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TitaniumLegs last won the day on October 2 2021

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  1. I watched Scott make me a Trimsetter pilot chute + bridle last summer in Abbotsford. I'm quite pleased with the product.
  2. It's up now. Hopefully you either found it yourself, or this will nudge you. PS: https://trimsetter.ca/ not .com
  3. LOL this thread popped up in a search. In case anybody ever still reads this stuff: Aquabuoy are garbage and should never have been the device we depended on or allowed as the gadget that got you on loads near/over water. in 1997 I was on a demo jump where 7 people landed in Monterey Bay. I think 4-5 of my wet friends had these things and tried to use them. IIRC, 2 didn't inflate at all. The ones that did, you basically got a yellow inflated potato chip bag tied on by what looked like a piece of dental floss. I'm not sure it would even be effective to help find the body, in spite of the joke/common description of these things.
  4. There's more to it than the one line skydivers sing, and I'm fairly certain it comes from military lore. Before I was ever a skydiver, when I was a Canadian Army Cadet, then reservist, I heard the Hymn/Him, and there was more to it. Anybody know the rest? Part of it was "Penisitus erectus protect us from syphilis Hymn, Hymn, fuck him!" This was 40 ish years ago when I heard it.
  5. LOL, that was me. As the main was deploying, I heard this weird buzz sound followed by some fluttering behind me. Looked back to see the reserve sneaking out, still inside the diaper. I pulled it in and initially held it under my arm, but then couldn't fly the main. So I held the reserve between my knees. I think I dropped it as I landed. Edit: This is why when people ask how many reserve rides I have, I say "three and a half". I saw the German student on his second jump have the reserve go through the risers. I was one of the first two guys to get to him. We had just unloaded jerry cans from my car (we used fuel from the base gas station, so not military fuel, but not German/economy prices either). I got in my car with this guy Merlin and we blasted out to the landing area between the runway and the parallel taxiway, almost hitting one of the taxiway lights. I was amazed this guy was alive and seemed likely to survive. We radioed for an ambulance did some basic first aid. We stood on the canopies while the ADAC helicopter came in and life flighted him. There was a guy with a camera helmet on the strut when the student jumped. We almost never had video. Pete and some other guys (probably law enforcement, base flight safety officer) reviewed the video and determined that he spun as he exited and that somehow trapped the right rear riser. Weird that I thought that happened after my incident with the FXC. They took the wings off C-GBBL the Crazy Banana (was also the name of some German bar or band or something), put it in a sea container and shipped it to Petawawa. Last I heard it was flying out of Arnprior (https://www.airhistory.net/photo/310025/C-GBBL). Flightaware shows it flying from Victoria to South Cariboo on 20 Feb.
  6. Is it not the same type rating as MD-88/90/B717? (Or at least close?) This seems to suggest that it is, but I don't have any type ratings and am not an expert. https://registry.faa.gov/TypeRatings/
  7. Greg, if you're still out there I would love to hear more. I jumped the jet 2x in 93, 1x in 94, 96, 97, and 2x again in 98 (once with a skysurf board). I recall the ramp/airstairs were removed on the ground, the top 3 or so steps were covered in plywood, and the hydraulic cylinders were covered with padding for safety. I remember the seatbelts attached to the L-track on the floor. Would love to hear more, including stories about FAA "negotiations". Thanks and Blue Skies Peter
  8. All of the above. There is a ton of great advice in there. But for me, the main thing is, set a goal or goals, and stick with it at a reasonable pace and achieve those goals. A-license, world champion, or anything in between. Like Lisa (skybytch) said, the best is when one of your former students achieves things way beyond what you did. Another favourite feeling is seeing one of your former AFF students on the other side of an AFF jump.
  9. The tunnel people want your hands further forward so you can prevent yourself from smacking into the wall, both by having your hands get there first, and by the backwards pressure it exerts. In AFF, we want your arms further back, thumbs roughly aligned with your earhole, because for most people it's more stable, and you get better leverage for turns. Every time I get an AFF student with prior tunnel time, the first thing I ask is "What does this mean?" holding up my index finger. If they say "Chin up / Look up", I slap them silly* until they forget and learn that it means pull. I don't know who the dumbass is that came up with tunnel signals, but that is the number one most important signal in AFF, and it's a huge disservice to teach it as anything else in such a closely related "sport". * No I don't actually slap them, and it would be a proxy slap because the tunnel signal inventor isn't known (to me) and available to slap.
  10. There is no standard for this, at least not that I can find in the SIM or IRM. You can get together with a group of other instructors, share ideas, watch and critique each other's videos, look at other videos online. Quiz each other from the AFF ISP oral quizzes, the exams in the back of the IRM, the license tests, and other sources. You could even do this in a Zoom/Webex. If you have a new aircraft, figuring out exit techniques, loading, seating, etc. counts as this kind of activity. The important part is that you log it and get a signature from another instructor or higher. IMHO, what you should NOT do is pay anybody or any organization for this. Way too much of that going on.
  11. I love hearing from students, especially when they get hooked and licensed. Awesome to see them compete and turn into record holders and champions. The absolute best is a couple years later seeing them on the other side of an AFF student.
  12. He's got us confused with rec.skydiving. Wait... Snuffy? Peanut? (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  13. So what is typically involved in this grant of temp license? Does it matter what level of license, rating, experience the foreign jumper can demonstrate? (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  14. Unfortunately this is not 100% true. I am an Austrian citizen and live in the US where I have my license. Austria (and probably most of Europe?) does not accept the USPA license as valid, because the USPA is not a governmental organization, but a private club. I don't doubt your experience with that particular dropzone, and it may even be a thing across Austria, but I lived in Germany and jumped several DZs in Germany and France on a CSPA membership and license, and had many American friends jumping on their USPA docs. Never had a problem. The only thing I ran into that I didn't like was the "rigger" inspecting my gear at check-in in Lachen-Speyerdorf with a lit cigarette hanging from his mouth with 3cm of ash and ember. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.
  15. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=4900777 (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me.