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feuergnom last won the day on April 7

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  1. I have a vortex II thats been sitting for quite a while now that i want to sell - but the foam padding in the back is heavily deteriorating. Vacuuming didn't help, nor blowing it out with high pressure air. any time you put it on you are full with crumbly, sticky particles. any thoughts how to solve this other than trashing it?
  2. But if only one country granted him access he would be denied a reentry into the US - technically at least...
  3. So it would be practical if trump left the country for a day or two?
  4. And Everybody is still waiting for the main goon to get hit...
  5. Forgot to add some sort of emoticon to make or clear that I am part of the problem and I feel home here for varios reasons No need to get riled up so lighten up a bit. Times are dire enough
  6. The poll tells is that SC is inhabtitated by a bunch of old farts - not that I would have guessed anything Different
  7. This thread has been going for three years now. What is puzzling is the fact, that apart from his enablers getting verdicts and having to face some serious consequences, the main goon has still managed to escape all efforts to dish out a vital conviction that Puts him into the place any normal joe blow would have been in no time
  8. As for the US compromise is not in sight Guess it's like the old Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times
  9. long live the wisdom of the fathers of the constitution... /s/ and there is no way to get rid of that one
  10. To be more precise: everybody gets the government made possible by all the people who decide not to vote And half (or more) of the voting populace voting for right wing ideologies. At least that has been the trend for the last 10 to 15 years worldwide...
  11. And that holds true to any other country dealing or suffering from rightwing parties and governments. Which leads me to the thought that the American model of democracy is quite a success
  12. Its all spelled out in the open Guess it's time to buckle up, cause the training heading towards dictatorship has its schedule printed out in detail... .