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Everything posted by dterrick

  1. Oh ya?!! My last reserve repack was done on Friday the 13th and it was the, aheem, first time I'd seen it. Then, for the hell of it, I took a hop n pop just because
  2. E. All of the above F. None of the above G. A, B on alternate Sundays, and C if it's Groundhog Day H. Not D, They were a gift but he gave them back anyway I. Uh, define WMD for us again will ya... We forgot if Tequila was included I know Billvon wouldn't kid us about this and that scares me. My money is on #B. Of course, since this same adminsitration deems that even Canadians will soon need bodimetric-based passports to enter the USA, I'm sure you'll all be safe ... -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  3. Eeh, y'ask a silly question and that's what ya get in return I like to yell 'INCOMING!!" on final ... famous last word? -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  4. ...make sure you say something in freefall -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  5. Hehe. Did you 'splain to him that you were already owing a case of beer for the fact you got caught? I remember how "most" of the drivers drove at H-town - it's a wonder the local cops don't stake you out. Seatbelts? Stopsigns? Pieces falling off the brown van? Naah, never would happen. Would it? Congrats on the night jumps Lizzie... I did mine about a month ago and did that rock!! *** As for me: 1:0:0 First time I've been to the Gliderport. Dad will NOT jump from a plane but expressed an interest in soaring so that's what I got him for his birthday this weekend. I spent a lot of time talking with the pilots and I gotta say that the idea of getting my license is appealing ... bout 120 jump tickets in cost and likely spread over 2 seasons.... hmmm. Didn't go to DZ because of the RW. DZ was rained out on Sunday anyway. Instead I cleaned my garage. What fun. At least I can see the floor now -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  6. Hey Justin: I've read the posts thus far and I think that NO MATTER HOW you hook up, if you have crap for a sound card you'll just end up feeding carp out to your hifi. I highly reccomend the Audigy MP3 card. The plane jane one is fine, I think I own one of the first production models - none of this fancy ass inputs on the front modern version but all you need is the output right? Not gonna plug in lots of devices? As for the wiring: you're going to be going analogue out so anything over a wireless will be subjectto the s/n ratio not only of the sound card but also the wireless network. I know NOTHING about those but I do know that a 40 foot headphone extension will lose you something as well. If you get the slimline style from Radio Snack (or wherever) you could hide the cable under the quarter round (or pull it up, then hide it). Hey, no matter what you do you;re gonna have some work - I built a media rack in my office closet and then ran the speaker wire all over creation (I used more than a 50 foot spool including basement, living room dining room and garage) You'll love it once you're done but then you'll want your wireless laptop so you can change the playlist wihile on our couch... it'll never end and it all costs jump tickets. -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  7. Perhaps I should have written 'only cutaway so far' ...In fact, I've only chopped once in 165 jumps and I know there will be othes in the future... the question is always when. This does not mean I've not come close to a Silver Savior a few times...: On a freezing cold October day (about jump #115) my hands froze bad enough I lost the handle on try #1 at 2200 ft and had I missed on #2 I'd have been silver. I had a bridle entanglement (horseshoe) on a hop n pop and wound up as a 'parachutist in tow', headdown, at a similar altitude with a bridle wrapped around my left foot. Was the pin out? I'm not sure but a failure to clear it would have been very bad. THESE are the things that I refer to when I say 'think often about safety'. After all, we'd 'never' had a bridle entanglement at DZ before mine but I had a plan drilled into my head. The next weekend, an IAD student had an entanglement with her Protec. Sometimes things just come in waves... -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  8. California Oragano Ya I know it looks a bit funny in that pic. Actually those aren't "weeds" they're like TREES ... that's a mondo size bilboard right on the edge of 101 - I was "shooting up" at a "high" angle ... not wanting to do an illegal and