered jumpship yet? Dave
  24. dterrick

    Oh Canada

    ROTFLMAO Does anybody know ANYBODY who has ever driven a Westfalia (or any other veedub bus) while NOT twisted? I think that may have been the corresponding law passed at the same time . ...now just who are these sweatshop people? -D'eh've (yup, a Canuck)