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  1. This is a good piece of advice I will try to employ if I should choose to continue in this sport of ours. Thanks, Doug
  2. Interesting, I haven't been here in a while so I log on today and... I was just having this conversation with my wife. In the 14 years I have been jumping I have always had times when I'm more, or times when I'm less current, but I've never gone more than a month or so without jumping. At Chicks Rock 2012 I busted my knee, after surgery I had a detached retina and then it was followed by c5 -c6 herniation that required discectomy and fusion. (originally caused by a Sabre1 hard opening back in 2002) Since Chicks Rock I haven't jumped... I had a year+ of pain/surgery, sitting on the couch and not working, accompanied by depression wondering if I would ever get MY life back. Well I feel great now, I'm pain free, 100% recovery in the knee and neck, better than they have felt in a long time. I have my rig in for repack right now but I have asked myself if it is in fact time to hang it up... Is it still worth it?? If I injured myself again and ended up on the couch again I would lose it. (btw this is my first real injury in skydiving) I don't want to quit but I have always felt skydiving is something you MUST have the drive to do. For me its not like catching a movie, not something I do on a whim, either I'm in or out. I haven't made the drive to the DZ in soo long, will it in-fact be a chore?? Also, for me skydiving while not current is NOT fun skydiving at all, so if I'm not going to go enough to remain current then maybe this is it... Saddens me to think this, I have been planning on learning to wingsuit, a whole new era for me... Thanks for the post, its nice to hear others with the same (kinda) thing going on. Good luck with your decision, Doug
  3. So many people go through life living their lives under the terms of other peoples expectations, you see it with people regardless of their affiliation as a man, woman, son, daughter... Good for you for making a decision that is right for you. It is pleasing that you have a family that has accepted you and your decisions to be true to yourself. It made me happy to read your story, thank you for sharing.
  4. I think they could cast Keanu as Johnny Utah again, he looks the same and his acting hasn't matured at all. Real question is who will play Pappas? Hey Utah, get me two!
  5. Got to a pet store and buy a bottle of the stuff used to remove pet stains and odor from carpet. There are a couple that are "natural" "enzyme action" that I have found to be safe on most materials. Will also work if an animal pisses on your gear at a dog friendly DZ. Good luck Doug
  6. Yeah, I read the insert as well, I was wondering what if any peoples experiences were... 60fps is not just for slow motion, it provides smoother video overall. Just wondering if anyone had any pros or cons about USING one or the other actually in the sky. Or maybe any difference in editing... Oh well Im leaving for Belize tomorrow a.m. I guess its trial and error, again Thanks
  7. So Ive read a lot and seen the comparisons but I have only heard talk of comparing r2 r4 r5 video settings. Considering r3 is at 60fps this would seem to make for smoother video. I have yet to test my (my wifes) GoPro in the sky only on the ground and this seems to be the case, it does seem smoother at the r3 setting. I was planning on r3 in the sky but I haven't heard any talk of r3 on the forums, maybe someone could enlighten me at to their experience... Thanks
  8. *Bump* This should be at the top of the list, we are going to mutha fuckin Belize in a week YO!!! Am I the only one psyched about this Boogie?? Ive been to many boogies but I have high expectations for this. Beach landings, water landings, scuba, the great blue hole, golf carts, sunshine, rum, going home with teva feet, absolutely NO work, Crown and 7, more golf carts, WHAT A RECIPE!!! Did I miss any ingredients?? Doug & Kimberly
  9. Mum Hard to believe indeed... Kimberly and I think of Lee, and all of you often. Lee was a big man with a big heart that was always a joy to be around, even now when I think of him he makes me smile. You should always know that Lee will not be forgotten. Doug
  10. Can I get in on this, or do I have to dis the Farm first?
  11. mum we still smile when we think of him. Doug
  12. I think of Lee a lot... Let me know how Wednesday goes, Ive got a good feeling about it.
  13. Sadie is just waiting for you to leave so she can have that little dog for a snack.
  14. Funny, an angry/condescending post DENYING being angry, directed at another poster. I would like to assume you are being facetious, if not well then its even funnier. I read SC specifically for the anger, and wonder if I WERE to meet some of the SC posters in person at a DZ after jumping wound they be so argumentative and negative or is that just an internet anonymity thing. Then I try to reason, Im sure each of you are good people in your own way so I expect it would be a good experience. (no sarcasm intended) For instance if you were to meet cocheese after jumping and he were to make the comment about SC verses why he posts in the Bonfire would you, immediately and to his face, attack the intellect of the the bonfire (and subsequently him) or would you try to explain that the SC isn't an angry place, but posters are just very passionate and it sometimes has a negative edge or tone because it is over the internet and there aren't adequate tolerance/understanding smiley faces?
  15. Well although Ive been at a lot of the boogies mentioned here, and had a blast, I will have to concur with Krisanne that my 1st was probably the most memorable. In 2000 I had done a tandem and wanted to do AFF so a friend of mine who was a jumper said you can do it at this "event" in Quincy IL. So I flew up there solo to meet him there (he was going to rent an RV) I got there thur night while they were still setting up so I slept in my car (my friend didnt show up until fri). Fri morning I went and registered for AFF with Doug and Todd from Chicagoland and it all began. I went there having no expectations and was totally overwhelmed, the people, Rod's Jet Ranger, Mullins King Air, hot air balloons, so many crazy planes, the night parties, the people, the super cell storm that came through and leveled the big top tents and everything not nailed down, hearing Mullins KA fire up and take up a load within 10 minutes after the cell had passed, seeing a 60 way from the ground and being amazed that I could hear it traveling through the air when it was built, basically living on the DZ for ten days with everything you needed within a golf cart ride... I left there a licensed skydiver and things havent been the same since. The next weekend back home I went to my local DZ to jump and thought it would be like it was at the WFFC I had no idea that it wasnt like that everywhere. Also interesting was WFFC 2001 the following year, my then girlfriend now wife had just gotten off AFF and we forged her logbook (not a good idea, but it is what it is) so she could jump there... We were flat broke but we loaded up the car with tents and anything that would fit and headed to Quincy. Ten days in a tent in the Qunicy heat. Hot and broke but good times none the less!! Many memories there. One memory stands out, we were partying one night and we had a strobe and glow sticks and this guy with a long Mohawk wanders up. We start talking to him and the conversation comes to what hes doing here, he says "hes here to swoop". I ask "thats your job?" he says "yes, well it will be!" So one of my friends standing there listening in gets paranoid and says "no one swoops as a job, he is local FIVE-O trying to bust some skydivers" The next day we are watching the practice for the swoop comp and here comes "five-O" carving across the pond. I look at my friend and give him shit... Well of course it turned out to be PDs Jay Moledzki... Yea Five-O, in retrospect very funny. Sorry Jay...