reverse up the freeway... not me There. That's my couinterculture insinuation for the day. enjoy. -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  9. ...dunno, but this bilboard suggests we could get PAID to jump... (found on US 101 just outside Moffett Field in the Bay Area) ...hmmmm... -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  10. That's quite a day, Matt! You know why it's all worth it though. You learned several important things about equipment (check your gear) the Big Sky (ALWAYS check your airspace before exit) and emergency procedures ( practise poractise practise, read S&T forum read S&T forum...) Had my first and only cutaway on jump #20 and it was the best thing that could have happened to me., After that I KNEW I'd never fear 'the dreaded chop' again. Not that I'd encourage you to go seeking a mal, just know that if you always keep safety procedures in mind before you board the jumpship (...even the ones that 'won't' happen like a horseshoe or a downplane) you'll be just fine. DOOR!!!!! Now jump dammit
  11. Heya Mofo, I made 15 s/l (well, IAD in Canada) jumps my first season before we shut for the season. Trust me, you may have to repeat a few jumps but if you spend ALL winter hangin' out on dropzone.com reading safety and training, gear and rigging, and other forums - while saving a few bucks each week - you'll be back to speed in no time. If you ae THAT close - go for it and let the charge cards melt (I'm pissed that our plane needed too much work to justify staying open or another 3 weeks that fall). If not, concentrate on your tudies and save the extra $'s. Talk to your JM's and DZO and you might be able to swing an early season discount or something. You're far better off to learn things "right" the first time, even if it means stepping back next spring. It's much like bike riding... -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  12. Congrats on the 'ease' of doing a 'style set' ...if you ever enter competition, anything over 16 seconds is scored as 16, ie: that's the max score. Shoot for 16 in your tests. advanced stylists can do this in 6 (yes SIX) seconds or less. Do a search on 'style'. In Canada for a B we also need to be able to do figure 8's in back or sitfly too (no time) and a "manouver series" L360 R360 FL BL LBR RBR in 16 or less - this is actually harder to do than a style set. But, once you master all 3 axes on your belly, flying life is geneally a lot easier. www.fai.org - look for parachuting and style. Have fun, fly safe (...and freaky)
  13. LISTEN TO LISA AND ANDREA, OUR OMNIPOTENT GREENIES! Shane, I went through skybirthday #2 at the beginning of the month on 160 jumps in a 6 month seasonal DZ. We've experienced similar thought patterns and I do now believe it is normal. Sophmore jinx? My personal problem is that I could spend every dollar I have and more (indeed I have at times) and somewhere the love of going broke over the sport hit me as silly. That in its self was silly. I did well over 100 jumps in my first full season and with only weeks to go I'm not yet at 50 this year. That hurts and the only 'real' reason I've not been jumping that much is financial. I agree with you that my skyfamily is waaaay cooler and tighter than even my real family and I would not trade that for anything. It's so powerful that I'm now prepared to do freestyle/freefly stuff with a 20 year old Racer and a reserve as a main with our (only) resident 72 year old freeflyer. It's been a breath of fresh air to get out ofthe mindet that "I need to do 4 way" or "I need to get license 'X'" or .... you get the idea. When I go jump it is now for the pure fun of it and I now MAKE my own fun. So long as you can go to DZ without thinking about the $'s you are going to spend you have NO reason to think about quitting. Weather is unpredictable but you get to spend down time with cool skydivers. Work is demanding but that means more money to skydive right? If you get screwed by Ma Nature when you have money, just make sure you save it and earmark it for skydiving. If it gets that bad, turn it into a winter holiday. -Dave PS: I got 15 s/l jumps in my first season before the DZ closed. THAT winter was pure hell. Next season I had to start from scratch. OK, I remortgaged the house to finance the season and the gear but this season has felt a lot like you describe. Just do whatever it takes and be true to yourself. KNOW that even after you have a B license and have done 4 and 8 ways there are STILL things to do in the air that can make you smile like it was your first jump!! Just be Curious.
