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Everything posted by mangledspoon

  1. I've been doing some coach jumps lately, and at the moment as I'm not the best skydiver, my instructors have been matching their fall rate to mine to make the objectives of the dive easier for me, and then when they get down they complain that I fly too flat... I know if they arched harder, I would arch harder to match them as that's what I'm supposed to do... but they just keep matching me and then complaining! I feel like by them matching my rate I'm getting into the bad habit of a lazy arch... I don't know if I should just arch like crazy and then end up lower, continue flying relative, or what?? Should I just ask them to stop doing this, I don't feel like I'm learning properly. I would rather they just arch like crazy to FORCE me to do the same. I don't know what I'm posting this for, I guess opinions?
  2. I must be the only one that actually likes it Mind you, purple and blue is my fave colour, and I happen to think yellow goes well with both. meh.
  3. It's been 3 weeks and I still haven't been sent my 'A' licence in the mail I hate the waiting game.
  4. To me that sounds like bad luck - and the jumping in a lightning storm sounds like your DZ being unsafe... hmm... I think line twists are fairly common on your first few jumps though, due to the fact students are sometimes spinners or don't have the best body position during opening... Downwind landings can be prevented if possible by making sure you watch the windsock / other jumpers land / direction of any smoke / feel of the wind... but it's good that you did a good PLF. Anyway I'm still a newbie myself and can't say too much... but I've had line twists and a downwind landing myself (my own fault)
  5. asparagus, dijon mustard, anchovies, really (REALLY) hot chillis, squash by itself. Apart from that I will eat almost everything. And in the drink department - Campari with Gin.
  6. That's interesting. I had my first cutaway a few weeks ago and my main was spinning in the same way, same kind of response when I went to grab toggles, etc... but I panicked and chopped before I tried to fix the problem... I'm just thinking the thing you described with the toggles being caught sounds like what probably happened with mine... thanks, that was an insight..
  7. Ham and mushroom sandwich, with a few chunks of carrot & chicken leftover from last nights curry chucked in there... pretty weird, but tasted good!
  8. In 'n' Out, hmm interesting name for a fast food place, he he. I'm from Aus so I only know the top three, but have been to a few of the others when I went to the US (Wendys, Taco Bell, etc) Wow, you guys have more take away places than I remember... what about Jack in the Box? I liked that when I was there. They had some insanely fatty burger with three types of cheese. It was some serious fatty goodness.
  9. :3:3 -First malfunction / reserve ride -First freefall kiss -got "A" licence (well, completed requirements & sent away for it) Lotsa beer...
  10. wtf, who have you been with? Since when does it dry up in there?
  11. Hmm, for me I just thought it smelled like cow poo, because I use student gear and the jumpsuit / rig always ends up landing in cow poo...whether from me or someone else Can we swear in this forum?
  12. I actually had an AFF1 student jump my packing test on the weekend! I watched nervously from the ground, but all was well thank god! Imagine if the poor guy had a problem on his first jump and it was my fault... eek!
  13. Did you pay attention to your legs as well as position of arms when you tried to fix the spin? Just a thought. I've got a recurring problem with my legs (always too wide) which I still have troubles with now, I have to consciously think about them on every single jump and click my heels together.
  14. Don't worry about forgetting something important, that's why they have two people holding onto you, because everyone is nervous and experiencing sensory overload their first time! Hehe, I did AFF1 for my first jump, and as soon as I got out of the door I spent at least 10 seconds going "Oh, I've actually left the plane." "Holy crap this is awesome!" "Ooh look at the pretty world." etcetera etcetera, and didn't even notice the first time my instructor tapped me to remind me to do my practice ripcord pulls ... Once she reminded me again though my training kicked in and I remembered to do everything. So you're not totally alone! You'll be right
  15. Hmm thanks for all the comments guys. I didn't know much about the reserve so I will definitely take those comments on board. I had heard about F111's not lasting as long - I was told the canopy would have at least 500 jumps left on it though... it did fly nice but I think I will keep looking, I'm not sure if I feel that comfortable with a 150 either. I think it is only just a 1:1 wing loading, if I gain any weight at all it would probably push me over! The main reason I was looking at this is because my chief instructor is the one who has it at the DZ to sell, he seems to think I would be capable with it and that it is freefly friendly / decent to use etc etc... but I was sceptical due to the two pin, old age, smaller size... anyway I think I'm rambling
  16. I would be getting a Cypres fitted to it if I did buy it. And I am 65 kilos / 143lbs
  17. Teardrop container, supposedly freefly friendly - two pins Falcon 150 main, dom 1990 reserve (i forget what size, but it is Microraven) dom 1989 main has 445 jumps, reserve has 0. No cypres I have test jumped it once and it flew great and the lines all look great still... I did have eight or nine line twists but I'm assuming this was probably my fault anyway... It is being sold with altimeter, packing mat, log book cover, weight belts It has been suggested to me to offer $1400 (AU), but I would have thought due to age it would be worth less than this...? Any ideas?
  18. Hehe I've already learned to not mention things when I do it for the first time. Or I say "err, that was the second time I did it..." *shifty eyes*
  19. Man, it took me way too long to get that joke, but haha, it was good
  20. lmao, that's cool... i love how he continues chewing for a while then his eyes roll back and he stops chewing...
  21. I had that problem with toggles at first too, weirdly enough after downsizing from a 270 to a 230 it got worse . Another student found the same thing too but the instructors all thought we were crazy, since the smaller it is the easier it's supposed to be! I'm used to it now, I think as you said in an earlier post, it's about getting more of a pushing action than a pulling action, and also practicing up high helps. Try to use your shoulders and upper arms to put the weight into pushing the toggles down, rather than your forearms.
  22. Well I have a lot less jumps than you, but yes I feel quite uncomfortable with the canopy part still! It just freaks me out, I'll be ages away from a tree / fence and I'll think that it's really close when it isn't.... so I'll turn away from the LZ just so I can land 'safely' when I probably would have landed safe anyway... it's nuts. I'm hoping I'll eventually get over this, I already have 2 off-DZ landings and many landings which are about 50m+ away from the target... not to mention the downwinders... I haven't really done much stalling either, I did it once during my AFF and almost shit myself In short, I am probably the crappiest canopy pilot ever