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Everything posted by mangledspoon

  1. Anything that gets me pissed But Jim Beam, White wine, girly drinks
  2. That's how I started too... on my list, thought it was just going to be one, then couldn't stop thinking about it and had to do it again (and still can't stop thinking about it) Haha...
  3. At least with normal food you can find some joy in knowing that they will eventually stop their evil smacking noises. When they have gum there is no escape! Especially stuck on public transport with them.
  4. Or sitting on the train and someone sitting next to you sniffs every 3 seconds, or even worse, snorts up big chunks of goober. You just want to hand them a tissue and go "Blow your F'ing nose!!!!!" AND you just KNOW they're going to give you their flu
  5. I check the weather website for the weekend's weather... daily. It keeps changing! On Monday it said it would be rainy, today it said "some showers, only in the morning" and I'm hoping by friday it will have changed to "Fine". Teehee. I also look up at the planes to see if I could jump them, and when it's really windy go "Gees, wouldn't want to jump with this wind."
  6. Sweet, I hope my first year will be that awesome. I've had a bit of a slow start though so we'll see hehe. Good on you though, that rocks
  7. I'm having the same sort of issues as you. I think what I've been doing is sticking too much to those altitudes you mentioned, and it was causing me to go to far downwind, or not far enough, depending on the wind. This past weekend I decided I would play it by ear... I've had enough jumps now that I can sort of guess if I've gone too far downwind and all that, so this instead of sticking so hard to the 1000,500,200, I just turned when I thought I was going too far downwind, wasted some altitude time going into wind (as it wouldn't blow me too far away), then did the cross wind, and finally into wind - probably not at 200, but when I felt I was in the right place. Did a few half brake turns to lose a little more altitude, and finally landed in the circle for my first time without assistance. I don't know if this would help you, but seeing you have roughly about the same jumps as me, instead of sticking so strictly to the heights try to play it by ear and see how you go. *shrug* Or read that post someone linked above hehe.
  8. Rained all weekend here Managed to squeeze in a hop and pop before the rain started again though! Yay 1 jump
  9. I dunno, I remember my dreams pretty good when I've been pissed! Some of my most amusing dreams ever have been either drunk dreams, dreams when I've had the flu, or dreams when I've had little to no sleep. I would also agree with someone up there who mentioned writing down dreams as soon as you wake up, I've been doing this for years. For some reason the more you record them, the more often you remember them. It's weird, but true.
  10. I hope it never wears off :) Best thing I ever did in my entire life was take up skydiving, it makes me so freaking happy. I love spending hours daydreaming about it, thinking about the next jump / the last jump.
  11. I want to get into it, but as you can see by my profile, I've got a long way to go
  12. I had my first off-dz landing on my first solo jump too :) I was like "Oh no, the power lines are too close!" When they weren't really, so turned away from the DZ and landed in the next paddock with a bunch of cows, hehe.
  13. Five? Damn. In Australia it's 10... i'm so never going to get there hahah
  14. Hehe, just this past weekend there were two students in the air (me off target assistance, but still with student gear etc) and an AFF Lvl 4. The TA on the ground thought I was the AFF Lvl 4, so he gave me instruction and forgot about the poor lvl 4 student! Ahh well. She landed safely - but far away! Luckily she realised he was pointing her in the wrong direction and was able to land into wind.
  15. I'm embarrassed to admit I have no idea what Tivo is... not too sure about DVR either... does that mean I'm old already? I'm only 22! AHH! I have never been able to pause a show, or any of that stuff...that must be pretty handy.
  16. That's what I'm doing at the moment too :) The way I see it, I want to feel a little more ready and have enjoyed myself solo before spending more money and doing more 'serious' coach jumps... I've been doing as you said, toe taps, arching, leaving the plane in a backflip/frontflip, practicing turns, tracking, etcetera.. yeah, i'm probably teaching myself bad habits, but at least I'm practicing :)
  17. Mine says 40 new threads, 829 new posts
  18. I noticed about food and water on that website, but what if he needs to go to the loo?!
  19. Would if I could. The nearest place with snow is a couple of thousand kms a way in winter :( But skydiving is year round, so yay!
  20. Sounds like you did great under canopy. I've done 18 jumps and I have yet to land in the centre of the landing zone! haha, I am the crappiest canopy pilot... I also barely ever land on my feet. I think it's because I don't consciously think to land on my feet, I just... land. So it's usually butt or knees. Anyway, congrats!
  21. Hehe, weirdly enough, I NEVER looked at the ground till at least my eighth jump. They kept asking me afterwards, "What was your ground heading?" and I never had one. Then on my first solo jump, that was all I did - stare at the ground.. and alti.