  14. I visit France in the mid 80's on a school trip. They got dem teeny tiny hot water heaters in each installation and 2 showers a day is not the norm... like I understood back then?? First thought was a really low sink but no, ... I didn't , I asked first. good thing, "eh" -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  15. ...if only... More? Been to droptoons on this site? -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  16. Hey Keely: This one goes out to you (and AggieDave) and all the other 'hunters' out there. The Geest are flyin' south but it's 'fox hunting' season -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  17. ...ummmm, yes? Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  18. ....but I was... Damn I feel old ... sounds like a retro-check-o, might feel good Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  19. Hi Alex! Great idea! If you generallly follow USPA doctrine then the guideline is a GREAT starting place. I jump in Canada but attended the SD lectures at Hollister in California last year - very impressive. Over and above the basic outline, deal with local conditions and procedures. Talk positively about incidents that HAVE happened (may they be few in number) and how people can avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Get your chief pilot involved for a segment of good/bad things to do in a plane ..and spoting ... and whatever... While people are hyped, get them interested in doing an advanced canopy control class - you may have enough interest to bring in a specialist. It seems that it is the landings that hurt people the most these days. (Credit to Hollister) ... offer a special deal on the day and hold the seminars at the END of the jump day ... then flick the Beer light on and let everybody relax and learn. Have printed handouts for those who don't have perfect memories. Above all, enjoy. SD is a great way to kick start the season -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  20. Haven't seen the video but the lyrics make me go hmmmmm...should I seek it out? does it redefine 'hot mama?' -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  21. It's OK Jessica, got some Tintex? Matched gear is Soooo overrated... I got me a beige and light beige Racer circa 82, a Watermellon Raven II as a main with a purple slider and a reserve I haven't seen. My 'jumpsuit' is whaterver fits and is one the rack - unless I'm head-up flying in which case I havethe natty black spandex bicycle shorts look goin' on ...but maaan do I look cool when I carve a 180 hook turn into the peas from about 150 ft up at 22.63 mph Checked out the Vortex II? Cdn price is like $1500 ($12 US) and you could have your colours. Also look at the Sidewinder (flying high mfg) at a similar cost. Tell me that a grand US for a custom freefly fiendly container in "your" colours isn't a smokin deal too? -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  22. Caffe caramel 3 shots espresso, whip cream and caramel sauce A friend's coffee shop near DZ, makes these for me More buzz than a jump Breakfast food it is Sugar, caffiene, 'drenaline Mondays I am burnt!! -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  23. Me I switched to tea Ever present is caffine That what wakes me up I love coffee too As breakfast food it sucks tho without a donut -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  24. My early experiences with roof-jumping were a little more like cliff-diving. In Manitoba, in the winter, we have GIANT snowbanks and they are soft enough to fall into off the porch rood so long as you occasionally fluff the snow - I learned to PLF at an early age... ... and promptly forgot about the idea for about 20 years. In my mid-teens I got very hooked on sports cars and becan racing them at age 19. First it as ice racing (modified econo-boxes on ice) then 'proper' cars like a Datsun 240Z and a Mazda RX-7. It so happens that our DZ is located on the other side of a twin runway comples upon which I race (old WWI complex). For ten years I Whuffo'd along with all my other 'adrenaline junkie racer friends'. Then something happened. Simultaneous to my burning-out on (now) organizing the races an attractive blonde skychick had an off-DZ landing and I was introduced to "skydivers". Wow. This had some potential. Two weekends later I did my FJC - Sept 1, 2001. On race weekends I still help out as a senior official but as soon as the last race is over I'm over the fence and on the manifest list. At first they all thought I was crazy and had a death wish - now they ask me for details -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)
  25. Heya Bill sounds like they;re teaching you PRO pack and not flat pack. Is this so? You might ask for a flat pack class as it is the typical 'student rig' packjob. As for PRO, think of it this way.... Flying through the air, the canopy has a nose-down orientation (that is, the front is lower than the rear). There are FOUR sets of lines, A,B,C,D, frm front to back respectively. Following that logic, the A lines are the shortest and the D's are longest. So, when the chute is hoisted over your shoulder there should be 'four' line lengths for you to deal with. The A's and B's are right up there by the slider under your neck, and the C's and D's are the ones yo'll be fiddling with lower down. Basically, you 'fiddle' with the lines till you get all the ones that SEEM to be the same length all together (on one side of your shest) and then push the material they're attached to outboard of them. Sort of a karate-chop-ish pleat to the outside ofthe lines is what's needed. Do the same for the C's (the next shortest) and repeat both steps on the other side. THAT is pretty much all there is to the spaghetti you are worried about. *** The 'trash pack' is a variant some have described as 'doing nothing' with the lines. If you fly a non-eliptical you can get away with this. Do the following: After you pick the nose and stick it between your legs, flake the stabilizer to the outside of the hanging parachute (ie: they are now the outside most lines). Roll it up, lay it down (carefully) and have fun stuffing it in the bag. As some have said, Ram air canopies WANT to open and all the flaking and organizing really just helps ensure on-heading openings with less chance of a lineover. In 150 of my own trash packs I've not had a problem yet. -Dave Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)